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New Russian Forum


The main Russian website isn't being updated and I found a link to this forum on there official forum. I am having a good look on there for anything of interest. To confirm what was in RLR, there is a definately a 10 team premier division comp going on at the moment. Sounds like a good was had out in Vereya when they hammered St Petersburg. Great to read of government support.
It is written for the forum of the district newspaper "basis" www.osnova-nf.ru Regbi-ye. Championship Of Russia. Report. Yesterday in the first stage of the championship of Russia (premier league) played Vereyskiye "R.K. bears" and rugby players from the club "Saint Petersburg". Our conquered 74:8. They played simply excellently. As always healthily broke through S.Lysokon' (fans and fans each time before the penetration arranged ovation), E.Ososkov, as captain, it did not fear to go into the "heap" of rivals, conducting as becomes to captain, entire its guard after itself. All players won back excellently, truth it did not manage without the injuries. In the fanatskom sector also everything was excellently, with exception of the absence of large banera with the celt against the background of imperial banner. and prosyrevshikh fayerov. Support was: 12 the "throats" of fans and more than 50 bolel'shchekov. Match visited the head of region A.N. Baranov. Immediately the amusing episode occurred after final whistle: Our players all ran up to the fanatskomu sector and poaplodirovali for the support of fans and fans. After which they left for the cloakroom. The players of St. Petersburg club run up at this moment to the sector and... also they applaud. Fans in the shock! They begin To scan "Pieter! Pieter!" and "thanks, fellows!", and this with the fact that in the address of rivals the fans during the match scanned many poor (is now and then frankly nonstandard) krichalok. On this glad and holiday note ended the match. The fans OF "R.K. Of vereya" express appreciation to the head bunk -fominskogo region A.N. Baranov, who made several for the development of club! So we thank the teacher of our rugby players 3.A. Taturyana - if not you, not we are not! Separate appreciation to rugby players. They themselves know for which! Let us be encountered on regbi...


From reading the expert opinions on that forum, this is how I expect the final table may look.

1. Locomotive Moscow
2. Kazan Arrows
3. Kazan Energy
4. Vereya
5. Arsenal Red Arrows
6. Rostov on Don
7. Moscow Cosmos
8. Yoshka Ola (Mary 3L's)
9. Spartak Moscow
10. St Petersburg

I have a sneaking suspicion this new Arsenal team may be an off shoot of Locomotive, but I have no proof. The others have all returned from last year.


Those of you looking for a mental challenge, have a go at reading this. Looks like there was a preseason 7's comp.
CHAMPIONSHIP OF RUSSIA on REGBILIG 7. ROSTOV on TO THE DON. 23-24 April of 2005. Group "A" y."Lokomotiv" Moscow 2."Rostov-2" (Rural -Xoz. Academy) e."Energiya" Kazan ya."Medvedi-2" Bunk -fominski1 Region Group "B" of y."Medvedi-y" Bunk -fominski1 Region of 2."Rostov-y" (State the university Of communications) e."Khar'kov" (KH.N.T.U.S.KH.) ya."Krasnaya Arrow" Moscow During the first stage of the competitions (in groups "A" and "B") of command they play into one circle. In The second Stage Of the competitions: 1) on three conquerors from each group, forming final six, with the test of glasses in the games between themselves, collected during the first stage, continue to compete for the medals of the championship of Russia 2005 on Regbilig 7. Each command plays on one game with the rivals of the opposite group. 2) the commands, which occupied in the groups ya-oye place, play joint game for the "-oye and 8-oye places. First stage. 1 stage: 1 - 4,2 - 3. "locomotive" - "bears -2" 36: 1 "Rostov -2" - "energy" 8: 30 "bears -1" - "red arrow" 10:16 "Rostov -1" - "Kharkov" 24: 6 2 fucoids: 1-2,3-4. "locomotive" - "Rostov -2" 36: 0 "energy" - "bears -2" 22: 6 "bears -1" - "Rostov -1" 24:6 "Kharkov" - the "red arrow" of 0: 28 3 fucoids: 4 - 2, 3 - 1. "bears -2" - "Rostov -2" 12: 6 "energy" - "locomotive" 4: 16 "red arrow" - "Rostov -1" 40: 0 "Kharkov" - "bears -1" 0: 36 Total table is group "A" 1. the "locomotive" of 9 points 2. "vereya" 7 points 3 "bears -2" of 5 points 4. "Rostov -2" 3 points Total table is group "B" 1. "red arrow" 9 points 2. "the bears -1" of 7 points 3. "Rostov -1" 5 points 4. "Kharkov" 3 ochkva Second stage. Six commands, which engaged during the first stage (in the groups) of place from the 1st through 3-6e. 1 "A" - 3 "B" 3 "B" - 3 "A" 2 "A" - 3 "B" 1 "B" - 3 "A" 1 "B" - 2 "A" 3 "A" - 2 "B" 2 "A" - 2 "B" 2 "B" - 1 "A" 1 "A" - 1 "B" "locomotive" - "Rostov -1" 7-0 "red Arrow" of -"Medvedi-2" 26-0 "Energy" - "The bears -1 of" 0-10 "Medvedi"-y - "Rostov -1" 24-6 "Locomotive" - "Bears -1" 24-4 "red Arrow" of -"Energiya" 28-8 "Energy" - "Rostov -1" 26-4 "Bears -2" - "Bears -1" 10-7 "Locomotive" - "Red Arrow" 10-8 The commands, which occupied during the first stage (in the groups) ya-oye place, play joint game for the the "-oye - 8-oye of place. 4 "A" - 4 "B" "Rostov -2" (SKHA) - "Kharkov" 4:12 Total table of the championship of Russia on Regbilig 7. 2005 1. the "locomotive" of 15 points 2. "red arrow" 13 points 3. "the bears -1" of 11 points 4. "energy" 9 points 5. "the bears -2" of 7 points 6 "Rostov -1" 3 points 7. "Kharkov 8." Rostov -2 "


I think it proves that you can't kill a comp that has really got established.
Russia has had a big setback - but hundreds or even thousands of people in Russia have RL as their number one sport, and will for life.
It is like RL in France - it has been pronounced dead a hundred times - but no one asked the fans - they just assume a body blow will kill it.

Big Bunny

Dynamo (formerly Magicians) is the club that switched. I don't know why the UK forums continually say it was Locomotive though.

I don't consider it all that much of a loss when they were bound to go sooner or later. The casino bloke was a union type and he renamed the club to Dynamo for the union team he played for. The money was nice but it presented a false impression of the true development taking place in the country. You can only give away cars at games for so long before you realize it's a bit of a joke. Russia will continue to move forward and now at a natural rate.


I was afraid for a minute maybe it was a union comp, but then saw all the nice even number scorelines :)


I really don't think the loss of Dynamo is a huge blow. They were the 2nd or 3rd best team in Russia and have taken maybe 3 Russian internationals with them to Union 7's. Locomotive is the best team in Russia by a country mile. Dynamo was semi-pro but didn't have enough money to hang on to their skipper when he was courted by French Union.

Dynamo haven't switched to the 15 a side game but 7's Union, so I think there is a fair chance we'll get them back eventually.

I think the best part about those articles was that it sounded as though those teams had some genuine enthusiastic spectators. I also read that admittance to Locomotive vs Kazan Arrows at the Olympic stadium was free.

The Observer

Staff member
Lokomotiv may have been the best performed team, but being the best of a weak competition isn't much of an achievement. The loss of Dynamo, and more importantly Kameldinov, is significant a) because it did not need to happen and b) because they were one of two or three competitive clubs. Lokomotiv have run the RRL and thus the game for years to their own agenda; in previous threads on this board I've mentioned the selfish acts they've performed that have held the Russian game back.

Loco were an incompetent, greedy, xenophobic bunch that forced the former Bears coach, NZer Bob Bailey (a former Kiwis coach) out of bears head coach job because they wanted their own man (maybe Bailey's predecessor, the Loko coach Klebanov) who would pick their club players for the national team. At least Bailey had knowledge of the game and a plan for development ad no affiliations in their game. When Bailey went, Kameldinov quit in disgust because he was the best man for the job.

Loco were happy with this because Kameldinov's presence weakened their stranglehold on the game. Saying he wanted to go to Union all along is probably a convenient excuse the RRL made up.

He WAS committed to League and he demonstrated that by putting cash in to sponsor tests and funding overseas trips for the Bears. Dynamo was committed too or they would never have switched to League in the first place - back in Union they will be bottom of the food chain.

Promotions like the car giveaway were the main reason that the big crowd turned up to the USA test a few years back. They did not hide the true state of development per se - the RRL did that themselves by making misleading statements about the state of the game to the English RFL and to the RLIF, and the League community was more than willing to lap them up because it wants a new success story. When well intentioned foreigners have tried to help grow the game over there, the Russians have refused to use their expertise because they reckon they know better.

As for Dynamo not having the cash to hang onto their captain when the French RU courted them, let me say that top French RU clubs could easily outbid the NRL and ARU for Andrew Johns. Kirill Koulemine probably did get paid enough to live and train full time ($A500 a week) but any full-time or semi-pro club in an established nation would blow that out of the water.

Right now I don't expect the RRL to make ANY meaningful progress. When they travel over to the European Nations Cup, they will cop bigger hidings than before.


I think next year Ruissa should be made to compete with Sebira and Holland in the European B Cup. Why should nations like Serbia and Holland miss out..its not like Russia is even putting up a fight in the European Cup...I think their World Cup aspects have gone down the toliet and I for one am not to worried. In the space of 5 years they have not improved on the international front.

Why pour money into a country which is shaky when a nation like Sebria, holland and Lebanon are going extremetly well with little help? I understand they have loads of players in Russia..but i just dont think they are willing to help them selves.


The only country that Russia has ever consistantly beaten is the USA. I suspect that if Russia played the team that nearly beat the Kangaroos, they would be beaten quite easily.

Russia has never been really competitive in International RL. Their domestic comp looks like it is continuing to sink deeper into despair.

Is the domestic comp currently Amateur or Semi Professional? The quality of the teams seems to me to be amateur. The two best teams, Strela Kazan and Locomotiv Moscow, could not beat NL2 sides in the challenge cup. Locomotiv lost 10-72 at Swinton Lions, and Strela lost 14-62 at Keighley Cougars.

I wonder what the difference in competition levels is between AMNRL and RRL clubs. Have any ever played each other?

Kurt Angle

First Grade
To be fair though I think it's safe to say the entire RRL domestic competition is made up of Russian born and bred players.

Many of the players in the AmNRL, even though having a US passport, still speak with an Australian accent, and it gives away the locality of where they learned to play the game.

The strength of the US game lies in the fact a parent married an Australian.

The (past) strength of the Russian game lied in a whole spread of Russian born players, juniors, and a very rich backer.


usa for the challenge cup??closer ties with the uk may lead to some of their players getting a start with the skolars like holland and serbia ,usa need to get some of their players overseas experience for the 2007 wc qualifers