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My Fellow Dragon Tragics


I am 50 years old. My team was handed down to me at birth before I was named. Everyone on my mother?s side supported Saints; so you supported Saints.

I love my team.

I used to sit on the hill at Kogarah as a 12 year old and watch Mitch Brennan, Lord Ted, Rocket Reddy, Slippery Morris, and Graeme Wynn?Baths Babes!

I love my team.

My father died in 2010, 9 months before we won on that glorious day. My 15 year old son found me outside at 6.30PM on that glorious night crying because his grandfather had not lived to see our first win since 1979.

I love my team.

I am now exiting this forum and I am not watching us play anymore whilst this garbage is going on. This kid coach is killing us, but worse the Board is responsible for this. It has been going on for 3 years now! 3 long hard years. And why? Why? It has become a bad joke.

When Steven Price is removed from his coaching duties and normality returns I will return. I am taking this stance as a protest against the insanity that prevails at the moment.

I love my team, but I cannot do this anymore.

We are about the same age Rob. I too remember sitting on the hill watching my favourite players....slippery morris, Steve Edge, Mark Sulman, Craig Young all of Baths Babies.
I have seen many highs and also watched the very low years....supporting the Saints is like a bloody roll coaster you have your ups and your downs.
But watching this crop of players under Price is like bundgie jumping with no rope. We are crash diving every week.
I too love my team....more than life it self.
I won't give up on my boys or my club.
I don't have high hopes with this group of players, we don't have enough fearless mongrel big players or a coach who knows what to do.
But I will hurt and get angry and hate what is happening to my mighty saints.....But they are my boys, I won't give up on them...never.


I can hear you man, hang in there dude, there is only one way from here and that has to be up. The great proud tradition and fighting spirit of the St George Dragons demands it.

Father Ted

First Grade
I am 50 years old. My team was handed down to me at birth before I was named. Everyone on my mother?s side supported Saints; so you supported Saints.

I love my team.

I used to sit on the hill at Kogarah as a 12 year old and watch Mitch Brennan, Lord Ted, Rocket Reddy, Slippery Morris, and Graeme Wynn?Baths Babes!

I love my team.

My father died in 2010, 9 months before we won on that glorious day. My 15 year old son found me outside at 6.30PM on that glorious night crying because his grandfather had not lived to see our first win since 1979.

I love my team.

I am now exiting this forum and I am not watching us play anymore whilst this garbage is going on. This kid coach is killing us, but worse the Board is responsible for this. It has been going on for 3 years now! 3 long hard years. And why? Why? It has become a bad joke.

When Steven Price is removed from his coaching duties and normality returns I will return. I am taking this stance as a protest against the insanity that prevails at the moment.

I love my team, but I cannot do this anymore.

There are people trying to make things better and any extra help is appreciated p m me or even willow if you'd like to take part
Hope you are okay Rob?


I seriously feel your pain mate....I have been following the Red V for 56 years and like yourself are frustrated and sad as to what's happening to our once mighty club.....but don't leave the forum...we (I) and our club need all the support we can get ....last year I was diagnosed with Cancer and you know what got me through some of those dark days lying in my hospital bed,reading the comments on here by my fellow supporters, about the good times and the bad...so mate like my illness things will turn around for us in the future we just have to be strong.

mate so very well said... i often read the forums but dont comment as much as i should or could im a very passionate supporter myself (well enough to tattoo it on myself) lol you put everything into perspective life and footy and like u said we just gotta stick together even thou the ceo and coach are screwing our club hopefully brighter days ahead...wishing u all the best with your health brother take care



Thanks..... just like this mighty club and its supporters we will return to our glory days...may not be as quick as we would like but it will happen.....thanks to Rob Dragon for starting this thread and the wonderful people on here that respond with support makes me feel 10 feet tall.....we are after all only human and wear our heart on our sleeves when it comes to our team...sometimes we agree and sometimes we disagree with our fellow supporters comments and feelings on here.....BUT one thing I can guarantee when the chips are down for one of ours we will unite and be as one

Praying for a full recovery friend.
I am 50 years old. My team was handed down to me at birth before I was named. Everyone on my mother?s side supported Saints; so you supported Saints.

I love my team.

I used to sit on the hill at Kogarah as a 12 year old and watch Mitch Brennan, Lord Ted, Rocket Reddy, Slippery Morris, and Graeme Wynn?Baths Babes!

I love my team.

My father died in 2010, 9 months before we won on that glorious day. My 15 year old son found me outside at 6.30PM on that glorious night crying because his grandfather had not lived to see our first win since 1979.

I love my team.

I am now exiting this forum and I am not watching us play anymore whilst this garbage is going on. This kid coach is killing us, but worse the Board is responsible for this. It has been going on for 3 years now! 3 long hard years. And why? Why? It has become a bad joke.

When Steven Price is removed from his coaching duties and normality returns I will return. I am taking this stance as a protest against the insanity that prevails at the moment.

I love my team, but I cannot do this anymore.

Very moving stuff Rob, well done for posting that I understand exactly where your coming from!

at the beginning of the year I got an email from Peter Doust, thanking my Father and I for signing up this year for season memberships bla bla bla, I sent him a reply this morning:

Hi Peter,

My Father and I have been to every home game so far this year, we enjoyed the corporate seats yesterday.

However that performance was absolutely unacceptable, I mean the we had nothing, no heart, attack wasn?t there and defence was way too soft.

When is Steve Price going !?! it?s the same thing every week, he is a very nice guy but it?s clear he isn?t a 1st grade coach.

The players look like they have no game plan, zero motivation and look very flat! I mean what the hell do they do at training all week !?!

There are a lot of upset supporters Peter, we are a club that demands success, please don?t waste a 3rd year with Price as coach!

I will let you all know if he replies!


First Grade
I am 50 years old. My team was handed down to me at birth before I was named. Everyone on my mother?s side supported Saints; so you supported Saints.

I love my team.

I used to sit on the hill at Kogarah as a 12 year old and watch Mitch Brennan, Lord Ted, Rocket Reddy, Slippery Morris, and Graeme Wynn?Baths Babes!

I love my team.

My father died in 2010, 9 months before we won on that glorious day. My 15 year old son found me outside at 6.30PM on that glorious night crying because his grandfather had not lived to see our first win since 1979.

I love my team.

I am now exiting this forum and I am not watching us play anymore whilst this garbage is going on. This kid coach is killing us, but worse the Board is responsible for this. It has been going on for 3 years now! 3 long hard years. And why? Why? It has become a bad joke.

When Steven Price is removed from his coaching duties and normality returns I will return. I am taking this stance as a protest against the insanity that prevails at the moment.

I love my team, but I cannot do this anymore.

Rob,I am a similar age,i lost my dad a year before yours and he knew how much the Dragons meant to me.Growing up in the same era I can relate to your post.
Don't desert the team,we must make our feelings known,as Elias said send this post to the club ,it may or not be read by the relevant people but it is probably the best option.
The board is a disgrace,jobs for the boys.If the crowd ,result and performance yesterday wasn't enough for them to act,then protests are in order to demand action.
This bullsh*t has been happening for 3 years and we have all been patient long enough.


First Grade

Thanks..... just like this mighty club and its supporters we will return to our glory days...may not be as quick as we would like but it will happen.....thanks to Rob Dragon for starting this thread and the wonderful people on here that respond with support makes me feel 10 feet tall.....we are after all only human and wear our heart on our sleeves when it comes to our team...sometimes we agree and sometimes we disagree with our fellow supporters comments and feelings on here.....BUT one thing I can guarantee when the chips are down for one of ours we will unite and be as one

Mate,just got emotional reading your post,how beautifully put,you are so right.
There's nothing more prouder when seeing a brother or sister wearing the redv and giving that nod in acknowledging we all follow this great club together.
Hope you make a full recovery mate.

Wizard Sleeve

I am 50 years old. My team was handed down to me at birth before I was named. Everyone on my mother?s side supported Saints; so you supported Saints.

I love my team.

I used to sit on the hill at Kogarah as a 12 year old and watch Mitch Brennan, Lord Ted, Rocket Reddy, Slippery Morris, and Graeme Wynn?Baths Babes!

I love my team.

My father died in 2010, 9 months before we won on that glorious day. My 15 year old son found me outside at 6.30PM on that glorious night crying because his grandfather had not lived to see our first win since 1979.

I love my team.

I am now exiting this forum and I am not watching us play anymore whilst this garbage is going on. This kid coach is killing us, but worse the Board is responsible for this. It has been going on for 3 years now! 3 long hard years. And why? Why? It has become a bad joke.

When Steven Price is removed from his coaching duties and normality returns I will return. I am taking this stance as a protest against the insanity that prevails at the moment.

I love my team, but I cannot do this anymore.

Very sad your dad missed the premiership mate . That aside , harden up brother us poor old Eels fans have endured worse than you're going through for years and haven't seen a trophy since 1986 . Hang in there your mates will respect you more and you won't be a total imposter waiving your flag when things get good again .


I am 50 years old. My team was handed down to me at birth before I was named. Everyone on my mother?s side supported Saints; so you supported Saints.

I love my team.

I used to sit on the hill at Kogarah as a 12 year old and watch Mitch Brennan, Lord Ted, Rocket Reddy, Slippery Morris, and Graeme Wynn?Baths Babes!

I love my team.

My father died in 2010, 9 months before we won on that glorious day. My 15 year old son found me outside at 6.30PM on that glorious night crying because his grandfather had not lived to see our first win since 1979.

I love my team.

I am now exiting this forum and I am not watching us play anymore whilst this garbage is going on. This kid coach is killing us, but worse the Board is responsible for this. It has been going on for 3 years now! 3 long hard years. And why? Why? It has become a bad joke.

When Steven Price is removed from his coaching duties and normality returns I will return. I am taking this stance as a protest against the insanity that prevails at the moment.

I love my team, but I cannot do this anymore.

Rob the club needs you more than ever at the moment mate.

MOVING words that you have shared with us ,just highlights how valuable support for the club is, as ive noticed in the posts there are many that are thinking the same way, as i do also. Im of similar age as you and lived in QLD most of my life ,have copped fair share of stick being a Dragons man but have been proud to be a supporter. For the first time ever i have lost enthusiasm to watch us play,because i am expecting us to lose there must be many in the same boat. This whole episode has been a 3 year crash course on how to run a club into the ground , it will take some time to right the ship, but it will happen ,we are the point now where changes in the management are going to be forced on the club, and hopefully someone reads the forum from the club and relays back how disgruntled most are , but the one thing the club has is the huge supporter base,players and management come and go regularly(at the moment not regularly enough) but supporters like yourself Rob are always there ,and the one thing at the moment that doesn't need to change is that.
To Rob_Dragon, don't give up on the dragons. To Red&WhiteTilIdie, you put into perspective that the footy is only a game, there's always next week. Thank you for that.

On yesterday's performance, that is the first time I can say that we well and truly got smashed. Our defence was non existant. We got ripped apart up the middle, our attack was shoddy, just an all round pathetic performance.

But I, as all of you are, we are true supporters, we all stand by our team through thick and thin, good and bad times, the sweet and tough times. We need to get behind our team, we aren't bandwagon supporters, at least I hope we aren't. I know I am not.

Also, this is probably the first time I have seen a sliver of positivity about our team on this forum, the compassionate side of our supporters. It is refreshing to see that like me, our supporters don't give up on our team. It's good to see as mostly it is negativity on here. We have to hope that our team goes back to basics, just run forward, kick and pressure the opposition, defend strongly. Yesterday we didn't turn up, we didn't have pride in the Red V.

What really upset me this morning was the news that one of our club legends passed away last night, I thought to myself this is a very sad day, and I thought yesterday's performance was probably the last game he ever watched of his beloved dragons, and it was a very bad performance. Hopefully that fact and Reg's memory will fire them up for the rest of the year, and they turn it around from here.

I think if they go into the bye in rd 11 with a 5-5 record, that is not too bad, sure it could be better, but the bye will have them refreshed, re-energised, and hopefully we see a new team including marshall rip the other teams a new one.

Be positive my fellow dragons fans, we are true, loyal, die hard fans, and I am sure we will always support our team no matter what.

Thanks for reading.

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