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Before stating such stupid remarks and making an ass of yourself by labelling anyone with an opinion that differs to yours as Apologists, maybe you should read that persons previous posts and understand he isnt a mary fan.For the Mary apologists it must be very frustrating. For the rest of us it is simply the result of our irritation resulting from the non sacking of Mary.
You sad gronks who hi-jack every thread and turn it into a coach bashing thread and attack people that want to talk about other topics as "apologists" need to grow the f#ck up and get over it.
Theres multiple threads about the coach, take your irritation about the coach into those threads and leave us to talk about the topic that the thread is about.
P.S the same way you sad gronks dont care about us "apologists", trust me, we couldnt give 2 flying f#cks about you sad gronks and your pathetic wrist slitting coach issues either.