Despite the scoreline, I thought it was a good game to watch plenty of skills, agresssion, big hits, sell out crowd, thats what World Club Challenge is all about. The problem I thought was the refereeing, Hampstead blew the whistle too many times when it wasnt needed, didnt have a good game. Could someone tell me why they picked him over Russell Smith and Tim Mander? I wouldve preferred Glen Black over Hampstead.
But apart from the refereeing, I thought the game was good. Full credit to Leeds they are a world champion side and they showed it too, even though it was against a depleted Bulldogs outfit, but I didnt think the Bulldogs played that bad. Good effort from them, even though they made a number of mistakes in the first half, it was just those little mistakes that came back to haunt them. Williams tried his best, and was still making hits even though they were 38-16 at the time, but never gave up.
I agree it wouldve been a better game if Mason, Ryan, O'Meley and Sherwin were playing, but still did alright, theyve got plenty of depth and are gonna be hard to beat this year.