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Mafia coordinator sign up thread (includes list of upcoming games)


Was funny jm was like where is this prick. Had he not kept us waiting the night before it would of been over. I can honestly say I did not hold the game up. I sent in the census almost as soon as I read my role.


got a few mafia questions for first time mod:
-Person A has a kill, he gets targeted by person B and C who each have redirects. What happens?
-What should you include in writeups and what shouldn't you?
-If a person has more than one power and is targeted with a redirect, which power is redirected?
-If a person is protected and two people target him with a kill, does he die?
-What is a standard win condition for an indie?
-How many barbie shrimps does it take to get sick?
-How many Fosters does it take to no longer be able to get a boner?


Staff member
Just my view on these Q's. I'm sure others have thoughts.

got a few mafia questions for first time mod:
-Person A has a kill, he gets targeted by person B and C who each have redirects. What happens?

This doesn't happen very often, so when it does I actually double the kill and reward both redirects. That way neither redirect is punished.

-What should you include in writeups and what shouldn't you?

Don't include roleblocks, excessive detail on the actions and who did them, information that overly benefits town or mafia etc. Don't include the player name if a kill is unsuccessful; only keep the character name.

Do include kills, protects if you like and redirects if you like.

It is up to you if you include alignment or not.

-If a person has more than one power and is targeted with a redirect, which power is redirected?

Two responses:

* Number your powers, and then redirect the first but not the second etc
* Redirect all

I tend to do the first.

-If a person is protected and two people target him with a kill, does he die?

Two thoughts on this. A protect only protects one kill, or a protect covers all kills. You need to work out what your protects do, then you'll have your answer.

-What is a standard win condition for an indie?

Depends. Some are character specific. One thing is to make them winnable. Being last man standing as an indie is virtually impossible.

-How many barbie shrimps does it take to get sick?


-How many Fosters does it take to no longer be able to get a boner?

Nine. Usually :sarcasm:


Staff member
-Person A has a kill, he gets targeted by person B and C who each have redirects. What happens?

Doubt it will happen but I'd probably only acknowledge the person who sent it in first. Acknowledging both means you're basically rewarding the person who sends it in later. i.e B redirects A onto D first, then C redirects A onto E. A kills E despite B sending in their action first. Would really try and avoid this being even possible, but that's just me.

-What should you include in writeups and what shouldn't you?

Moderator discretion. Including roleblocks can be very, very lame in certain circumstances as it essentially gives town another investigator. Mis includes a bunch of things but that works well in games like Random Mafia where alignments and characters are a bigger mystery.

I think I've only ever included deaths and failed kill attempts (due to being protected by another player, can't be found, or passives).

-If a person has more than one power and is targeted with a redirect, which power is redirected?

Imo this is a good reason not to give people multiple powers, I avoid it, so probably ignore my opinion this. I'd make a decision at the start of the game to either redirect the first one they mention in their PM or both their actions.

-If a person is protected and two people target him with a kill, does he die?

An actual protect action can be for the first night kill or all night kills - make a decision prior to the game. I've typically done all. Others do single.

-What is a standard win condition for an indie?

Depends. Standard is definitely the difficult to achieve "You win when you are the last player alive". But others can have unique win conditions like you win if you kill x people, you win if you are responsible for x deaths (kills, last/first votes, etc), you win if you a certain player lynched, etc etc.

-How many barbie shrimps does it take to get sick?


-How many Fosters does it take to no longer be able to get a boner?

0 if you're impotent.


Staff member
got a few mafia questions for first time mod:
-Person A has a kill, he gets targeted by person B and C who each have redirects. What happens?

I typically flip a coin or roll a dice to see whether B or C gets lucky.

-What should you include in writeups and what shouldn't you?

It's entirely a matter of taste. In some games (especially Random) I include most actions. In others, I only write up kills. In some, I go for a middle ground.

-If a person has more than one power and is targeted with a redirect, which power is redirected?


a). The one they're using
b). Their 'regular' power (in the case of a regular power and a one shot)
c). Random.org

-If a person is protected and two people target him with a kill, does he die?

No. Unless their protector specifically only protects against the first kill each night.

-What is a standard win condition for an indie?

Be sole survivor. This is f**king hard though, so usually my indies have a more achievable win condition.

-How many barbie shrimps does it take to get sick?

Nobody in Australia can answer that, as we never eat barbie shrimp.

-How many Fosters does it take to no longer be able to get a boner?

Trick question: Getting the boner isn't the problem, it's keeping it.


Once I've got a drunk boner, that bastard stays for hours. Takes forever to blow a load, but the fella stays up. Pulls a triple shift.

I thank him with vagina.


Staff member
I hate drunk f**ks. I'm just pumping away for ages with zero sensation and she's usually too drunk to feel much either.

It basically just equates to be doing cardio.


So I am reaching the final stages I think and just need people to look over it one last time and give me feedback. The basic story, which i'm still working on, is you are all mutants going through the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning. During some training in the Danger Room, something goes wrong and you find yourself on an island...all assume it is merely a hologram within the Danger Room of course. Something more sinister is afoot however, as the blah blah blah, you see where this is going. I am working on this terrain idea...let me know what you think of that as well. 100 points per person.

*= Max one per mafia

*Redirect - 55
Census – A one time, accurate, census. - 25
Fake Census – A one time, inaccurate census. You can choose the make-up of the census. - 25
Endless Census – Can use census once per day phase. - 35
Endless Fake Census – Can use fake census once per day phase. 35
*Role Block – You block ALL of the targets powers. - 55
*Augment (power x2) – Choose a target, they can use one of their powers twice this night phase. Town Only. - 45
*Power Steal – Steal a player’s power and use on another. Power will be random if target has multiple. Can’t use on same player 2x in a row. -60
*Silence - 30
*Fake PM - 40
*Double Vote - 25
*Force Vote – Your target will vote for who you wish and will not be able to speak for that day phase. - 40
*Cancel Vote – Your target cannot vote in the next day phase. - 25
Telepathic Link – Random Townie and you may set up a QT and use PM. Town only. - 35
*Power Swap – Choose two players to swap powers each night. - 60
*Rewire - You may change one player each night to use the following power on whoever they target: protect, roleblock, redirect, silence (you get to choose the redirect) (can't use the same twice in a row) - 70
*Versatile – You may choose to use one of the following each night: redirect, role block, protect, silence, power swap - 75
*Random – Your power is random every night. You choose the target after your power is randomized. I will roll a 10 sided die and you will have one of the following: Protect, Redirect, Roleblock, Augment, Kill, Fake PM, Investigate (Align), Track, Silence, Autolynch (to be used next day phase only) - 70
CalmTits – You can roleblock twice and silence once per night phase. Town only. They can all be separate targets if you wish. - 115
Hidden – You will not be able to be detected by investigations. The investigator will receive no information. – 30
*Attractive – No one can vote for you next lynch phase. One use only, must be used at night. - 40
*Lynchstop – Day phase ends immediately, it is now night. - 95
*Autolynch – Target player is lynched. – 115
*Revenge - The last person to vote for you in a lynch is killed. - 25

Defenses: Max of 1 “Immune” power per character
Immune: Night kills - 60
Immune: Lynch - 65
Immune: Night/Day kills - 65
Immune: 1st kill attempt/game - 35
Immune: 1st kill attempt/night - 55
*Reflect – The first power to target you each night will be redirected to a random person. - 60
*Protect – You can protect anyone other than yourself from the first night kill. You can take this more than once to protect vs more kills. - 45
*Self Protect – As protect, but you can target yourself if you wish. Cannot be taken more than once. - 60
Resurrect – You can bring a fallen comrade back to life. If you have this and die and have not used it yet, you come back to life instead. Town only. - 90
Time Reverse – You can “undo” a night phase. All kills and actions are reversed, it is now daytime. - 110
Hodor – You have a hodor. He will block one kill or lynch and then die forever. Max 2 of any hodors. Max 4 of any hodors per mafia. - 30
Super Hodor – You can choose to use your hodor to make a one-time night kill. Your hodor dies if you do this. - 40
Protection Chain – You protect a random townie/mafia: they cannot die while you live. Mafia can choose who they protect. - 85
Guard - Pick any player at any point in the game. They cannot die as long as you live. Town only. - 45

Investigate : Name - 50
Investigate: Alignment - 70
Investigate: Track – You know who your target targeted. - 60
Investigate: Power(s) – You know one of your targets powers, rolled randomly. - 55
Random Investigate – You will randomly do one of the above investigates on your target – 60
KTF Investigate – Add this to any investigate. Your investigate has a 25% chance to kill the target. - 20

Attacks: Max 1 per character. Max 1 per mafia. (If mafia wants a second kill they must purchase a factional kill. See Mafia Only section)
Kill – Usable every night - 90
Odd Night Kill - 70
Even Night Kill - 65
One-time Night Kill - 35
One-time Day Kill - 40
Poison – Night action: target will die 2 day phases later - 80

One-time Powers: All powers listed can be purchased as a one-time use.
Silence - 10
Redirect - 15
Role Block - 15
Protect – 15
Self Protect - 20
Double Vote - 5
Fake PM - 15
Augment - 20
Force Vote - 20
Cancel Vote - 5
Antidote (cure a poisoned person) - 5
Investigate (Any) – 35

Mafia Only:
Sneaky – You will appear as town in investigations. - 80
Factional Kill – Mafia Don only. - 95
Factionalize – You factionalize powers of your dead mafia members. Can only use max 2 powers per night. Mafia Don only. - 45
Recruit – You may recruit a member of town to your side. Their alignment is changed to mafia. - 200
One of us – You will appear as town in write-ups, lynches, and after death, but not investigations. – 70
*UncalmTits – You can Fake PM, redirect, and silence each night phase. - 115

Post Condition - You have a post condition which you create and I approve. It must fit your character somehow. - +5
Mute – You cannot talk/vote for the first two day and night phases. Failure to do this results in death. +10
Inept – 25% chance your power(s) do not work every time you use them. Separate roll per power. Must have at least one night power that isn't one-time use. +10
Shit Role – As inept, but must have at least two night powers, but 70% chance to fail. - +50
Suspicious – You come up as mafia in write-ups and investigations. Town only. +15
Inaccurate – Your powers have a 25% chance to target a random individual instead of your original target. Must have at least one night power that isn't one-time use. +10

Electric – Your night powers have a 25% chance to hit another target. – 15
Follow Me! – Pick a player, their first power used targets whoever you target tonight. Can’t use on one player 2x in a row. – 40
Get to the Choppa – A random night between one and four you are immune to all powers – 25
Flight - You can fly! See terrain rules for more details. - 30

Terrain: All characters start in a random terrain and may move to an adjacent terrain each night phase if you wish. The night you move you gain no terrain benefit. Characters that have the Flight ability may enter the Sky from any other terrain. No character may start the game in the Sky.

Ocean - Hard to see: 20% chance each night to avoid a power (good or bad) targeted at you
Beach - Throw sand: 20% chance with each action to silence your target the next day
Jungle - Hidden: 15% chance to be immune to investigations
Foothills - Higher ground: 10% chance each phase to gain a random investigate power
Mountain - Hunkered down: 20% chance to avoid each bad power targeted at you
Sky - Flying: 50% chance to avoid all powers targeted at you


yeah. basically you get 100 pts. you can get more than 100 by taking drawbacks. Everything else is free for all...take whatever you want. the terrain system is pretty simple i think.