True EEL said:
well ok....??????
but, as i said previously, if you can't manage players and people that makes you a bad coach, as that is one of the absolute most important areas of coaching and you can be the most technical or most scientific coach in the world and have the best plays etc....but if you can't manage people, you can't coach IMHO
and find it difficult to imagine you can say on one hand he can't manage people and yet still believe he is a good coach as the 2 things go hand in hand......Steve Folkes and Wayne Bennett are prime examples......
and why should Parramatta be forced to cover for his inadequacies by employing 2 other ex-first grade coaches to placate him???
Very few if any players have ever said anything negative v Bennett except Lewis when he was asked to retire- as for Folkes, Mason needed a kick up hte behind and Folksey did his part rather well- as it has turned out!
With Brian the list of whinging and negative feedback are from many players over a long period- some star ones among them
-D Pay- wasnt interested in Smiths science of how to play footy and told him as much!
-G Tallis- always wanted to just play 80 minutes and just go out there and rip and tear- until Brian thought he could improve him by changing his whole style of game and even his personality-which Tallis still resents now-the little pep talks at training that clashed with his passion to just play and not worry about being perfect!
-J Bell- couldnt stand Brians structure in attack and his shuffling from centre- to half- to 5/8 - to hooker - to interchange!
-A Raper- basically told Brian off at the front of players and officials after a lecturing of when to run from hooker!
-P J Marsh- admitted his last time with us wasnt free enough and has come back because of Ando and Sharpie being there as well as the $$$
-N Hindmarsh-privately has expressed concern of the change in personality Brain pepped talked to him about about being more responsible etc etc - why noit the young man grow up naturally ?
J Lyon- make no bones about it- Brain doesnt create a happy environment for many players to play consistant and developing footy!
Bennett and Folkes have been legends in the players eyes they have coached- unfortunately Brians record being good still doesnt hide the fact a lot of class players have gone out backwards because an unhappy envronment is created by Brains Science!
No coach gets along with people well. Folkes and Bennett have been rumoured to have had problems with players as well - Mason was set to leave at one stage becuase of Folkes. I don't consider any coach a prime example as they all have their shortcomings in dealing with people.
He has coached first grade for quite sometime. He may not have been as successful as Bennett, Gibson or others however unless you have some idea about coaching you don't last very long - ask Craig Coleman and Paul Langmack. Thats why I consider him to be a good coach - some of the players and his peers feel the same way. The ones that don't think he can coach are the ones that have left the club. ;-)
Are Parramatta employing them to help or are they employing them as they see them as a long term future proposition? Who knows - I don't pretend to know everything that goes on behind the doors at the club. Someone else came up with the reason for Sharps appointment re: players but I don't know if its true. It could be.....