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Metal thread \m/



Just grabbed it on apple music.

It annoyed me only 45 seconds in.

Opening lyrical line for the album ‘f@@@@ck the woooooorld!’
Yes Robb, you are hardcore mate. f**k the lyrics and decent riffs as well it seems. I’m 4 songs in and my thumb is about to swipe it off my phone for good. What a piece of crap thus far. The title track starts interesting and then goes to shit pretty quick.

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My top 10 for the year

10 HAVOK - Conformicide
Angry riffs and angry lyrics

9 MASTODON - Emperor of Sand
Aside from a weird and thankfully brief QOTSA detour, another great album

8 IMMOLATION - Atonement
Pure filth

Constantly creative melodeath

6 POWER TRIP - Nightmare Logic
Thrash done violent, dirty and fast


5 LOR - In Forgotten Sleep
Fantastically sprawling power-prog

4 BELOW - Upon a Pale Horse
Crushing retro doom vibes without sounding dated

3 DVNE - Asheran
Epic, heavy, melodic.

2 ARCHSPIRE - Relentless Mutation
Album title is apt. Insanely twisted, high energy, memorable tech-death

Catchy and moody, the best power metal release I've heard in years


What is it with Rob Flynn? Makes a couple of great metal albums, everyone likes them, goes all crappy and nu-metal and becomes a bit of a joke, then rediscovers his metal mojo for a decade.... now he’s repeating the same mis-step?


What is it with Rob Flynn? Makes a couple of great metal albums, everyone likes them, goes all crappy and nu-metal and becomes a bit of a joke, then rediscovers his metal mojo for a decade.... now he’s repeating the same mis-step?

They’re so f**king hit and miss aren’t they.

Speaking of hit and miss, Triviums latest album is actually not bad. I loved Ascendancy and Shogun but f**k me they’ve released some utter shit in between some gems.

Vic Mackey

What is it with Rob Flynn? Makes a couple of great metal albums, everyone likes them, goes all crappy and nu-metal and becomes a bit of a joke, then rediscovers his metal mojo for a decade.... now he’s repeating the same mis-step?

MH were the band that got me into heavy metal so I’ll always have a soft spot for them however I haven’t even bothered to listen to this after hearing grabs from the songs they previously released.

Robb’s a prickly character. I don’t think there’s anyone in metal who goes from being talked about as a ‘metal god’ to ‘f*#king joke’ as often as him. I’ve always had the impression he wants to be mega famous. He follows a lot of trends and seems to push MH into whatever direction is cool at the time. The 2 ‘nu-metal’ records when that scene burst into the mainstream and now dedicating a whole album to bagging Trump. He knows the kids won’t listen to metal so he tried to take it back to something they might. Not really sure why he went nu metal, even people who liked it back then don’t like it now.

Either way the album is getting absolutely crucified by pretty much everyone and Robb’s really channeling the kids of today by claiming people are bigots etc if they don’t like it. Yet ‘The Blackening’ was fairly forward in left political views and it’s considered a classic. The parts I’ve heard he sounds like a whiny 15 year old emo lesbian as opposed to the pissed off man standing his ground on TB.

Time to give it away Robb before you completely tarnish your legacy.
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MH were the band that got me into heavy metal so I’ll always have a soft spot for them however I haven’t even bothered to listen to this after hearing grabs from the songs they previously released.

Robb’s a prickly character. I don’t think there’s anyone in metal who goes from being talked about as a ‘metal god’ to ‘f*#king joke’ as often as him. I’ve always had the impression he wants to be mega famous. He follows a lot of trends and seems to push MH into whatever direction is cool at the time. The 2 ‘nu-metal’ records when that scene burst into the mainstream and now dedicating a whole album to bagging Trump. He knows the kids won’t listen to metal so he tried to take it back to something they might. Not really sure why he went nu metal, even people who liked it back then don’t like it now.

Either way the album is getting absolutely crucified by pretty much everyone and Robb’s really channeling the kids of today by claiming people are bigots etc if they don’t like it. Yet ‘The Blackening’ was fairly forward in left political views and it’s considered a classic. The parts I’ve heard he sounds like a whiny 15 year old emo lesbian as opposed to the pissed off man standing his ground on TB.

Time to give it away Robb before you completely tarnish your legacy.

He's saying he wants to write direct, confrontational lyrics like rap artists can... which is a roundabout way of saying he wants to write dumb rants instead of anything with nuance.

He's been called a trend follower a lot. The haters have come out saying even their best records (Burn, Ashes, Blackening) were off the back of Pantera, or Lamb of God making metal 'cool' again. Considering the quality of these records I think it's a big stretch to call them rip offs, every piece of art ever created is inspired by something else.

My question is, what shitty trend is he chasing now? Korn and Limp Bizkit revival tours?


He's saying he wants to write direct, confrontational lyrics like rap artists can... which is a roundabout way of saying he wants to write dumb rants instead of anything with nuance.

And yet he wrote this on their first album, which is still regarded as classic:

What is a man that stays true to the game
But has to cheat a little to get by
Well that's a person that I know too well
Don't want to know but I don't have to ask why
Everyone like a loaded gun
You want some shit I'll f**kin' pound you, son
Don't need a reason, pain I'm feelin'
I gotta vent or else I blow inside

Introspection, termination
Can't tell right from wrong
Fed up with this whole system
It's gone on far too long

You tell a thousand lies been told a thousand times
Your words we hear but we cannot sympathize
Thousand lies been told a thousand times
Hard as nails the power to survive

What's a man that stays true to the game
But can't believe some of the things he sees
Anger's a gift and I won't be kept down
In poverty there is no democracy
Used needle and a crack vile
A broken bottle and a bullet shell
This urban life is so volatile
An inner city or a concrete hell

Introspection, termination
Can't tell right from wrong
Fed up with this whole system
It's gone on far too long

You tell a thousand lies been told a thousand times
Your words we hear but we cannot sympathize
Thousand lies been told a thousand times
Hard as nails the power to survive

So pick it up, pick it up, pick it up, get up

What is a man don't stay true to the game
Don't care for no one, only cares for his greed
He's playin' God killin' thousands of people
'Cause the power is the fix that he needs
Racist goal of the white devil
I watched our soul burnin' over oil
A politician got no feelin'
It makes my motherf**kin' cold blood boil

Introspection, termination
Can't tell right from wrong
Fed up with this whole system
It's gone on far too long

You tell a thousand lies been told a thousand times
Your words we hear but we cannot sympathize
Thousand lies been told a thousand times
Hard as nails the power to survive

Fans like direct and confrontational, but they like good music too. Flynn can write awesome thrash anthems, hes just not to oflash at the nu-metal/rap metal stuff.

Vic Mackey

He's saying he wants to write direct, confrontational lyrics like rap artists can... which is a roundabout way of saying he wants to write dumb rants instead of anything with nuance.

He's been called a trend follower a lot. The haters have come out saying even their best records (Burn, Ashes, Blackening) were off the back of Pantera, or Lamb of God making metal 'cool' again. Considering the quality of these records I think it's a big stretch to call them rip offs, every piece of art ever created is inspired by something else.

My question is, what shitty trend is he chasing now? Korn and Limp Bizkit revival tours?

The trend is bagging Trump, he wants to be part of the cool mainstream group. After the Vegas shooting he came out and said he wasnt going to play Dividian live anymore as the famous line could be interpreted as supporting guns.

Just grabbed it on apple music.

It annoyed me only 45 seconds in.

Opening lyrical line for the album ‘f@@@@ck the woooooorld!’
Yes Robb, you are hardcore mate. f**k the lyrics and decent riffs as well it seems. I’m 4 songs in and my thumb is about to swipe it off my phone for good. What a piece of crap thus far. The title track starts interesting and then goes to shit pretty quick.


Well i caved and gave it a listen. first song is terrible, which is a massive shame as MH have always had killer tracks to kick off their albums.

The title track wasnt bad, would probably be a shit song on most of their albums but after what id just listened too it was a nice relief.

Id heard Beyond the Pale already so skipped that, wish i had of kept going as 'California Bleeding' (yes thats actually a song title by a metal band) is the worst MH song Ive ever heard. Luckily for CB it only held that record for another 3 minutes until 'Triple Beam' came on. What complete and utter shit this is.

Sometimes I hear music I hate and say 'ok its not my style but I guess I see why people like it' but I can’t see any demographic that would like this album. I'm actually angry at how bad it is. Surely at some stage Phil, Dave, a producer etc had to pull Rob up and say ‘dude have you sat down and properly listened to this? I’m sorry but I don’t want my name associated with this, throw it out and start again or you’re on your own.’
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On a completely different note and certainly not new music, I scored both the early 80s Dio era Black Sabbath albums on original mint 1980s vinyl the other day. Goddamn their good and the production and sound on them is absolutely magnificent on a good quality vintage 1970s amp and turntable.
Anyone else into collecting records?


Davidian is the only MH song I've heard that I didn't regard as completely generic and disposable.


Steel Panther announced an Oz tour in May. Im yet to see them live. Will be going for shizz, they make some great tunes for a comedy band.

They played in LA while I was there last year but all my boys wanted to head to San Diego to get on the gas which would left me by myself in LA. I bought a wig, won an inflatable pink guitar at the local arcade which was all going to be utitlised at the concert in anaheim but alas I headed to San Diego and drank myself into oblivion at Coyote Uglys.........

when i got back my missus was like ‘WTF is this glam wig and inflatable pink guitar in your bag?’

Me- ‘you wouldn’t understand sweetie......’


Davidian is the only MH song I've heard that I didn't regard as completely generic and disposable.

Impirium is damn good

That album was their last good one IMO, but I know I am very much on my own with that as the Blackening is highly regarded (just not by me)

Did I read right that he doesn’t want to play Davidian live anymore because of the gun reference?? FMD, just play the damn song you fruit.