I've not heard the press conference so I can't speak to what Tew said. But, don't you think its unusual that;
Considering that all associated with the club have been saying that Smith was staying, if applicants were being actively interviewed by the club, then it would make the papers? The anti Smith section would use it just to twist the knife.
I for one, considering the daily circus this has been, find it incredible that Tew has been interviewing potential coaches and theres not a single word about it in the media all week.
Imagine the headlines, "Knights shortlist in running for top role", "Knights Chairman runs the ruler over contenders"
What have we seen or heard this week................................ nothing, nada, zip. Hard to believe.
This all happened very very quickly for a ordered, considered, thorough selection process. This morning, Smith was still in the frame to front the media about the Storm game.
Tew interviewed Stone yesterday, the board met yesterday and selected him, thats a unusually fast executive deliberation process? BAsed on Serc's comments about the timing of Stones interview, it was done in the afternoon, then the board met and made a decision then Smith was punted. Seems awful quick.
Or did Chief come back from holidays, on the warpath about the Parra game and the board met, collectively said "we got to stop the bloodletting", ran with the favourite and the announcement is made?
All that said, its done now, I want him to be successful because I want the team to be successful.
Good luck Rick Stone.