A year ago that side would have had 40 piled on them in the second half alone. Can't fault the attitude. Seeing the team lift whenever someone had a good hit was fantastic; not just in defence but their response whenever we forced an error or celebrating a try like Sio's. The Lamb, Sio and Levi mistakes really stand out as the costly ones as well as the feed against us but some kind of f**kery must have happened for the ball to get out on their side so quickly. Expected Hokko to have kept a cool head about it but I guess him blowing up over it says something.
Frustrating, we lost it ourselves really. Thought our forwards didn't stand up like they had the first two rounds which is a shame. Still, the attitude was there and it stopped us from getting pumped. Buhrer and Barnett are f**king Gods; I thought Lamb played well minus his monumental f**k up.