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Let's talk about Union thread no 101

Polynesian Warrior said:
RWC final vs Bledisloe Cup :lol:

The best Rugby Union game of each year...

Polynesian Warrior said:
So when is league going to make the top 5 sports ratings ever ?;-)


Union has gone from #1 with over 4 million to not even in the top 100 with 1.1 million and you're worried about League's ratings?

Union had one good four week period more than two years ago. End of story.

League's ratings are on the increase. The League GF's ratings are in the national top 20 every year and SOO along with the GF are in the top 10 of Sydney and Brisbane every year.

You remember what an increase is Turdy, Union experienced it from 2002 to 2003.

You probably won't experience it again though....:lol:


This is a thread about ruling the world. So, we agree that rugby league rules Eastern Australia. Congratulations, all.

As for the World, rugby league is but a blip on the screen. You guys talk about the Rugby World Cup and its shortcomings, but at least when we start a World Cup series we continue them, every four years.

And the qualifying and playing schedule is laid out a couple of years in advance, not to mention that countries actually compete for the privilege of holding the World Cup.

Compare and contrast with the rugby league version. For starters, the 2004 League World Cup was not even held, due to lack of interest. There appears to be little or no interest in hosting the event, and certainly no competitiveness among the few countries that play league to host it. And there is still no qualifying or playing schedule. Then again, with no international body for rugby league, that is hardly a surprise, is it?

The NRL clubs do not actually want a World Cup at all, from what I can gather. And who can blame them? After all, the NRL is the centre of rugby league world-wide. The international dimension of the game is just a hindrance.

Oh, but the domestic ratings are good, in Eastern Australia.:D

The rest of the world could not give a rat's ass about tv ratings in Eastern Australia.
Woods99 said:
This is a thread about ruling the world. So, we agree that rugby league rules Eastern Australia. Congratulations, all.

As for the World, rugby league is but a blip on the screen. You guys talk about the Rugby World Cup and its shortcomings, but at least when we start a World Cup series we continue them, every four years.

And the qualifying and playing schedule is laid out a couple of years in advance, not to mention that countries actually compete for the privilege of holding the World Cup.

Compare and contrast with the rugby league version. For starters, the 2004 League World Cup was not even held, due to lack of interest. There appears to be little or no interest in hosting the event, and certainly no competitiveness among the few countries that play league to host it. And there is still no qualifying or playing schedule. Then again, with no international body for rugby league, that is hardly a surprise, is it?

The NRL clubs do not actually want a World Cup at all, from what I can gather. And who can blame them? After all, the NRL is the centre of rugby league world-wide. The international dimension of the game is just a hindrance.

Oh, but the domestic ratings are good, in Eastern Australia.:D

The rest of the world could not give a rat's ass about tv ratings in Eastern Australia.


You seriously think that Union matches get an audience don't you?

Remember this statement?

Woods99 said:
And when you talk about local ratings for games like the Bledisloe, please bear in mind that it is actually televised live to a number of other countries throughout the world, apart from Australia......a television audience which rugby league would give its right arm for.:cool:

When are you going to back that up?

What are the Bledisloe ratings outside of NZ and Australia?

Come on, impress me, I'm ready to be impressed...


League may be a blip and no one here is disputing that to my knowledge but you seem to think Union isn't a blip.

It is, it's just a slightly larger blip worldwide than League.


Everlovin' Antichrist said:
*bark bark*

Well, now you recognise that the Bledisloe is shown in New Zealand as well as in Australia. That's a big step forward for you, isn't it?

As for the size of our respective blips, I think I will settle for the bigger one. The smaller one is absolutely tiny. At least the bigger one has a proper international body, an international playing schedule, a decent World Cup held every four years, and on and on.:cool:

The only argument you have going for you is that league out-rates rugby union in Eastern Australia. On every other measure, world-wide, rugby union out-rates, out-ranks, and out-draws rugby league.:D Oh, except in PNG and Lebanon.:roll:
Woods99 said:
Well, now you recognise that the Bledisloe is shown in New Zealand as well as in Australia. That's a big step forward for you, isn't it?

As for the size of our respective blips, I think I will settle for the bigger one. The smaller one is absolutely tiny. At least the bigger one has a proper international body, an international playing schedule, a decent World Cup held every four years, and on and on.:cool:

The only argument you have going for you is that league out-rates rugby union in Eastern Australia. On every other measure, world-wide, rugby union out-rates, out-ranks, and out-draws rugby league.:D Oh, except in PNG and Lebanon.:roll:

Yap, yap, yap, even from your perceived position of strength, you've got nothing. You wipe the floor with yourself.

All you're doing is avoiding answering the question put to you about Bledisloe's Worldwide ratings.

Union has no position of strength by any stretch of the imagination in world-wide terms, so you're bragging about something that has nothing braggable.

You're a low-grade whining troll.

The Mods here should send your sorry arse to TFC.
To prove the point.

The NFL is played in one country and the salary cap of one team could probably buy every professional Rugby Union player on the planet.



Woods99 said:
Well, now you recognise that the Bledisloe is shown in New Zealand as well as in Australia. That's a big step forward for you, isn't it?

As for the size of our respective blips, I think I will settle for the bigger one. The smaller one is absolutely tiny. At least the bigger one has a proper international body, an international playing schedule, a decent World Cup held every four years, and on and on.:cool:

The only argument you have going for you is that league out-rates rugby union in Eastern Australia. On every other measure, world-wide, rugby union out-rates, out-ranks, and out-draws rugby league.:D Oh, except in PNG and Lebanon.:roll:

Eastern Australia :lol:
Everlovin' Antichrist said:
To prove the point.

The NFL is played in one country and the salary cap of one team could probably buy every professional Rugby Union player on the planet.




Now he use NFL :lol:
Everlovin' Antichrist said:
Yap, yap, yap, even from your perceived position of strength, you've got nothing. You wipe the floor with yourself.

All you're doing is avoiding answering the question put to you about Bledisloe's Worldwide ratings.

Union has no position of strength by any stretch of the imagination in world-wide terms, so you're bragging about something that has nothing braggable.

You're a low-grade whining troll.

The Mods here should send your sorry arse to TFC.

If you are talking Rugby vs League then Woods has a point . And you have the Eastern States of Australia .


Woods99 said:
Well, now you recognise that the Bledisloe is shown in New Zealand as well as in Australia. That's a big step forward for you, isn't it?

As for the size of our respective blips, I think I will settle for the bigger one. The smaller one is absolutely tiny. At least the bigger one has a proper international body, an international playing schedule, a decent World Cup held every four years, and on and on.:cool:

The only argument you have going for you is that league out-rates rugby union in Eastern Australia. On every other measure, world-wide, rugby union out-rates, out-ranks, and out-draws rugby league.:D Oh, except in PNG and Lebanon.:roll:

ANd how did RU get to its undoubted position of proliferation above league?

By using immoral methods such as banning any of its players from ever playing union again if it tried RL just once.

RU's attitude towards league over the decades was the reason my love for the superior technical and tactical sport grew to accomodate a hatred for RU. I could never support a movement with such a terrible history.

The reason you union types hang out on here is due to fear and nothing else. You have to massage your insecurities by verbally jousting with leaguies: you know that union is inferior in every way, you know that league is growing rapidly since the ban was lifted in 1995 (research Hansard), you also know that you want to watch RL but you've tied your colours to the good ship rah rah.

I apologise if this is meandering down The Fight Club path, but the only - THE ONLY - argument rah rahs have is 'my sport's bigger than yours' without ever addressing whys and wherefores.


Polynesian Warrior said:
So when is league going to make the top 5 sports ratings ever ?

Repetitive questioning? How ironic. DOes this ring a bell, PW;

Which sport has more running and tackling in it, RL or RU?

I've not asked you now for what seems like months!


You are banging your Heads against a Brick Wall with these 2 folks (PW and Woody Woodpecker) like ALL Union Apologists they have the Old Ignore, Deflect and repeat the Obvious down to a fine Art.

Unlike PW who still hasnt responded to the Information provided to him on the France Issue (cant blame him though, Union folk will never debate something unless they think they can win it) i will Answer your Questions.

As for the Bloodyslow Cup a couple of years ago that Won its Viewing share over the NRL and AFL Games of the same Weekend, then i concede and Congratulate you. Yes i do, fancy thr Biggest, most hyped Game of the year In Union down under beating 2 'Club' Games in a domestic Comp, Boy you Guys must have been rightly proud of it. Once you have changed your Underwear over that, i take it you have then compared like for like as in the RL Anzac Test, SOO etc,etc.

Also the World Cup Final seemed to do well. 25 million world wide is a very good figure (funny, i could have swore Mr O' Neil forecasted 3 Billion) as for the viewing total in Australia....very Impressive (see PW we admit things, we dont hide from Arguments like yourself). I take all these people who watched now still tune in to watch the Game they play in Hell do they, or thats right, they tuned in for a ONE OFF Game, very Good figures, but a ONE OFF all the less.

As for Woods99 or whatever it is, take yourself, Great Britain, NZ and France out of that 25 million 'correct' figure and you are left with F*** all. Do you Union apologists belive all that 3 Billion crap, folk in Huts in yet to be discovered Amazon Countries. huddled round their Tellies tuning in. No, because as i have admitted before Union IS Bigger than League around the world as a whole, we admit it and dont deflect it, like you do on certain Subjects. But what it isnt, is this Massive, worldwide popular Game that you Jokers belive it is, it ISNT.

Now can you both go back onto the France thread and respond to the Information provided which shows how you Union Chappies deal with those nasty League types getting ideas above their station, and tell us is this why Union is bigger than League in France, and is this the reason it is so in other Countries.

Come on Guys. Debate is all about giving and taking in opinions and Facts, not blabbing on about only the ones you want and ignoring the ones you dont.

Ta Ta