He's saying he wants to write direct, confrontational lyrics like rap artists can... which is a roundabout way of saying he wants to write dumb rants instead of anything with nuance.
He's been called a trend follower a lot. The haters have come out saying even their best records (Burn, Ashes, Blackening) were off the back of Pantera, or Lamb of God making metal 'cool' again. Considering the quality of these records I think it's a big stretch to call them rip offs, every piece of art ever created is inspired by something else.
My question is, what shitty trend is he chasing now? Korn and Limp Bizkit revival tours?
The trend is bagging Trump, he wants to be part of the cool mainstream group. After the Vegas shooting he came out and said he wasnt going to play Dividian live anymore as the famous line could be interpreted as supporting guns.
Just grabbed it on apple music.
It annoyed me only 45 seconds in.
Opening lyrical line for the album ‘f@@@@ck the woooooorld!’
Yes Robb, you are hardcore mate. f**k the lyrics and decent riffs as well it seems. I’m 4 songs in and my thumb is about to swipe it off my phone for good. What a piece of crap thus far. The title track starts interesting and then goes to shit pretty quick.
Well i caved and gave it a listen. first song is terrible, which is a massive shame as MH have always had killer tracks to kick off their albums.
The title track wasnt bad, would probably be a shit song on most of their albums but after what id just listened too it was a nice relief.
Id heard Beyond the Pale already so skipped that, wish i had of kept going as 'California Bleeding' (yes thats actually a song title by a metal band) is the worst MH song Ive ever heard. Luckily for CB it only held that record for another 3 minutes until 'Triple Beam' came on. What complete and utter shit this is.
Sometimes I hear music I hate and say 'ok its not my style but I guess I see why people like it' but I can’t see any demographic that would like this album. I'm actually angry at how bad it is. Surely at some stage Phil, Dave, a producer etc had to pull Rob up and say ‘dude have you sat down and properly listened to this? I’m sorry but I don’t want my name associated with this, throw it out and start again or you’re on your own.’