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Movies You Dont Understand Why Everyone Raves About Them

Steel Dragon

Despite the grammatically abhorrent title - this is a thread to rant about movies it seems everyone but you seems to love.
Debate welcomed. Personal attacks not so much. (Unless youre really funny!)

I have a few. To kick off proceedings i present, Kill Bill (1 and 2)

I love Tarantino. I totally understand why he'd wanna do a chop socky flick.
Why did it have to be insequential? Sure its your style Q, and for your other films it works a treat, but in this case, it doenst enhance the story one bit.
The actors all seem like theyre reading off cue cards (to the point where its like several hours of simple one-liners) and no one seems to gel together as an ensemble.
To me, you couldve pieced together one decent film from the two volumes of patchwork kungfu and swordplay.
The characters all had 'cool' names that seemed sloppily cartoonish rather than anything actually cool. Killer chick with amnesia = 'The Bride' thats cool. Beatrix Kiddo, not cool.
Naming an (mostly) all female assasin squad after snakes = Cool.
Calling the squad 'Vipers' and not all the snakes are actually vipers = Not Cool.
The snake names were pretty dumb too, and didnt really have any specific relation to the womens nationality/background. Where's the Cobra, Boa, Asp, Adder, Rattlesnake and so on. Sure theyre not vipers either - but they sound cool!

If the bride was really that pissed off - surely she'd snipe them all from a distance with a rifle.

Of all Tarantino's films - this sits at the bottom of the pile for me.
End Rant



Hated it as a child, hate it even more as an adult. Worst Spielberg movie I've ever seen. One of the most boring movies I've ever seen. Honestly, cannot understand how anyone, anywhere, could like it.


First Grade
No Country For Old Men.
What the f**k is so good about this movie? I bought it based on all the hype i kept hearing about it, ive now watched it twice (i always like to give sh*tty movies a chance to grow on me) but its just f**king rubbish, boring, boring rubbish. I don't think ive ever been less interested in a movie in my life.

Tommy Smith

Requiem for a Dream - ok, but nothing special. But some people like to rave on about it like its some sort of era-defining social phenomenon. Trainspotting is a much much much better movie about the hazards of drug use without ever intending to be the overtly "aren't drugs bad" movie that Requiem is.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - another movie alot of people seem to love that i just couldn't ge into. The idea was cool but the execution not so...


First Grade
twilight, both movies.

Don't know if this movie really fits here. Sure, its fans are legion, but I'm guessing they mostly come from the under-18 demographic. I'd be surprised if much critical acclaim has been directed the way of these films. It's not like the other flicks which have all attracted their fair share of praise, even if for some it was hardly unanimous (although just personally I love all of them, bar ET which I haven't watched since I was like four or five and barely remember). On to my choices...

Juno- to me this movie seems like it was written by some pretentious 15 year old girl who writes poetry and thinks she's already solved life's mysteries.

Let's examine:
Cliched dialogue and lame jokes, check.
Superficial relationships, check.
Inflated sense of self-importance, check.

Another two that I was reminded of while browsing the best movies of the decade thread. I greatly anticipated both of these movies and was unfortunately bitterly disappointed each time.

300 - Just didn't seem to have a soul. OK, I've even re-watched this a few times in bits and pieces cuz I enjoy some of the set pieces and action scenes but the movie itself just doesn't resonate. I wanted to care about this film but it couldn't suck me in, I just felt like I was watching a series of stylised music videos, with no real emotional cohesion.

V for Vendetta - Alright, I understand the original graphic novel was written as a political statement, but I've never read it so I'm really not sure how faithful the film is to its source, but the movie's total lack of subtlety really spoilt it for me. Maybe I should give it the chance of a re-viewing, it's been a long time since I watched it and I can't really remember much now beyond being bitterly disappointed as I departed the cinema. But I recall at the time hating the overt way they went about presenting the film's political message and I particularly disliked the ending.
Twilight for sure,even the vampire diaries are 10 times better than that movie

also the new terminator movie is crap,how is it rated so high
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Requiem for a Dream - ok, but nothing special. But some people like to rave on about it like its some sort of era-defining social phenomenon. Trainspotting is a much much much better movie about the hazards of drug use without ever intending to be the overtly "aren't drugs bad" movie that Requiem is.



OH boy, i could be here for hours lol

The English Patient ... I'm with Elaine Benes from Seinfeld, this sucks major arse.

The Titanic ... any movie with Celine Dion songs in it also sucks dogs balls.

Ghandi ... never ever have i ever been so bored as the miserable three hours it took to sit through this turgid piece of boredom.

The Blues Brothers ... I love Belushi and Ackroyd, but this is a big meh. I hate musicals.

Any other musical. ALL of them suck.

Twilight series ... oh please.

Mafia movies ... I'm really getting sick of them. No more please and quit glorifying the scum. They are human filth.

Im sure i will think of some more later :)

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