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Milne to debut tonight

Walt Flanigan

A bit harsh to be getting stuck into a bloke because his injured. I don't think Bulldogs supporters are wishing they didn't resign Sonny-Bill who's played about as many games as Frawley. From what I saw at his time at the Bronco's his a great finisher and backs his ability. He just needs to string a few games together.


Post Whore
Walt Flanigan said:
A bit harsh to be getting stuck into a bloke because his injured. I don't think Bulldogs supporters are wishing they didn't resign Sonny-Bill who's played about as many games as Frawley. From what I saw at his time at the Bronco's his a great finisher and backs his ability. He just needs to string a few games together.

and i just need to win the lottery but its just not gonna happen is it?

Walt Flanigan

Yeah he'll probably just spend the rest of his life injured hey? Nice to see you have so much faith in your clubs players.


Frawley is hardly in the SBW category of player. At least SBW makes an impact when he's on the field and has achieved a lot for a bloke who has played about the same amount of first grade games as Frawley.

For me, the writing was on the wall with Frawley in round 2 against the Knights. He looked like he pulled up lame chasing a Woolford kick to score.


Post Whore
Walt Flanigan said:
Yeah he'll probably just spend the rest of his life injured hey? Nice to see you have so much faith in your clubs players.

Look at Linc, played several weeks with a broken nose, the slightest knock to it would have sent tremendous pain through his body, but he played on, did even want to come from the feild... whilst with Frawley, if he breaks a nail its a 2 week injury and frankly its not good enough for a bloke we are paying 200k + for

Walt Flanigan

Mate, you can still run with a busted face (Crocker has been doing it for years heh heh) but try playing a game without a leg. No one can help getting injured, look at how much Mason gets paid and he'll be gone for most of the season. The point is sh#t happens and injury is no excuse to bag a player.


Post Whore
Mason doesnt have a long illustrious history of injury that we had all hoped were behind him


I think Frawls should definately have to come back through PL. His only played 4 games this year and has been mediocre in all 4, he should have to earn his spot back.

Back to Milne, I thought he had a good debut. Infact, with the exception of Shifs dropped bomb for the Cowboys final try I thought all the guys at the back played pretty well in the conditions when compared with their big name counterparts.


whoever the f u c k is bagging frawley ought to be SHOT...obviously youse aint seen wat he can do on the field,when his 100% fit.Which he hasnt been the past few games due to injury thats why he pulled out.....n quit making bullsh*t jokes eg his fingernail cracked.....pisses me off when some bastard seez sh*t like that....your not happy you get the hell on the paddock and see wat u can come up wif.


Post Whore
Macko8 said:
whoever the f u c k is bagging frawley ought to be SHOT...obviously youse aint seen wat he can do on the field,when his 100% fit.Which he hasnt been the past few games due to injury thats why he pulled out.....n quit making bullsh*t jokes eg his fingernail cracked.....pisses me off when some bastard seez sh*t like that....your not happy you get the hell on the paddock and see wat u can come up wif.

Appreciate your comments Mr Frawley, best wishes to your son

That arguement is a pile of sh*t, im not being paided 200k plus a year to play footy, Frawley is, yet he has played about 4 games this season, hell a 32 and 34 year old injury prone Smith and Adamson have played more footy this year than Frawley. Weyman is the best front row prospect i think ive ever seen but if he doesnt make it onto the feild he because unless and a waste of money, we are paying Frawley 200k plus to play footy for us and to me he just hasnt been worth that, sure he might play ALRIGHT when on the paddock but sh*t, he's NEVER fit hence a waste of 200k which could of gone elsewhere

But hey, im willing to show my sh*t, and if i did get on the paddock it would be more than what Frawley has done.


yeah thankyou....ill pass em on to my son
you mustn't do alot of umm background research and you mustnt of seen frawley in action for the broncos,and haha i dont really understand wat you are saying???? you mite as well speak in jybrish fella.from wat i can see weyman hasnt done nothing for the club,his juz like carney....ohhhh these two are going to be future prospects of the NRL i havent seen much yet.....but hay still a long way to go yet...i really do hope they prove me wrong.....and for the last time leave FRAWLEY the F u C K alone..his done sh*t to you..when he gets some form together you'll b lost for words.....end of this!!!!!...(if u were in a scrum i'd knock you one)


Raider_69 said:
Appreciate your comments Mr Frawley, best wishes to your son

That arguement is a pile of sh*t, im not being paided 200k plus a year to play footy, Frawley is, yet he has played about 4 games this season, hell a 32 and 34 year old injury prone Smith and Adamson have played more footy this year than Frawley. Weyman is the best front row prospect i think ive ever seen but if he doesnt make it onto the feild he because unless and a waste of money, we are paying Frawley 200k plus to play footy for us and to me he just hasnt been worth that, sure he might play ALRIGHT when on the paddock but sh*t, he's NEVER fit hence a waste of 200k which could of gone elsewhere

But hey, im willing to show my sh*t, and if i did get on the paddock it would be more than what Frawley has done.

yeah thankyou....ill pass em on to my son
you mustn't do alot of umm background research and you mustnt of seen frawley in action for the broncos,and haha i dont really understand wat you are saying???? you mite as well speak in jybrish fella.from wat i can see weyman hasnt done nothing for the club,his juz like carney....ohhhh these two are going to be future prospects of the NRL i havent seen much yet.....but hay still a long way to go yet...i really do hope they prove me wrong.....and for the last time leave FRAWLEY the F u C K alone..his done sh*t to you..when he gets some form together you'll b lost for words.....end of this!!!!!...(if u were in a scrum i'd knock you one)


Post Whore
Carney and Weyman are both very young and very good prospects, Carney needs more time to develop whilst Weyman appears to be injury prone like Frawley, currently they are both a waste of cap space weyman not so much as he still hasnt full developed and im hoping that is the reason for his injuries... whilst frawley is 24, more than developed and has played f**k all games, no one is doubting the mans ability when on the feild but the bloke is like a f**king tampon, one week in and 3 weeks out...when Frawley strings together more than 4 games together than ill get off his case, untill then he has been a monumental waste of cap money and if your honest with yourself you would see that too

you'd knock me in a scrum? hah mate i was hooker for damn near 12 years in western sydeny junrior comps, choc full of filthy bastards, if you can come out of scrum better off than i can, your better then most :lol:


Post Whore
Macko8 said:
watever cowboy watever....
you wouldnt know sh*t from clay....thats all im saying.

im a raider, though i am partial to the under dog spirit of the cowboys
and your walking around with your eyes glued the f**k shut
thats all im saying


haha good one skirt....
no i mite juz leave myn as YOU wouldnt know sh*t from clay...that somes you up.


Post Whore
Well you sure put me in my place macko, i simple have no comeback for such a scathing attack :lol:

Mate face it, Frawley has been a dud buy at this point in time, few would argue against that.


watever????? people try n have there say n they have some know all like you or any of the other people who think there the greatest...tell em there wrong...im fed up wif it....ur not the only supporter of the raiders..think you'll find there are thousands...got good opinions of the team too!


Post Whore
Macko8 said:
watever????? people try n have there say n they have some know all like you or any of the other people who think there the greatest...tell em there wrong...im fed up wif it....ur not the only supporter of the raiders..think you'll find there are thousands...got good opinions of the team too!

fed up with it, ohh you big f**kin skirt :lol:
Im pretty sure ive never claimed to be the greatest but meh fair chop, probably am pretty close :lol:
turn it up you idiot, yea we all have opinions and this is mine, deal with it, if you cant you in the wrong place champ
im not the first and at this rate i certainlly wont be the last to label Frawley as a waste of money

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