Not that it is any of your business..but yes Mole for daughter and Troll for son..
but not before i kicked either in the arse.
Daddy must be so proud of his girl.
Just as I am sure MR and Mrs Seymour will be overjoyed at the fact their son got drunk, soiled himself and fell asleep in a gardenbed. IN
The three women followed Seymour, who tripped over and was helped to his feet by Liz. It was at this point that Ms Muldoon took out a camera phone and began filming the pair as they fell on top of each other.
i for one hope karma f**ks them in the ass
lol - your use of the word 'dared' to describe the woman is dead set hilariousSomeone needs to show some common sense and not just spout insults becuase a woman dared do something that made a league player look bad.
Just as I am sure MR and Mrs Seymour will be overjoyed at the fact their son got drunk, soiled himself and fell asleep in a gardenbed. IN
then My Name Is Karma....bend 'em Over. :thumb
how about you show come common sense and accept the fact that it has nothing to do with the gender of the sellout.Someone needs to show some common sense and not just spout insults becuase a woman dared do something that made a league player look bad.
So you would call your own daughter a mole would you?
how about you show come common sense and accept the fact that it has nothing to do with the gender of the sellout.
Everyone would be just as up in arms if it was a dude and be name calling.
Women are not immune to namecalling for the fact they are women, if its justified its warranted.
So it is ok to call every woman who says or does something bad against a player a skank, sl*t, bag or whatever?
It is what every thread involving a woman comes down to and it is not appropriate.
People here do not care if she is in the right or wrong no matter what happened the woman is a skank and the poor league player is a hero above doing anything inappropriate.
Yes they are normal people and they should be able to go out and have fun but they should also face any criticism that comes to them if they chose to get drunk in public. They know the consequences of this type of action and if they don't by now they are morons who deserve whatever they get.
I never said the names being mentioned are appropriate, you're the one trying to press the sexist issue.
Its not a sexist issue - her gender has nothing to do with it so stop getting up in arms just because its a she.
If it was a bloke and he was being called a deadsh*t or a trackhead I am sure you wouldn't be as upset/
They know the consequences of this type of action and if they don't by now they are morons who deserve whatever they get.
Said it yourself Evolution.
THey chose to invade someone else's life to cause problems for financial gain and now it is time to pay the piper. I'd be calling blokes who did this names as well, but since I have used gender specific names in this thread I'll revert to just using gender nuetral terms like low-life scum which they are.
What are people intending when they call any woman those names?
Is it a cute nickname or a way to degrade her and her character?
If they are fine to use I would ask you to use them when talking to a female police officer. I am sure she will take it in a good light it is intended.