The relegation of London and its failure to develop as a force in Superleague, demonstrates the poor vision and strategic planning of the English Super League administration as a whole.
Having a team in Leigh, or Barrow or Dewsbury of Cumbria is great for the residents of Cumbria, Barrow, Dewsbury et al, but for the credibility of the game, having a team in the main city of the UK, in fact one of the main cities of the world, has so much more potential.
The fact that for 20 years, the London Crusaders, Broncos, Quinns and Broncos have not been able to do jack, is pretty unbelievable. The Super League should be investing heavily in the team and making it happen. Get a ground, get an infrastructure, do promotion, get players, get development squads. The comparison to the Sydney Swans and Brisbane in the AFL is an obvious one to make.
Money is obviously the key.
England, is still a rich place. Surely, there isn't someone out there with the ability to make this happen?
After a successful world cup, League advances to the rear and back to the heartlands.