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Next Weeks Excuse

Whats next weeks excuse?

  • The ref was against us

    Votes: 7 17.1%
  • The 50/50 calls didn't go our way

    Votes: 5 12.2%
  • Dodgy calls

    Votes: 4 9.8%
  • The ref helped the other team win

    Votes: 4 9.8%
  • Refs favour strong teams

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • We just plain SUCK

    Votes: 20 48.8%

  • Total voters

El Diablo

Post Whore
Was I the only one that noticed that right after Thorn had used his elbows on Adamson he tried to knee him when he was playing the ball?

Not long after that it looked like Thorn lead with his knee into a tackle which coincedentally Adamson happened to be making.


First Grade
woodgers said:
What about the fact that one had both hands wrapped around the legs and drove where the other was picking someone up with the hand in between the legs and flipped. The definition of a spear would surely apply mostly to the Webcke one.

If you think there are teams and players that aren't favoured by certain factions of League whether they be various refs, Judiciary, Media, Salary Cap auditors then you have your head up your arse. Get off the PC, go to a few games and get some perspective. I had an indepth conversation with about 8 other league fans who followed various clubs last evening. Every one of them said that the favouritism was ruining the game. I also go to the games each week and sit in a group of about 80 people who share the same view, so how does that ruin my credibility Einstein?

It's already been made quite clear that it is irrelevant whether the player has his hands in between the legs or not.

If you want to base half your opinions on things totally unproven and without fact then I don't care who you watch the game with it says you have zero credibility. Deal in facts or throw your toys out of your cott somewhere else. Your talking about a club that has barely ever had a charge downgraded at the judiciary, had numerous shocking refereeing performances go against them this year as well as dodgy video ref calls and barely rates a mention in the Sydney media. A club that has been accused of feeling so agrieved by those in power in Sydney that it joined a rival competition along with your club and your accusing us of favouritism :lol: . I don't buy into us being hard done by not by any stretch of the imagination but your kidding if you think we get done may favours.


El Diablo said:
Was I the only one that noticed that right after Thorn had used his elbows on Adamson he tried to knee him when he was playing the ball?

Not long after that it looked like Thorn lead with his knee into a tackle which coincedentally Adamson happened to be making.
I just noticed that aswell. Pretty silly play from Thorn, who gave the Raiders possession in the first place.


First Grade
woodgers said:
I'm surprised it took 6 pages for someone to mention the Graham no try. This was a big turning point in the game with about 15 to go and the Raiders would have pretty much put them to bed. He did put a foot on the line and I believe the game was so tight that it came down to that half boot on the chalk.
Spot on, totally agree.

woodgers said:
The Berrigan no try was controversial. I commented to my mates at the time that if the 50/50 rule is being used then it is a try (although no one could see the ball hit the deck). The problem is that depending on the officials at each game, the benefit could be given or it might not. There is no consistancy but as a Raiders fan I would have accepted the try under the benefit rule. The Frawley one was a disgrace, that was a try for sure NO question. This one didn't even need to go to the benefit rule and was one of the worst decisions this year.

woodgers said:
Thé 'strip' on Webcke at the end where Brisbane leveled it was a joke, no hand in there.
Disagree. That's how it looked to me at the time too. On the replay, I finally saw a Raiders' hand (Hindmarsh I think?) strip it. But you had to be watching carefully to see it. A great call by whoever made it.

woodgers said:
I have more of a problem with players like Brad Thorn who commit Dog acts like blatent elbows to the head of a defenceless opponent on the ground. He should sit out for a few weeks, that is just cheap and was intentional. I also noted that after that penalty Adamson ran at him again and as he got up to play the ball Thorn put a disgusting knee into his head...it was right in front of the 3 officials who let it go. That is o.k Mander, as long as you are policing the important aspects such as backchat rather than actual indiscretions.
The elbow was poor, penalty sufficient. But it was in response to Adamson resenting the tackle for no apparent reason. If you're on top of a bloke in a tackle and he's lashing out, it's natural to extend your forearm to keep him pinned. The knee I caught only in passing, didn't seem to be much in it at all.


First Grade
sydraider said:
Insecure thread from an insecure bunch of fans who know that the broncos slide is coming.
You will not win the comp!

We've been waiting for the so called slide for a while now, we keep hearing it from fans who hate the club, but it just doesn't seem to be happening.


First Grade
aussies1st said:
Cross' tackle was nothing just copped him on the chin or else it would have been fine.

There you have it people, all players have to do is front up to the judicary and claim..."it was fine, it just copped him on the chin"


First Grade
aussies1st said:
It basically was but some part of his arm clipped lockyer. Don't tell me another Raider will be suspended for loading
He's got some previous, hasn't he? He could well be loaded up.

It was high, it was late, it was flush. Wasn't a BIG swinging arm but those other factors made it clearly a trip to the judiciary.


First Grade
woodgers said:
Big Pete, I would suggest leaving to topic of spear tackles well alone as a Broncos fan.
What, spear tackles are only noteworthy if the broncos do them? Get real.


Staff member
He got suspened earlier this year, can't remember if he was suspened any other time. Does this loading include last year as if it does then Cross is in real trouble.


Originally Posted by woodgers
Thé 'strip' on Webcke at the end where Brisbane leveled it was a joke, no hand in there.
I think the ref said that penalty was for working him on the ground which caused the ball to come out.


First Grade
aussies1st said:
Does this loading include last year as if it does then Cross is in real trouble.
Not 100%, but pretty sure it goes back a couple of years at least.
Broncos struggling because they only just beat a 10th place raiders outfit in controversial circumstances? I'll take that over being beaten convincingly by either of the two wooden spoon contenders (Newcastle and Souths), which happened to last weeks favourite to win the premiership, and also another front runner. The way the competition is poised, there are no certainties. I'll also emphasise the earlier clash between Brisbane and Can-bra this season which saw the Broncos outclass the raiders with origin stars missing.

50-50 calls happen every week in every match, and when they influence the result like this one seems to have, then fans are upset, especially when their season is on the line. I really can't see how Raiders fans believe they were the better side and deserved to win. If you really were going to be a force, you wouldn't be trying so hard to secure points this late in the season.

And yes canberra, the NRL hates you, they all have it in for you, it is one big conspiracy, that's why you don't get any players picked in origin.


kiwi distinguishes himself as the androtop of the year, once again. I thought inbreds were incapable of using computers?


First Grade
azza said:
kiwi distinguishes himself as the androtop of the year, once again. I thought inbreds were incapable of using computers?

You seem to manage fine


:lol: Yes, but then again, aussie inbreds are more advanced than their Kiwi counterparts :p


First Grade
Raider_69 said:
geez, talk about the all time back fire thread

8 pages, caught plenty of fishies, wouldn't say it backfired. So I got abused, like I couldn't see that coming from whinging Raiders and their sidekicks.


Post Whore
Kiwi said:
8 pages, caught plenty of fishies, wouldn't say it backfired. So I got abused, like I couldn't see that coming from whinging Raiders and their sidekicks.

:lol: the old "i was fishing" thing after getting your arse handed too you by not only raiders fans by fans in general... :lol: how cliche


First Grade
Raider_69 said:
:lol: the old "i was fishing" thing after getting your arse handed too you by not only raiders fans by fans in general... :lol: how cliche

One only needs to have a look at the start of the topic to see I was having a dig, a blind man could have seen it. But hey you are a Raiders fan, a blind man does have better vision than you.


Post Whore
Kiwi said:
One only needs to have a look at the start of the topic to see I was having a dig, a blind man could have seen it. But hey you are a Raiders fan, a blind man does have better vision than you.

zing! :roll: :lol:
boyo, i think ill just cut my loses and run, im no match for that sort of wit :lol:

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