People need to chill about Pvl and the tv deal
He was worried about the nrl being in breach of the tv contract and getting sued and he panicked and signed a five year deal
It easy to forget that as head of NSW Racing V`landys had been through the equine flu outbreak and was most likely spooked that Covid may have been far worse, at the time he obviously thought locking in a 5-year deal was prudent.
Afl was lucky to sit back and see what he did and pivot for their benefit. They also copied him and started their comp again after we did
And really they`ve been following his lead ever since.
It is probably really only the last 12 months that it has become really obvious of how beholden to him they are with the ridiculously named `gather` round, reintroduction of their ludicrous Indigenous All-stars match, now talk of Origin and the farce surrounding their opening round.
Does make me wonder where all this is headed, I think one thing would have definitely become obvious to PVL is that when it comes to the international space - and I don`t mean only international representative matches but also international events like we`ve just seen - there is little they can do, I expect to see him continue to ram this advantage home.
In PVL (and Abdo) we trust. LOL.