Paullyboy said:
All I can say is...anyone with Madden 2005 has already got 99% of Madden 2006.
This is possibly the worst performance in the history of EA, and Im aware of their rugby and cricket efforts. Sure the game is good - but its EXACTLY THE SAME as 2005. There is 3 minor differences. That boring superstar mode which has about 5 minutes of gameplay before its old, the hitstick on offence and QB vision - which are nice - but you are telling me its taken them 12 months to add that to the game? Because they sure as hell didnt change anything else. The franchise mode is absoultely identical, I thought id accidentally put the 2005 disk in thats how ridiculous it is.
This is definately the last time I buy madden. After all Ive got 2007 already.
Are you out of your mind? The vision cone would have taken a lot of time to implement and it's done very well. The other additions that are handy include o-line shifting adjustements, hot route blocking for TE's and HB's. Or don't you bother to use these? Don't forget the new addition of man lock so you can disguise zone defenses which initially look man to man. And the smart routes are very useful. If you are say 3rd and 10, you hot route like normal, but move the right analog stick down of your desired receiver. This will extened your recievers route beyond the first down marker. Small but very handy. EA have pretty much done everything they can on the current generation of consoles.
I agree the superstar mode is a bit meh but with some tweaking it could be good.
And the QB vision cone is a MASSIVE addition, not a minor addition. It takes time to get used to it but heck I love it.It totally changes the way you play the game.
Madden 2005, 99% of 06? Seriously, you have dead set got rocks in your head.