Has anyone here played NBA 2k12?
I think Madden should really take a leaf out of their 'My Player' mode for the 'My superstar' mode.
It is unreal. I love these types of modes, except Madden's one isn't really special.
In NBA when you create a player you are able to change the types of moves he does (eg, different types of spins, fade aways, jump shots, etc) and then also pick what type of role you have when you pick your position (Eg, 3 point shooter, all round, defender, scorer, ball handler etc). You then play in a rookie showcase and interviewed by the scout of three teams where you have 4 different choices of answers to either excite the team or turn them away from choosing you. They then also go into the draft and show a mock draft and positive's and negative's of your play. The call every player up till your picked (im sure in madden, you would be able to sim through this if you don't do to well and have to wait till later rounds), and also call your name.
Then you negotiate contracts (except for your rookie contract).
Also in madden, if you were drafted by the Texans for example, you always become the starter ahead of Matt Schaub, or any other team. In 2k12 you start off the bench and are given limited minutes to prove yourself, and are able to perform different drills to improve your skills (in madden you can do it through training).
And also in each game you are given objectives and a team mate grade to try to improve as the game goes on and the more you get the more points your recruit to improve your skills.
It is awesome!
And if Madden was to follow this, Superstar mode would be unbelievable experience.
You could even add similar to NCAA 12, finishing your final year of college to improve your draft class prior to playing in the senior bowl.
Would be awesome!!