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Mary better than Price


Buddy everyone wants the team to succeed. But let's take our glasses off and see that the problem still exists within the club and making the finals will not mask it. The club has a LONG way to go to being successful again. From top to bottom .

I understand that some people feel that way. And I think that's probably a valid opinion to have. I don't have a good enough insight into the inner workings of the club to feel that I could make a proper assessment, but if people think it's a discussion worth having I (mostly) enjoy seeing their points of view.

What is getting to me is that people want to choose the day after we make the finals to bag the club. We have a long off season ahead to put up with inferior sports and navel gaze. But this week we have Mary as coach, and we can fairly well predict the team that will be fielded. Nothing discussed here will change that. We are up against it whether it's sharks or storm but I'm excited. I can't understand the mentality of supporters who choose to ignore all of that and focus on their perceived negatives that exist in the club.


So you're saying that people should just shut up?

Sounds like you're doing a good job of ruining it for yourself. Y'know, you do have a choice... like not reading posts that upset you.

No. I don't think that people should shut up. I'm a massive advocate of free speech. I also reserve my right to tell them if I think it's classless to make come comments at an inappropriate time.

Thanks for the concern for my welfare but I don't think anything will ruin it for me. Still excited. Hope everyone who supports the dragons gets the result they want this week.

Just quietly, how do you propose that I avoid reading posts that upset me?


First Grade
I understand that some people feel that way. And I think that's probably a valid opinion to have. I don't have a good enough insight into the inner workings of the club to feel that I could make a proper assessment, but if people think it's a discussion worth having I (mostly) enjoy seeing their points of view.

What is getting to me is that people want to choose the day after we make the finals to bag the club. We have a long off season ahead to put up with inferior sports and navel gaze. But this week we have Mary as coach, and we can fairly well predict the team that will be fielded. Nothing discussed here will change that. We are up against it whether it's sharks or storm but I'm excited. I can't understand the mentality of supporters who choose to ignore all of that and focus on their perceived negatives that exist in the club.



I think most on here would agree we're not where we want to be or should be, but making the finals for the first time since 2011 is clearly a step in the right direction.

The turnaround has come faster than 99% of us would have predicted. Even the wrist slitting brigade are clutching at straws at this point to try and paint Mary and the team as a failure.

Personally I won't be putting any money on us to beat the Storm in Melbourne but that doesn't mean I won't enjoy the build up and cling to some hope that we can cause an upset.

Go the Dragons.

Straight Shooter

Totally agree
I am excited for semi footy !
Go the dragons !!!!


Clearly your threshold for success is lower than mine.

You'd be a good fit for the current board. Loser.

Straight Shooter

Criticism is a good thing but you take it too far. Whether you rate Mary highly as a coach or not, he has proven himself a massive improvement on Price. I think when or if he is able to put together a stronger roster, he may turn out a great coach based on this roster this season.


I found McGregor's press conference plain scary yesterday. He was actually proud of the effort and on getting the win. I get where he is coming from but not once did he mention our laughable ill-discipline which to all and sundry must have looked like we were trying to throw the match. If the poor match decisions and edge defensive structure are not on the forefront of his mind then god help us all for the next 3 years.


Yeah like that's what you want to do as a coach heap pressure on before a sudden death semi final


This our team. The best we've got. If we are good enough, he should be treating them like they are good enough and expecting far, far better. They are going to need to deal with huge pressure if they are going to make any mark on the finals series. Mary should be ripping them to shreds.


No. I don't think that people should shut up. I'm a massive advocate of free speech. I also reserve my right to tell them if I think it's classless to make come comments at an inappropriate time.

Thanks for the concern for my welfare but I don't think anything will ruin it for me. Still excited. Hope everyone who supports the dragons gets the result they want this week.

Just quietly, how do you propose that I avoid reading posts that upset me?
Whoa.....you are not allowed to disagree with Willow, at least not until he asks you if you attended our last game. :sarcasm:

The Damo

I found McGregor's press conference plain scary yesterday. He was actually proud of the effort and on getting the win. I get where he is coming from but not once did he mention our laughable ill-discipline which to all and sundry must have looked like we were trying to throw the match. If the poor match decisions and edge defensive structure are not on the forefront of his mind then god help us all for the next 3 years.

I don't get this at all. Do you think he won't point out the ill discipline during the week? and not mentioning things in a press conference doesn't mean they're not being worked on.


I don't get this at all. Do you think he won't point out the ill discipline during the week? and not mentioning things in a press conference doesn't mean they're not being worked on.

All I know is that same ill discipline has been repeated almost every game in the last 3 months. Dumb football. It's true, Mary can say what he likes in a press conference but the fact of the matter is nothing is changing. It may only take one stupid penalty to cost us in finals.

Dragons 09

You waited six years in silence, and the week we made the finals - for the first time in four years - you sink the boot into the club that you "support".

f**k me there are some negative merkins on here. We made the finals. If you were actual supporters this would be the time that you get excited about next week. We are going in as underdogs whether it's storm or sharks and I would love to see us get up.

Thanks for taking the time to reply to my post, surprised anyone even got to the end of it:lol:

Firstly let me say, I love your passion. No, that is not sarcasm, passion and pride is what this great club was built on and it's the same passion that led me to post and release some pent up frustration. The timing of my post appears to be a source of frustration for you, fair enough, we all think things through differently, but if I had waited until we got bundled out of the finals in the first week (and I will always remain hopeful and pray that doesn't happen) then I would just be a "merkin" (lol, thanks for the kind words) who waited until we were done and dusted and then sunk the boot in. Trust me, I'm a happy little vegemite that we are in the finals, I get to see the boys go round and the big red V at least for another week, so as you suggested I should be, I am excited, we are still in it, I will be cheering loudly and hoping like crazy that the boys can rise to the occasion and give me at least another week of hope.

As for the general sentiment of your reply, can I just say, the joys of humanity and a democratic free society is that we all have the right to have an opinion. I have mine, you have yours, we all flex them and opinions are never right or wrong, they are just opinions. But I intend to stick with mine and my honest opinion is that our club is being directed by a certain group of individuals, who are led by a certain individual whose use by date has expired. Regardless of where we finish in the competition this year, unless management change occurs, modern day thinking becomes prevalent, the club is put first and not the individual, the roller coaster we have been on in recent times will continue to churn our guts year in and year out.

I have seen firsthand the incompetence and self righteous attitudes of the Captains of our ship and I have every right to voice my opinion just as you do. Making the finals is great, I love it and good on the boys, hope they can go all the way, but regardless of what happens I am not delusional enough to sugar coat shite. You can dress a goat in a tuxedo, but it's still a goat.


The press conference after the game, again said it for me. He has little to no idea of coaching. Better than Price? Yes, but Mickey Mouse would have been better than price.

His team continues to give away stupid and ill disciplined penalties. His team fails to work together as a cohesive unit for 80 minutes. His comments at these press conferences does not instil in me any confidence that he knows what he is doing or what he needs to do to fix it. If he knew each week what little things needed to be tweaked, you would think after 26 rounds he would have fixed them.

Having said that, he may be a decent coach one day, but he needs many more years or a different attitude towards games before he becomes that.

Once again, we are expected to accept mediocrity as a win. "Considering where we were", "against what we thought we could achieve", "considering the year we have had", and my personal favourite, "we made the semis for the first time in 4 years so I think that says something". These are all excuses we have come to expect and unfortunately a lot of us are now accepting.

I have said this in previous posts, we are the mediocre achievers. The club that expects its supporters to be proud that we almost got there, or look we are there for the first time in 4 years. Yes, lets celebrate the fact that even though we didn't play as well as we should have all year, or play for 80 minutes and be disciplined, we got there anyway. Celebrate that.

I have supported the Dragons for over 45 years and always expect them to make the semis, Win semis, and win Grand Finals. Of course we don't always do that. Sometimes we fail miserably. But I am not expected to be satisfied with it. The last 10 - 15 years we, as supporters, have been fed all the lines to say, yes, be happy with mediocrity. Be happy you still have a club. Be happy that we cant run the place well enough to manage player rosters or attract the right coach for decent money. Be happy if you even make the semi's. Read posts in these forums about the so called nay Sayers or those expecting too much. I am sorry, I expect more than this.

I can accept my team being beaten by a better side on the day. I can accept my side being beaten when you can see they gave 110%. Although I expect them to always win, I know they wont, but I am happy that they tried. I do not see that level of standard any more in our sides. I cannot accept the current situation unless I accept mediocrity as the norm. I am a Dragons supporter, I cannot accept that.
The press conference after the game, again said it for me. He has little to no idea of coaching. Better than Price? Yes, but Mickey Mouse would have been better than price.

His team continues to give away stupid and ill disciplined penalties. His team fails to work together as a cohesive unit for 80 minutes. His comments at these press conferences does not instil in me any confidence that he knows what he is doing or what he needs to do to fix it. If he knew each week what little things needed to be tweaked, you would think after 26 rounds he would have fixed them.

Having said that, he may be a decent coach one day, but he needs many more years or a different attitude towards games before he becomes that.

Once again, we are expected to accept mediocrity as a win. "Considering where we were", "against what we thought we could achieve", "considering the year we have had", and my personal favourite, "we made the semis for the first time in 4 years so I think that says something". These are all excuses we have come to expect and unfortunately a lot of us are now accepting.

I have said this in previous posts, we are the mediocre achievers. The club that expects its supporters to be proud that we almost got there, or look we are there for the first time in 4 years. Yes, lets celebrate the fact that even though we didn't play as well as we should have all year, or play for 80 minutes and be disciplined, we got there anyway. Celebrate that.

I have supported the Dragons for over 45 years and always expect them to make the semis, Win semis, and win Grand Finals. Of course we don't always do that. Sometimes we fail miserably. But I am not expected to be satisfied with it. The last 10 - 15 years we, as supporters, have been fed all the lines to say, yes, be happy with mediocrity. Be happy you still have a club. Be happy that we cant run the place well enough to manage player rosters or attract the right coach for decent money. Be happy if you even make the semi's. Read posts in these forums about the so called nay Sayers or those expecting too much. I am sorry, I expect more than this.

I can accept my team being beaten by a better side on the day. I can accept my side being beaten when you can see they gave 110%. Although I expect them to always win, I know they wont, but I am happy that they tried. I do not see that level of standard any more in our sides. I cannot accept the current situation unless I accept mediocrity as the norm. I am a Dragons supporter, I cannot accept that.

Excellent post. This is true passion.

Straight Shooter


The press conference after the game, again said it for me. He has little to no idea of coaching. Better than Price? Yes, but Mickey Mouse would have been better than price.

His team continues to give away stupid and ill disciplined penalties. His team fails to work together as a cohesive unit for 80 minutes. His comments at these press conferences does not instil in me any confidence that he knows what he is doing or what he needs to do to fix it. If he knew each week what little things needed to be tweaked, you would think after 26 rounds he would have fixed them.

Having said that, he may be a decent coach one day, but he needs many more years or a different attitude towards games before he becomes that.

Once again, we are expected to accept mediocrity as a win. "Considering where we were", "against what we thought we could achieve", "considering the year we have had", and my personal favourite, "we made the semis for the first time in 4 years so I think that says something". These are all excuses we have come to expect and unfortunately a lot of us are now accepting.

I have said this in previous posts, we are the mediocre achievers. The club that expects its supporters to be proud that we almost got there, or look we are there for the first time in 4 years. Yes, lets celebrate the fact that even though we didn't play as well as we should have all year, or play for 80 minutes and be disciplined, we got there anyway. Celebrate that.

I have supported the Dragons for over 45 years and always expect them to make the semis, Win semis, and win Grand Finals. Of course we don't always do that. Sometimes we fail miserably. But I am not expected to be satisfied with it. The last 10 - 15 years we, as supporters, have been fed all the lines to say, yes, be happy with mediocrity. Be happy you still have a club. Be happy that we cant run the place well enough to manage player rosters or attract the right coach for decent money. Be happy if you even make the semi's. Read posts in these forums about the so called nay Sayers or those expecting too much. I am sorry, I expect more than this.

I can accept my team being beaten by a better side on the day. I can accept my side being beaten when you can see they gave 110%. Although I expect them to always win, I know they wont, but I am happy that they tried. I do not see that level of standard any more in our sides. I cannot accept the current situation unless I accept mediocrity as the norm. I am a Dragons supporter, I cannot accept that.
Bravo....well said, for me the last 3 games really rams home what you have said . I more than anyone hopes that this team can really step up and proceed well into the finals, not just happy to have stumbled into the 8...