not really classified as a walk-out, however I always try to ensure I have gone to the toilet before sitting down in my seat, so I don't have to miss any of the movie by having to go for a piss.
I was one of probably 7 people in Australia that went to the cinema to see Eddie Murphy's Metro, his usual paint-by-numbers police comedy/drama, when I felt the urge to have to go shake hands with the unemployed. So up I get, dash off to the shitter, came back into what I thought was the correct cinema...
yep, there's my seat...
ahhh that's better...
wait a sec, I didn't know Madonna was in this, that's weird...
wtf is she singing about...
hang on a sec...
They change the signs outside each cinema after the movie starts, so when I walked back in to the cinema marked as showing Metro, it was actually Evita. Thankfully nobody that knows me busted me coming out of a Madonna movie.