I'd prefer to maintain the speed of the games rather than the numbers if anything. Playing a game elsewhere atm and after 2.5 weeks we're on Night 5 with only 3 people dead. Can't handle it.
I'd prefer to maintain the speed of the games rather than the numbers if anything. Playing a game elsewhere atm and after 2.5 weeks we're on Night 5 with only 3 people dead. Can't handle it.
My first game was TWD mafia.
Was really enjoying games back then, but lost interest 10-20 games after because I think there was a period of time where the games lacked quality, however the quality of games has really picked up over the last 5 or 10 of them so my interest is at it's peak again.
Oh and run "Who Killed Misanthrope?"
I think It's original games like that, Drew's and Apey's that get me most interested, not sure about everyone else though.
What happened to that erection mafia you wanted to run?
That'll be a quick one if you're running it :lol:
I decided it wasn't the most God-honouring thing, so quietly let it slip away... :sarcasm:
God loves a good boner.