You're f**ked mate, with all due respect. The fact you want to assume someone committed a criminal act is truly disgusting. The facts are NOT in your favour.
Of course he was f**king contrite, it was publicised that he has been unfaithful to his wife - and dredged up again for his family after seven years. The family - his wife and kids - had already been through that, and healed all this time on presumably. To have it brought up again as an engine for the ABC to air further unsubstantiated claims from headline grabbing fashionistas and groupies (read: Charmayne Palavi) when he'd done nothing newly wrong and seemingly already paid pretty heavily on a personal level, that's rough. He'll suffer further now, and maybe well he should, but at the same time that's only because we know about it. And given it was deemed consensual and took place privately - maybe we shouldn't have ever known. That's my opinion - we aren't the ones who should be judging.
**I draw your atention to a post i made recently**
I think you have a point.
In situations like these girls like all the 'guilt' of the occurance off them. In nature, the female always has final say; an inherant right to say "No. Stop"
I guess the trouble is to do with yours/hers comfort zone. Lets not forget that in these group sex situations, there being many people involved naturally complicates comfort zones. Say she likes 2 of the guys a lot and likes what they are doing, but dislikes a 3rd and thinks he's doing something wrong.
Thats the danger. Remember, in rights of courtship, human beings are no different from any other species. There are a number of steps which must be correctly followed....everything from eye contact and innitial conversation, right up to the moment of the act of sex, and the performing of sex.
It only takes one thing to go wrong along the line ( and lets remember the chances of that is multiplied by the number of people involved) and you can kiss your comfort zone goodbye. Once you are at that stage, what do you do?
It would be hard enough to get one guy to stop, let alone all of them. But what if she wants one guy to stop and not the others, or she is distancing herself from one somehow? What if he picks up on this and tries harder and makes it worse.
Even at the completion of the sex act if the girl is not comfortable with it all and has felt she has lost control of the situation/was violated/felt bad, a high risk of a backlash is there. Whats more, what if the guys left her in a fragile way, not knowingly even? Did they care too?
Remember that females reserve the right to say no. But in normal circumstances the interaction and method by which she evokes this right is not always a black and white case. Mix in multiple men involved, and it can become more confusing to her. Even if she consented to it in the first place.
As to the story, I would think its prime intent was to provoke attention to and examine an interesting element within the sport - the sex romps. I dont think the story was a seek and destroy league story.
I personally think that we as humans love to dance around issues before we ever try and tackle them head on. Thats whats needed more. If by highlighting and examining these issues we are shedding some insight into whats occuring, then i think we can learn from it. Its in the public eye, and this should serve as a greater impetus to really get to the bottom of the issue and tackle it head on: starting with players atitudes toward women.
I dont get into much group sex, but I have examined the mechanics of relationships extensively. It remains a womens right to say no. It will always be that way, whether men think it correct or not. I do know that chosing group sex partners is a critcal componant to an enjoyable time. And young women are more fickle and less emmotionally developed to handle a bad time. Meaning they are young, they can land themselves in mess, just like guys.
Its easy for us to say she should just put it down to a bad time....but feelings are not always so easy to remove.
Its time for players to act better toward women. And choose more wisely.
In andrews case i think its wrong that he should be dragged through the mud again in public. The media knows no bounds, believing everything public domain. On some levels it is, but in this I personally would have spared him if I could. I only hope this goes a long way to showing other players a better way to live. And im sorry for Andrew. I dont know his situation but we are all human. I hope he can put this behind him.