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Muscle building


what is the best suppplement to take from experience that will build muscle while lifting weights

and what is the best liquid to mix it with ie. milk or water etc

God-King Dean


Some people reckon water, because they say it gets to the muscle quicker. But milk has protein in itself. And I doubt the speed in which it gets to the muscles will make much of a difference.

The Tax Man

Protein and Creatine.

Mind you, if the advantages of both are to be fully realised you must be training and eating properly.

Also be careful of Creatine, I recommend you read about it on the net. Drink lots of water when using Creatine, as it needs to be flushed out so it does not build up in the kidneys.


Whey Protein Isolate is the best. Make sure you get a quality one. (you get what you pay for). Have it with lite milk. Forget about all the other sh*t the suppliment dude tries to sell you.

But the most important thing is your diet. Oats for brekky, plenty of chicken breasts, eggs, steak, tuna. Eat big, lift big and get plenty of rest. Be careful not to overtrain


First Grade
Optimum 100% Whey
Flaxseed Oil
Omega 3 Oil
Multi Vitamin

These are a staple in my diet along with whole foods such as chicken breasts, lean cuts of steak, fibre riched veggies, eggs, tuna, almonds, oats, whole wheat bread, brown rice.

I was lifting up to six days a week with a weights program before I had kids. I'm lucky to get to the gym once a week these days. If you're bulking you want to be getting in at least 1gram of protein per pound of body weight per day and exceed your daily calorie intake by about 500 calories to gain an average of about half to a kilo of lean mass per week. Anymore any you'll be putting on more fat than you'd want.


further question in the same vein

can you trim fat and build muscle at the same time easily, and what is the best way to do so?

i have a bit to lose but also need to rebuild - since stopping gym sessions about 18 months ago I have gotten really out of shape

about to start again, first priority would be weight loss but building up is also important


First Grade
There is such a term called "Newbie" gains where you can add a little bit of muscle whilst losing fat but it's usually short-lived approx 4 to 6 weeks into a new regime.

Just eat clean and have a good lifting program and get into HIIT.

NK Arsenal

Make sure that you use the Progressive Overload principle i.e. increasing the amount of weight gradually.

We're learning it in year 12 PE at the moment. ;-)


At the moment I take GNC extreme creatine 30 mins before work outs, and 1st thing in the morning when not training, and I take ISO sensations whey protein (with skim milk) immediately after workouts and generally in the morning 40mins after i take the creatine (the recommend you have creatine on an empty stomach). I found the creatine has really helped me lift more, especially on my later sets. I generally have about a litre of water with my creatine, and drink about 8 to 10 litres of water daily. One protein suppliment I recommend is Hydroflow, good taste, dissolves easily, and fast releasing. Also not too expensive

I've been hitting the gym for about 2 and half years around about 4 times a week, been taking protein (usually 2 serves a day), creatine, multivitamin, and omega 3's. Eat alot of tuna, fruit and vegetables, lean meat (chicken breast, turkey brest, kangaroo, etc), eat only wholemeal bread, and drink only skim milk.

One thing I really recommend is training with a partner, someone who'll psuh you that extra 10%, and someone who'll help keep you motivated


My mate is real skinny and he's been taking a host of premium MuscleTech suppliments that he swears by, personally I haven't used them and I myself probably won't just because of the price but my mate has been on them for about 2 months and I reckon he's gained about 4 or 5 Kgs or solid muscle despite being a hard gainer.

These products include:
Anator p70 http://www.muscletech.com/products/anatorp70/science.shtml

Gakic http://www.muscletech.com/products/gakic/science.shtml

naNOX9™ http://www.muscletech.com/products/nanox9/science.shtml

naNO Vapor™ http://www.muscletech.com/products/nanovapor/science.shtml

Nitro-Tech® Hardcore http://www.muscletech.com/products/nitrotech_hardcore/science.shtml

Each link provides an explanation of the science behind the products. I personally don't use them like I said, and I'd say their your premium top of the range products, and made more for your serious bodybuilders/athletes or people who are really struggling for results.

gunnamatta bay

Spike said:
You're best stay out of where you don't belong then

What gay gyms? If you feel that way spike I will stay away and you can keep your exclusive circle of friends but you run the risk of being accused of discriminating against straights.


I've just started lifting again after about 18 months off.

Last week I bought mass gain protein powder that gives me about 40g Carbs and 40g of protein per serve.

In my case it's about putting on weight - I'm tall and thin - so also starting to eat more as well. A lot of tuna pasta, chicken etc.

Dave Q

Flaxseed oil... a rich source of Omega 3.

Dont forget your cardio...try rowing.

Never train 2 days straight and take every 5th week off to avoid peaking.

Head down to the gym for the merry social life and babes.


wish I could say it was about gaining weight for me - that sounds easy...

im 6'1 and a big build, but im up to 120kg.... :(

i eat well, but have the slowest metabolism known to man. i do put on muscle fairly easily though, so at least there is one bonus.

aim is 100kg and a big reduction in body fat.


Weight training is something simple made difficult by idiots.. as the famous saying goes.

1. Learn how to lift properly from a certified trainer with a Human Movement degree (no- not the roid heads at the gym). If you want to build for League you MUST do explosive/compound movements AND core building exercises for functional strength. Add in a consistent flexibility program. Speak to a degree qualified trainer who plays/ trains for League and they'll show you the way.

2. Save money in the long term by visiting a Sports Nutritionist usually found at a Sports clinic.

3. Don't waste money on bodybuilding magazines as they have advice only for and from steroid users (except if the magazine specialises for naturals).

4. Don't waste money on supplements until you speak to a Doctor specialising in Sports Medicine- they might even prescribe/supplement you with pharma grade proteins etc which are FAR SUPERIOR to anything the bodybuilding public use.