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Mad Dog 2009 Poll



    Votes: 10 23.8%

    Votes: 18 42.9%

    Votes: 14 33.3%

  • Total voters

Joker's Wild

Slow - tick
Unexplosive - tick
Lack of passing game - tick

All of those first four qualities you listed are qualities you look for in a winger, not a centre.

Well first of all I was making a point about how he has proven himself a 1st grader, not specifically a 1st grade centre.

While his speed is a little below par compared to other outside backs he is by no means slow.

What do you mean by "unexplosive"? He can bust tackles better than most and runs straight into the line all day. Give me outright leg-drive over "explosivness" any day.

The part Ive bolded. Jimmy set up Vuna for a 40m try aginst the Warriors in the trial at the start of the year while playing in the centres.
A f**king trial game? I'm convinced...


McMinus is a pile of nothing. Did you see where he was standing when Mad Dog was getting shoved into touch in the first 10 mins on Sunday? Out of bounds! He didn't even give mAdam a chance to get out of it. Then he backed it up with a ridiculous 20+ metre pass for no reason that put Kurt under pressure when he simply should've done one of his "strong kick returns". I have no idea why people perpetuate this myth. He was outpaced by Danny Wicks a few weeks ago chasing Morris down the field and only scores gift tries (and not nearly enough of them).

When the hell has he ever busted a tackle let alone done it all day? If you want "leg-drive", Vuna's got him beat too.

Joker's Wild

A f**king trial game? I'm convinced...


McMinus is a pile of nothing. Did you see where he was standing when Mad Dog was getting shoved into touch in the first 10 mins on Sunday? Out of bounds! He didn't even give mAdam a chance to get out of it. Then he backed it up with a ridiculous 20+ metre pass for no reason that put Kurt under pressure when he simply should've done one of his "strong kick returns". I have no idea why people perpetuate this myth. He was outpaced by Danny Wicks a few weeks ago chasing Morris down the field and only scores gift tries (and not nearly enough of them).

When the hell has he ever busted a tackle let alone done it all day? If you want "leg-drive", Vuna's got him beat too.

Go download the Parra game from last year champ. While your at it do the same for the GC game from this year, Warriors game rd 4, Roosters game rd 15, Melbourne rd 9 to see just how much of a difference Jimmy makes to the team with kick returns, outstanding defence and a lesson on how to get to the line with minimal space, through 1-2 defenders.

Top work for pointing out couple of mistakes (thats all they were) and totally disregarding an entire 1 1/2 seasons of great work on and off the ball.

Wicks has outpaced the entire Roosters back line including Sam Perret ffs, hardly a conclusion that Jimmy is slow champ.

Gift trys? Meaning an open line with noone in front of him? Please give me an eg of one of these gifts you speak of as Im struggling to find 1 that he didnt have to beat at least 1 defender to get the ball down.

Ive said this before and Ill say it again, if we have all flash and no substance in our backline we will leak 20-40 points a week. Jimmy saves more than he scores, far more, and that is just as valuable to a team as getting over the stripe.
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First Grade
I don't think his body is up for another year, despite what his brain might be telling him. This should be Old Yella's last year.


Time to look forwards people. One good game against a rabble does not make a superstar. He's been poor for the majority of the year...


doogs has been bloody good for us since about round 5ish... when he's taken the field that is. i don't think he's on much more than match payments anyway.

it is time for him to move on though.

Bring it home Knights

First Grade
Top work for pointing out couple of mistakes (thats all they were) and totally disregarding an entire 1 1/2 seasons of great work on and off the ball.

Wicks has outpaced the entire Roosters back line including Sam Perret ffs, hardly a conclusion that Jimmy is slow champ.

Gift trys? Meaning an open line with noone in front of him? Please give me an eg of one of these gifts you speak of as Im struggling to find 1 that he didnt have to beat at least 1 defender to get the ball down.

Ive said this before and Ill say it again, if we have all flash and no substance in our backline we will leak 20-40 points a week. Jimmy saves more than he scores, far more, and that is just as valuable to a team as getting over the stripe.

Very good points indeed!! :D Let's not forget is crunching defence either!


Ive said this before and Ill say it again, if we have all flash and no substance in our backline we will leak 20-40 points a week. Jimmy saves more than he scores, far more, and that is just as valuable to a team as getting over the stripe.

That's exactly why we need Jim somewhere in the centres or on the wing.

I think I've seen him only let 1 try in in 2 years that he could hve stopped. Most wingers in the NRL let 1 in every couple of weeks.

We have the attacking flair of Sau, Uate and Vuna, we need McManus to balance the attack/ defense strenghts of our backline.

Plus he is safe as houses under the high ball.


All this Jimmy to the centre i just don't get... If it aint broke don't fix it. He is playing great for us on the wing... why move him?


can someone please take luke doogs out on the drink and get him to piss on a punter? very valuable cap space wasted there. he looked to be a good buy last year... but just about everyone has overtaken him since.


What else does he need to do exactly?

Here's a very big something he needs to do- play ONE game in first grade at centre :shock:

People can crap on about Luke Lewis, or McManus' ability on the wing until they go blue in the face, but until he actually proves himself in the top grade at centre I don't want to get rid of a player like MacDougall.


Luke MacDoogs doesn't play the type of game smithy likes. he plays deep and hits holes - if you watch the way we play, it is through hands, reasonably shallow, and running angles/beating your man, not running from deep at full pelt.

he is being asked to play a game other than his natural game (in offence but also defence where he is naturally an umbrella defender) and he looks shyte because of it.

meaning either we change our game to suit him, or we turf him. the current situation is untenable.

my feeling is a large part of booting big doogs is hoping he takes his brother with him.


lol oh dear, all that drama getting rid of Reynoldson only to replace him with Luke MacDougall. At least Reynoldson could make first grade.
Go download the Parra game from last year champ. While your at it do the same for the GC game from this year, Warriors game rd 4, Roosters game rd 15, Melbourne rd 9 to see just how much of a difference Jimmy makes to the team with kick returns, outstanding defence and a lesson on how to get to the line with minimal space, through 1-2 defenders.

I've got all the games downloaded already and watched all Knights games very closely already to know where he's at. Thanks for not pointing out a broken tackle though. I knew there wasn't one, but to have a Kelso pusher not point one out obviously proves my point that there never has been one.

That Roosters game of his was dreadful, mate. He would've been told all week that they score from kicks and he dropped 3 of them.

Apart from 3 tackles in the GC I've never seen anything convincing in McManus' defence other than luck. The amount of times he rushes inside his centre to defend he was bound to get a few right eventually.
Top work for pointing out couple of mistakes (thats all they were) and totally disregarding an entire 1 1/2 seasons of great work on and off the ball.
Mate, the list is never ending. But you've missed the point entirely of why I mentioned them, they weren't "just mistakes". What kind of footballer stands out of bounds? A stupid one. Sunday Roast has a highlight of his where he stood out of bounds at dummy half. Again, pure stupidity.

Wicks has outpaced the entire Roosters back line including Sam Perret ffs, hardly a conclusion that Jimmy is slow champ.

Gift trys? Meaning an open line with noone in front of him? Please give me an eg of one of these gifts you speak of as Im struggling to find 1 that he didnt have to beat at least 1 defender to get the ball down.
Man, the guy doesn't even score many trys and you can't think of one where he hasn't simply been on the end of a backline movement? Up until the Manly game a few weeks ago he hadn't managed one try that wasn't from a simply draw and pass and then use the angle to get to the corner.

Ive said this before and Ill say it again, if we have all flash and no substance in our backline we will leak 20-40 points a week. Jimmy saves more than he scores, far more, and that is just as valuable to a team as getting over the stripe.
Well he sure as sh*t isn't scoring many at all.

Who says you can't have flash and substance? Uate is weaving 30-40 metre runs and plowing guys into touch more convincingly then McManus ever has.

The guy has Justin Ryder's abilty with Eric Grothe's enthusiasm. If it were the other way around, you'd have a decent footballer. His streak of starting is dandy and all, but if you're not doing anything, then what's the point?
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Joker's Wild

I've got all the games downloaded already and watched all Knights games very closely already to know where he's at. Thanks for not pointing out a broken tackle though. I knew there wasn't one, but to have a Kelso pusher not point one out obviously proves my point that there never has been one.

He has made a total of 54 tackle breaks alone this year champ so I suggest you go back and have another look at those tapes.

That Roosters game of his was dreadful, mate. He would've been told all week that they score from kicks and he dropped 3 of them.
Agreed he was dreadful against the Roosters in rd 15, my bad. Rd 6 was the game I was thinking off where he made 193 mtrs, 4 tackle breaks and 3 hit ups and nailed every tackle he attempted.

Apart from 3 tackles in the GC I've never seen anything convincing in McManus' defence other than luck. The amount of times he rushes inside his centre to defend he was bound to get a few right eventually.
That will just about do me. How is it luck when it works nearly all the time? A good winger knows when to rush the attacking players and when to slide and Jimmy rarely makes the wrong decision. Most of those “lucky” up and ins have saved certain trys and we should be frickin glad he did given our lack of point scoring ability this season.

Mate, the list is never ending. But you've missed the point entirely of why I mentioned them, they weren't "just mistakes". What kind of footballer stands out of bounds? A stupid one. Sunday Roast has a highlight of his where he stood out of bounds at dummy half. Again, pure stupidity.
Well mate I went over the whole game and I couldn’t see the play you were referring to so I cant comment on it. I will say however that Jimmy is anything but a “stupid player” given the spot on decisions he has made in D and in getting to the line without giving the defence the opportunity to put him over side line, which plenty of wingers these days do by not getting low enough and losing feel of where the touch boundary is.

Man, the guy doesn't even score many trys and you can't think of one where he hasn't simply been on the end of a backline movement? Up until the Manly game a few weeks ago he hadn't managed one try that wasn't from a simply draw and pass and then use the angle to get to the corner.
FFS mate how many wingers score trys from anything other than backline movements or bombs to the wing? Its their frickin job to score that way. Jimmy doesn’t score off kicks cause the Knights rarely attempt them at all. In all but 2 trys Jimmy has scored in the past 2 seasons he has had to beat the first and sometimes the second man to get over the stripe. Using the angle takes vision and timing and it is ridiculous to suggest that it is a simple undertaking to do it right as plenty of wingers get it wrong.

Well he sure as sh*t isn't scoring many at all.
Hardly his fault when none of our outside backs are getting enough ball with “catch, dummy, step” Bailey at 5/8 and Mullo at 7. Hell Im shocked hes had the opportunity to score any at all given our 1 dementional attack. Name 1 of our 3/4s that has scored more trys this year than Jimmy, bet you cant.

Who says you can't have flash and substance? Uate is weaving 30-40 metre runs and plowing guys into touch more convincingly then McManus ever has.
I didn’t say you couldn’t have it, I said it was silly to have all flash and no substance. Id be stoked if we had 2 wingers with Uates speed and agility coupled with Jimmys defencive read and skill under the high ball but reality is we don’t have that luxury. We have Uate who is still very raw, especially in reading 1 on 1 plays and Vuna who is sh!t scared of taking a high ball and makes more mtrs sideways than forward. We need balance in the backline and Jimmy provides that with his safe hands and good metreage from kick returns.

The guy has Justin Ryder's abilty with Eric Grothe's enthusiasm. If it were the other way around, you'd have a decent footballer. His streak of starting is dandy and all, but if you're not doing anything, then what's the point?
Comparing him to Justin Ryder LOL mate you are either taking the piss or I have given you too much credit in the brains department. Justin didn’t even have the build to be a jockey let or loan a footballer so Ill assume you were having a laugh and leave it at that.
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Taking the piss? My name isn't "Joker". Five trys into August for a winger is not something to bring to the table in this debate

Nothing I've seen in almost 2 seasons from Kelso has shown anything more than mildly competent. Anything he does at that level could be done by anyone. The point that he's more stronger than faster is moot since we've got someone stronger and faster than him coming off the bench in Vuna.

I don't believe he stops as many trys as he likes to let the local rag know either. He's ordinary under the kick and apart from the occasional hit when coming off the wing, he's a hopeless defender in the line.

I'm disappointed he kept Tighe off the wing last year after his form in 2005 and now in 08, and was mystified by him keeping Uate out of first grade this year. And frankly, I'd like to see more of Vuna's running game and ability to hook up with Mullen's kicking game.

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