If he was playing for a good team he wouldnt be getting 24-13.....but he'd still be playing zero defence.
John Stockton say hi btw.
He led the league in offensive rebounds. So to suggest he only gets easy team rebounds is farcical.
was looking forward to Knicks vs Nets since it got rescheduled and I missed it..
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=8U65T2x2oxo - A look back of Lebron on PTI over the last 10 years. Super cool to look back and see them talking about the 2003 draft
http://www.sbnation.com/2010/4/21/1433062/paul-pierce-quentin-richardson-nba-feuds-a-history another cool thing I found today while looking into the LJ vs Zo feud. Some cool stories in there
This isn't the same as Zach Randolph cold-cocking Ruben Patterson two seasons ago, breaking his eye socket, then being chased around the facility, and later having to spend the night, in hiding, at Dale Davis' house because Randolph feared for his life.