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Manly/Storm fight


So, the MRC sends this directly to the Judiciary "because it warrants more than a grade 5 charge", but the Judiciary decides that the retaliator deserves the same punishment as the instigator, and hands them both 3 weeks...

Yeah, makes total sense!

f**k, it's really handy when two panel members are ex Manly players! :sarcasm:

Beachy Eagle

So, the MRC sends this directly to the Judiciary "because it warrants more than a grade 5 charge", but the Judiciary decides that the retaliator deserves the same punishment as the instigator, and hands them both 3 weeks...

Yeah, makes total sense!

f**k, it's really handy when two panel members are ex Manly players! :sarcasm:
The pannel was Mark Coyne, Sean Garlick and Michael Buetner... plenty of ex manly players there..:crazy:



Anyway, the thing that annoys me most about this whole incident isn't Blair or G. Stewart, it's that Brett Stewart only got one week for running 40m to be third man into a fight and cowardly rabbit punching Blair when he couldn't defend himself. That's the sort of stuff that can cause permanent injury much more easily than two guys facing each other trading punches. After all the talk from the NRL of '3rd man into fight being heavily punished' they allowed those actions to besically go with no punishment.

correct the "third man in" to the first fight (Stewart and Blair) were punished more than the instigators by being sin binned, but the third man in to the second brawl (the 4 eagles) were given lesser punishments (i.e not sent and lesser chargers) than the fighters.

And of course if it had been say Fui not Brett Stewart hitting Benji not Blair it would have been 8-10 weeks....


The pannel was Mark Coyne, Sean Garlick and Michael Buetner... plenty of ex manly players there..:crazy:
It was in a Fox Sports article recently.
But of those players, Buettner did play for the Northern Eagles... :p

Whether they are related to the Eagles is a moot point anyway, why does the instigator get the same as the retaliator?

Beachy Eagle

My parting thoughts on this issue is:
It is not fair that Stewart could possibly play again this year and Blair can't.
If the MRC had a clue they would have charged both with a grade 3 contrary conduct and Blair with a grade 1 striking rather than the reffering it straight through.
Stewart with the early plea, but carry over points would have got 3 weeks.
Blair with a early plea and no carry over points would have got 3 week total.
That would sound about right to me.

The way it played out Adam Blair is the biggest loser, and I am very happy to agree that this is jut not fair.

Had the MRC used some common sense this whole rediculous week would have played out completely different.
And another thing maybe manly did use a loop hole in the Judicary system to get an extension, but all they did was played the cards in front of them and all of you would expect your club to do the same.
94 pages of dribble (me included), but the bloke i feel for is Adam Blair.


With the whole Blair running to catchup, the sinbin time begins once the player is off the field/or in the sheds, so you will find most players run or jog off once sinbinned

Stewart didn't and thats the reason Blair caught up.


First Grade
It was in a Fox Sports article recently.
But of those players, Buettner did play for the Northern Eagles... :p

Whether they are related to the Eagles is a moot point anyway, why does the instigator get the same as the retaliator?

Buettner was a Norths lad. If anything that works against Manly.

Instigate... Lets see a definition.
1. To urge on; goad.
2. To stir up; foment.

Running into someone, mouthing off and pushing them... Hmmmm sounds like Blair falls easily into that category to me.


First Grade
With the whole Blair running to catchup, the sinbin time begins once the player is off the field/or in the sheds, so you will find most players run or jog off once sinbinned

Stewart didn't and thats the reason Blair caught up.

Yeah right... So Manly have a penalty shot... Why does he need to run off? A lot of players walk of slowly after being binned to give their team a rest too.


First Grade
correct the "third man in" to the first fight (Stewart and Blair) were punished more than the instigators by being sin binned, but the third man in to the second brawl (the 4 eagles) were given lesser punishments (i.e not sent and lesser chargers) than the fighters.

And of course if it had been say Fui not Brett Stewart hitting Benji not Blair it would have been 8-10 weeks....

Brett go a grade 3 of 325 points. That's 3 weeks. He had an early guilty plea and a clean record... So like all players, he gets a considerable reduction. It's the happens all the time... 4 people can't all be 3rd man in... Otherwise 20 player would have been in the bin the first round. You can't have it all you know...


Brett go a grade 3 of 325 points. That's 3 weeks. He had an early guilty plea and a clean record... So like all players, he gets a considerable reduction. It's the happens all the time... 4 people can't all be 3rd man in... Otherwise 20 player would have been in the bin the first round. You can't have it all you know...

That shows the flaws in the judiciary system then if someone can run 40m and rabbit punch someone on the back of the head (who can't see it coming) and get only one week because they are 'well behaved'. It's a very weak and cowardly act that could permanently injure someone. They don't even let boxers hit on the back of the head when the opponent isn't defending themselves.

The NRL has clearly said on many occasions "3rd man into the fight is the hardest punished". The combatants got three weeks. 3rd man in Brett Stewart got one. Doesn't make sense. It was brett stewart and mates rushing in that turned a basic fight into an all-in brawl that didnt look good for the game.

He should man up and fight properly. Or just pull Blair off his brother if he wants to protect him.

And what about all the other Manly players putting in cheapshots when Blair was on the ground? One of them threw about 5 punches in a row when Blair couldnt defend himself!

And how come it was only Blair who was "mouthing off"? You can clearly see on the vision Glenn Stewart shouting stuff at Blair. I assume he was just asking Blair if he'd like to share a bottle of Gatorade? He's such a nice guy that I'm sure he can't have been saying anything nasty!

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seaeagle sam

Rabbit punch... :crazy:

Mate lovely diatribe, but about a week too late.

Of course Blair and the Melbourne club were treated unfairly, he was just a bystander in both altercations, especially the first.

I, as a Manly supporter, apologise to you big_matt for the hurt caused to your sensibilities by my team MWRLFC and to Mr Blair for attracting two charges and receiving 5 weeks in some sort of crazy mix-up when you were just standing around doing nothing.


I had forgotten why my late father always told me to hate Manly. I always saved my real hate for the Dragons and the cheating scum the Storm, and kinda put Manly only in the 'dislike box'. Now i think i might have to bring em back into the hate box.

Dad was right, ALWAYS hate Manly.


There is no early plea discount when a charge is referred straight to the judiciary. It's the same as when a person turns up to court, they officially enter their plea at the hearing. The fact we all knew that Blair was going to plead guilty means nothing. The plea was not entered until he faced the judiciary, the same applies to Stewart.

Early plea's, good behaviour is all irrelivant once you are reffered straight to the judiciary.
All the rest is just anti manly hatred, plain and simple.

Well then, aren't you guys the experts.

I guess the following statement is wrong then, surely:

"There was early legal debate about whether a late plea change entitled Stewart to the 25 percent reduction a player receives for a guilty plea. Conlon however agreed Stewart was entitled to the reduction."



So, what this means guys, is that Manly out maneuvered the judiciary in one of the all-time legal masterstrokes. After realising their initial 'not guilty' plea was weak. They miraculously saw their council crack the sads and step down. Amazingly the judiciary accepted the reasons and gave a 24 adjournment. More amazingly they proceeded with Blair's case earlier that evening and allowed the results to be disclosed to all. More, more amazingly, they allowed Stewart to change his plea remarkably to 'Guilty', and STILL RECEIVE THE EARLY GUILTY PLEA DISCOUNT.

This is one of the biggest crocks of shit in the last week. NRL should be ashamed of themselves. The judiciary is now a complete FARCE.

The Storm would be well within their rights to ask for a please explain to the NRL. But its likely to get them nowhere anyway, so they wont bother.


Well then, aren't you guys the experts.

I guess the following statement is wrong then, surely:



So, what this means guys, is that Manly out maneuvered the judiciary in one of the all-time legal masterstrokes. After realising their initial 'not guilty' plea was weak. They miraculously saw their council crack the sads and step down. Amazingly the judiciary accepted the reasons and gave a 24 adjournment. More amazingly they proceeded with Blair's case earlier that evening and allowed the results to be disclosed to all. More, more amazingly, they allowed Stewart to change his plea remarkably to 'Guilty', and STILL RECEIVE THE EARLY GUILTY PLEA DISCOUNT.

This is one of the biggest crocks of shit in the last week. NRL should be ashamed of themselves. The judiciary is now a complete FARCE.

The Storm would be well within their rights to ask for a please explain to the NRL. But its likely to get them nowhere anyway, so they wont bother.

You're right - it's a load of crap.

I don't really care about the fight or who's to blame or who should get what punishment, but the judiciary are pathetic for letting Manly pull this off. Just goes to show how amateur the current system is.

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