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MR:- From the Eels Office


The Colonel said:

Yes, someone should have been looking out for him. This "incident" wasn't even newsworthy on Sunday morning but took three more days to come out. He has tried to crack on to some girl over several hours and she wasn't interested. He has allegedly given her "a playful bite". Crucify him, string him up.

What pisses me off more is our captain walks away without even a sorry. If they want to set an example start there not on some kid acting his age.

I agree, i would have liked to have seen them go alot harder on Cayless, purely because of his position in the club.....

Eela's comments in the other thread about a curfew are looking better and better!!!


The Colonel said:
Heaven forbid a kid acts his age. This was one of the biggest mountains ever madeout of a molehill I've seen in a long while. Exactly how responsible is a kid of 18 supposed to act?

How would you liek a footy player at a club with a whole heap of team mates hitting on your chick. ...annoying her...patting her hair, biting her?

If she asked you to step in...would you tell her shes making a mountain ...etc?

The Colonel

James_Hardie said:
So your 18 year old daughter comes home and tells you a footballer (or any male for that matter) was making unwanted advances and bites her on the arm and you tell her to stop making mountains out of mole hills? Or you only do that if it is a parramatta player who you like....

She herself said she was bitten playfully and was more annoyed that he wasn't kicked out because of who he was. If my 18 yr old daughter came home and said anyone did it she probably wouldn't be allowed out again. Then again its a big scary world outside and there are a lot of worse things that could happen.


Post Whore
James_Hardie said:
So your 18 year old daughter comes home and tells you a footballer (or any male for that matter) was making unwanted advances and bites her on the arm and you tell her to stop making mountains out of mole hills? Or you only do that if it is a parramatta player who you like....
no - you go to the CLUB and ask for an apology from the player involved

sorry - i'm with Colonel - its being beat up to make news ... yeah it shouldn't happen, but its really not as big a deal as its being made out to be


Staff member

First Riddell, now Hayne.

If Hindmarsh does something similarly stupid I'll have the Virtual Sponsorship Trifecta :lol: :roll:

The Colonel

innsaneink said:
How would you liek a footy player at a club with a whole heap of team mates hitting on your chick. ...annoying her...patting her hair, biting her?

If she asked you to step in...would you tell her shes making a mountain ...etc?

There was one player - show me where there has been said that there was more than one? The interview suggested she had more of a problem that he wasn't chucked out because he was a footballer. She isn't the one making a mountain out of a molehill.


Post Whore
nöyd said:

First Riddell, now Hayne.

If Hindmarsh does something similarly stupid I'll have the Virtual Sponsorship Trifecta :lol: :roll:
you can pick em noydy :lol:

fish eel

The thing about this that saddens me the most is for much of the last decade, we as a club have set high standards on and off the field.

We have, for the most part, been able to take the high moral ground when it came to off field issues, particuarly behaviour.

It's going to be a long, long time before we can do that again.

Parra Guru

I think the attack is directed at the Roxy Security management.

This is the least concerning of all the incidents, and it doesn't seem that bad from what I've read. It would be great if people would just report it to the Football Club, instead of the media.

The Colonel

fish eel said:
Colonel, if you go back to my first post in this thread, I did say the TEAM should be given a swift kick.....

And yes, I know it's a minor incident. But an incident nonetheless when our club has been under the microscope.

If Jarrod Hayne is old enough to play first grade, he is old enough to accept the responsibilities that come with that - and if he is not he needs to have an eye kept on him by the senior players.

But hey, we've all seen this year how well behaved they are!

Going by the medial release he has accepted his punishment and apologised. She has accepted. He seems to me to be responsible for his actions. The person that should have been given the kick in the arse is our captain. Start from the top. If they are going to make it sink in that is where they start.


The Colonel said:
There was one player - show me where there has been said that there was more than one? The interview suggested she had more of a problem that he wasn't chucked out because he was a footballer. She isn't the one making a mountain out of a molehill.

He was with team mates, she was annoyed they didnt punt him because they thought if they did all his mates would leave as well...


RoxySecurity? Hopeless...

This is pathetic, not even worth the fine imo.

The Colonel

innsaneink said:
He was with team mates, she was annoyed they didnt punt him because they thought if they did all his mates would leave as well...

And the other players were involved where? The Roxy Management should be the ones that have something to answer for.


The Colonel said:
And the other players were involved where? The Roxy Management should be the ones that have something to answer for.

they didnt say..so Haynes not guilty?

Avoid the question eh.

Youd be fine with this if ONE player did this to your girl?

fish eel

The Colonel said:
Going by the medial release he has accepted his punishment and apologised. She has accepted. He seems to me to be responsible for his actions.The person that should have been given the kick in the arse is our captain. Start from the top. If they are going to make it sink in that is where they start.

No argument from me on that one.

And while I'm having my rants, I should also add I was very pleased that the media release read that Jarrod phoned an and apologised.

Hopefully he has learnt a very hard lesson about what comes with being a first grade footballer, and he will make sure he doesnt put himself in that position again.


The Colonel said:
She herself said she was bitten playfully and was more annoyed that he wasn't kicked out because of who he was. If my 18 yr old daughter came home and said anyone did it she probably wouldn't be allowed out again. Then again its a big scary world outside and there are a lot of worse things that could happen.

You see, I remember reading how irate you were over Craig Gower for "aledgedly" groping a girl when drunk. This isn't much different. The girl appears to be saying "No", and Hayne keeps going.

When Gower was in trouble, the media was reporting with 100% accuracy and it was a serious issue. When it is our own Jarred Hayne, its a mountain out of a mole hill, and the girl shouldn't be complaing?!

The Colonel

innsaneink said:
they didnt say..

Avoid the question eh.

Youd be fine with this if ONE player did this to your girl?

Do you know the full story? I don't. Obviously it was a big enough problem that she left it four days to go public with it. The only thing he has been accused of is "playfully biting her" (her own words as verified by a number of people who listened to the interview) and making unwanted advances. The molehill increased when "Raaaaaaaay" got involved.

If it was my wife she wouldn't be in the joint for a start as she isn't 18 and was last in a niteclub about 4 years ago.

The Colonel

James_Hardie said:
You see, I remember reading how irate you were over Craig Gower for "aledgedly" groping a girl when drunk. This isn't much different. The girl appears to be saying "No", and Hayne keeps going.

When Gower was in trouble, the media was reporting with 100% accuracy and it was a serious issue. When it is our own Jarred Hayne, its a mountain out of a mole hill, and the girl shouldn't be complaing?!

Gower was accused of groping on an underage girl. Jarryd was accused of no more than a playful bite and unwanted advances - I didn't see anything about alleged groping going on? Perhaps you can tell me where the two correlate?

I've never said the girl shouldn't be complaining. I think the media has made more out of it then what it is as have some of the forum members.


The Colonel said:
Do you know the full story? I don't. Obviously it was a big enough problem that she left it four days to go public with it. The only thing he has been accused of is "playfully biting her" (her own words as verified by a number of people who listened to the interview) and making unwanted advances. The molehill increased when "Raaaaaaaay" got involved.

If it was my wife she wouldn't be in the joint for a start as she isn't 18 and was last in a niteclub about 4 years ago.

Nice step....avoid the question.:roll:

Yeh, I can see it'd be a different story if it was a different teaM.

I heard the interview by chance, was in the truck at the time...I admit Hadley milked it for all it was worth, on & on & on & on she went ...you know what 18 yo's are like, it was quite boring really, but she did say there were other players there and thats why they didnt punt him as they were a drawcard of sorts, that nite.
It was after an official function apparently, cheergirls calendar launch.


i agree its not good,but there was no mark on her and it wasn't vicious or anything according to her!!!!