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MONAGHAN on Orford situation

shadow grinder

First Grade
ausraider said:
Ok I appologise too.The argument was between sharks and storm fans why the hell do you have to bring raiders fans in the middle of that sh*t.BTW those two deserve all the sh*t they can cop.Do you remember the famous Monaghan saying
"I have spent 22yrs here and would like to spend other 22 here" something along those lines you remember.Thats why he is coping it and Finch, his a dickhead.

i was simply using that situation as an example.

im not bringing anyone into it. it happened raider fan admitted being in the wrong im jsut saying thats not what will happenw ith storm fans re orford leaving


lotti said:
what about his brother Michael?

Ohhhhhh! This thread was about MICHAEL???...geez, U shoulda said! ;-)

Well he's just OLDER rubbish!!!

T'ain't his fault tho - just genetic!

:p :p


shadow grinder said:
i was simply using that situation as an example.

im not bringing anyone into it. it happened raider fan admitted being in the wrong im jsut saying thats not what will happenw ith storm fans re orford leaving

You can bet your bottom dollar it will happen.Thats only you.the other how many thousand fans you got, some will make you eat your words mate.


Dog-E said:
Ohhhhhh! This thread was about MICHAEL???...geez, U shoulda said! ;-)

Well he's just OLDER rubbish!!!

T'ain't his fault tho - just genetic!

:p :p
yeah it is, Michael is the Manly player not Joel. Manly's Monas isn't rubbish when he's on form god help the other team and next year it will be god help the rest of the NRL.

shadow grinder

First Grade
well it didnt happen with kimmorley.

when it happens ill eat humble pie and apologise..but im willing to bet my house that orford does not get approaced after a game and get treated like joely "moneyhand"

my house!!!!!!! my pool! my gym...my pets, EVERYTHING!


no he won't, Kimmorley is heckled because of the way he left Melbourne and Matt will be different he's doing it so he can be closer to his family which is the right reason.


lotti said:
yeah it is, Michael is the Manly player not Joel. Manly's Monas isn't rubbish when he's on form god help the other team and next year it will be god help the rest of the NRL.

Um yeah - I was just being a smartarse mate....there's only one Monaghan on the market @ the moment after all - never mind - it's late - must be bedtime!! ;)


you must be pretty upset with Orford at the moment he got 6 goals against the Doggies.


lotti said:
you must be pretty upset with Orford at the moment he got 6 goals against the Doggies.

Nahhhhh - those penalty goals in particular were just GIFTS from Mr.Bean! From him to you - MERRY CHRISTMAS!.....So Storm fans - don't say he never gives u anything! :p

I'm more upset with Inglis....damn bugger - stealing the ball outta Hazem's hands like that - Who the @&*$ does he THINK he is!??!?!?

Ok - So it was a good, strong, confident & determined leap - showed great athleticism, and never gave up on the ball - even when haz HAD it in his hands!!!...A good try!...Still don't mean I have to be HAPPY about it tho!! :(



Oh the best thing to come out of QLD since Billy Slater. Orford also got a field goal on ya.

Misty Bee

First Grade
Manly have handled this as badly as Canterbury handled their salary cap a few years ago. This is the longest running saga I can recall since Brisbane botched Justin Hodges joining Easts.

If Monaghan is happy at Manly, he'd be happy in any situation. Manly have paraded Orford in front of him for about 3 months now. For a club that used to be renown for professionalism in player negotiations, they are handling this one abysmally.

As Monaghan's manager said - Orford will make a great hooker.

This can be doing Manly no service in its race to sign Orford. Luckily for them, Souths are imploding over the racism remark from Fletcher - something that, amid their most crucial player negotiations in 20 years - could have the same effect as the Dan Tilse' rampage through Bathurst had on Newcastle 6 months ago.

For mine, the best result for League would be to see Orford, Anasta and Bell at Souths. It may not happen.

I'm wondering whether the odds of Orford staying in Melbourne are shortening?


Monoghan isn't going anywhere. why, because what other club needs him?

Brisbane - Seymour
Parra- Smith
Sharks - Kimmorley
Cows - Thurston
Melbourne - maybe if they lose Orford, but they are talking Cronk, and i think he is ok.
Drags - Head
Roosters - Finch
Raiders - Withers
Warriors - possibly as Jones is leaving
Tigers - Prince
Dogs - Sherwin
Penrith - Gower
Souths - Maybe ahead of young Morin
Knights - Johns

Short of going to the U.K, he is stuck at Manly.


Orford can win Manly a premiership, Monaghan cant simple as that. Manly were boxed into a situation to sign Monaghan by the sponsor Max Delmage who as a businessman should know that there is no honour amongst theives in the world of sport.

All that meant was that Randall and Dunley would not offered contracts because the shortfall had to come from somewhere.

The mut would expect this reaction too from irrational Melbourne supporters. Whoever comes from a city whose sports catch cry is 'Its more than a game' needs a timely check on the realities of sport. It's a f**king business.

Orford leaving is no f**king different to Melbourne showing Howe the door or Swain a few years ago. Its not about Denis Pagan getting his Carlton boys to do it for the club and the fans, bleeding for the jumper. Its about money, prestige and your mates. So all you Melbourne supporters throwing scorn at Orford maybe you should take a step back and realise that Orford has given more to your club then it has to him.

He wants to play with a club that will give him a premiership and a chance at rep football. Manly will give him both and mut bets his bottom dollar that come origin next year with Fulton as a selector, Orford name will be pushed and pushed to the hilt if Johns is unavailable in SOO. Its not right, but thats the way it is...

Woooo! Get some mut up ya!

shadow grinder

First Grade
Mut said:
Orford can win Manly a premiership,

how do you come to that conclusion?

he hasnt done sh*t for the storm since he has been here.

and howe was the sh*test player to strap on a footy boot. he had some good games....but that was during his time on the riods.

and he retired


Howe was dropped and pushed into retirement and swain, well dont go there. Orford could be leaving because he thinks the same wat about melbourne that you do about Howe...

shadow grinder

First Grade
i dont think orford is sh*t.


money grabber.....yes.

good halfback...yes.....but wont win any one a premiership.

howe wasnt pushed into retirement.

you watch his last season...he was struggaling to stand up at times on the field...he was un-fit, old and was just plain useless. he decided to retire because he coudlnt go on anymore.

orford has wanted out of the club for ages now...its just finally happening.



Shadow he's gotten us into the finals. Matt wants to be closer to his family so that will be the deal maker.

shadow grinder

First Grade

and what do you mean us?

do you even support the storm?

you only seem to support the storm when we win....