As I've said many times before. If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen. But I don't believe that is the optimum solution. Gongpanther, the LOL@50uff$ movement is meant to unify the fans of all NRL clubs (other than Souffs), not divide us. Please, join us and share a LOL@50uff$, so the world one day can live as one (barring LOL@50uff$ fans, sorry about that

As a Panthers fan you certainly qualify. Just ask your fellow Panthers supporter Goosie. He originally came here with the misguided intention of defending Souffs. However after witnessing the round 26 miracle and the banner of Vern, Perverse and The Joey Show that was lifted to the heavens in all it's glory, he was swiftly converted. Goosie admitted the error of his ways and shared a hearty LOL@50uff$ with the rest of us. There is still hope for you my friend.
Or at least, think of the future generations. You want your kids to live in a world that is filled with laughter? A poster like this one can end wars and deliver lasting peace...
The Power of LOL@50uff$ Compels You! Join us brother!