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Lots of cash and noone to spend it on?


If Joey does retire, and there is a cleanout of current players off contract, that could be quite a bit of cash to buy players for 2008. But we don't want any Reynoldson type purchases.

I had a full list of players off contract at the end of this year but misplaced it, anyone else have one?

Personally, I think we have TOO much depth right now and not enough quality in the top 17. Therefore I'd like to see us pick up 2 or 3 really good genuine firstgraders, even if we lose 10 players all together we have the depth coming up to cover it.

But the question is...who is out there that we actually want? Especially in the halves.

I would love Anthony Tupou and Steve Matai (he's got Lyon and Bell and Burns all there, not sure where Eagles see him fitting in if everyone is fit, but he's the type of centre we need).

As for halves, Soward or Lewis might have to do.
With Joey and Reyno almost definately going you'd expect atleast 650k to 750k to be free so after player upgrades probably $500k.

Matai would be a massive signing, his got the type of aggression thats lacking our backline except for maddog.

Soward would be an excellent cheap signing as well. - But do we need him with our developing halves?


Baron Vo Mandor said:
Soward would be an excellent cheap signing as well. - But do we need him with our developing halves?

Hard to say, but I think it would be good to have another half there with a bit of first grade experience rather than just Walsh or Dureau to step straight in with a 19 year old partner in Mullen. It's not Soward would cost that much, and it could be good to have options. I don't know if anyone better or more experienced is on the market though.


Soward will be destined to play out his career in Premier League. It's where he excels. I thought Reynoldson still has a year to go in his contract? Hopefully I'm wrong. Matai is a grub.

Don't forget to look over in the ESL. Brian's brother is now the National coach, so I'm sure he could set us up with a couple of quality players who wish to prove themselves in the toughest competition. :D
I actually rate Soward to be honest with you. He is far and away the best half at the club, though one of the two youngins they are blooding at the moment may develope.

Only thing thats stopped him is his size which is a hurdle that no matter how hard you work its virtually impossible to overcome(noticeable exception Preston)


1. Hodges


2. a top shelf prop

thats my shopping list...

having said that, I dont think Hodges will leave SE QLD.. :(


No chance at Hodges - we'd need a $500,000 1 or 2 year deal to get him.

Why Soward - have any of you seen Walsh and Deurea play? We don't need the next Anasta thankyou veyr much - i'll stick with those two guys both of which could prove to be better players then Mullen.

We need a rep quality centre - that is so painfully obvious after the past 4 weeks. A explosive forward like Tupou would be excellent. I reckon he'd come back too, he seems to miss his brothers a lot.


Red and Blue Knight said:
No chance at Hodges - we'd need a $500,000 1 or 2 year deal to get him.

Why Soward - have any of you seen Walsh and Deurea play? We don't need the next Anasta thankyou veyr much - i'll stick with those two guys both of which could prove to be better players then Mullen.

We need a rep quality centre - that is so painfully obvious after the past 4 weeks. A explosive forward like Tupou would be excellent. I reckon he'd come back too, he seems to miss his brothers a lot.

Yes we definitiley need a rep quality centre. But we won't get near Hodges, Matai is realistic I think. Tupou would be brilliant in our pack, he's exactly what we are looking for.

I've seen Walsh and Dureau play and they may well be the future of the club, but they don't have a single first grade appearance between them and I think it would be nice to at least have some options in the halves next season. Soward is just an example of someone I think we would get, but I'd prefer someone better if they were available.

Now that I think about it, if Sherwin gets his spot back in first grade, I wouldn't mind having a crack at Ben Roberts.

I'm just assuming that the really big name halfbacks won't be available.


Don't like Ben Roberts or Soward. If I had to choose I would go Ben Roberts. I think he might be future international for Kiwis. But still dont like the bloke.

Matai would be a great buy, if we somehow by some freak of nature sign Hodges would be worth a good 450k a year if you ask me.

Is Tupou off contract? If he is we should be on his arse right as we speak.

Who in the ESL is actually off contract? I would assume alot of players would want to try out in the NRL just to prove how good they are even if they get paid peanuts. Then again I've only ever rated 2 British players: Keiren Cunningham and Stuart Feilden.

Would like to see some fresh faces I say!!!
Red and Blue Knight said:
No chance at Hodges - we'd need a $500,000 1 or 2 year deal to get him.

Why Soward - have any of you seen Walsh and Deurea play? We don't need the next Anasta thankyou veyr much - i'll stick with those two guys both of which could prove to be better players then Mullen.

We need a rep quality centre - that is so painfully obvious after the past 4 weeks. A explosive forward like Tupou would be excellent. I reckon he'd come back too, he seems to miss his brothers a lot.

Hardly at all to be honest with you, but I honestly reckon that Soward is all class. Hopefully your right in regards to them being something special.

And rep quality centre, best on the market apart from Hodges who I am worried about playing away from Brisbane after his disastrous effort @ the Roosters, would have to be Matai. Would love to see him at the knights,.


First Grade
Don't need Soward - in fact we don't need more young halves, we've already got Mullen/Dureau/Walsh! Having Buderus also should help with the young fellas.

A top class centre as many said, even someone thats good enough to get an eye in to City/Country is much better than the Carmonts going around.

Wouldn't mind a quality prop as well, if Perry keeps up his rubbish we could give him the flick and stick with the young props coming through.

Priority 1 - Centre, 2 - Prop

And I'll keep dreaming about Hodges too Mac :p


soward is the one we go after i reckon he has great passing, one of the quickest in the league over 40 mtrs and great kicking game he would do our team wonders.... (my brother follows netown) he is the best half at the roosters and with the way he is bing treated there he will def be wanting out im guessing.
I'd be keeping Newton in the front row with strict orders not to pass, if he can make 13+ barnstorming runs that his great at, he'd be more than making a worthy contribution to the team.

With Sargant, White, Tolar and Woolnough(and numerous others) are we really that desperate for a front rower?


Maybe not a front rower - a quality one with a good attitude would be nice though.


I think Jason Ryles is playing his best footy atm. He should chuck a BK and sign with us for 2 years and become a great clubsman even if he only played 2 years.