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NFT - celebrity chefs


First Grade
Does anyone here enjoy cooking and cooking programs? And before anyone asks, no I am not a housewife who lives to cook for the man of the house :roll: :D

I adore Jamie Oliver and have recently stumbled across a Kylie Kwong program on the ABC. I must say that Kylie is much more reserved than Jamie. I love the relaxed nature of the way he cooks, and how excited he is by fresh ingredients. And the way he's not afraid to take ideas from different types of cuisine, and adapt them as he pleases.

Is anyone else a fan?

And on a related note... As I adore food in general, cooking, eating out and eating in, I'm curious to know what you guys consider your specialties to be...


Hmm well I dont really have much to add to that astrogirl, but I do know that my cousin's boyfriend taught Jamie Oliver how to cook! He runs a cooking school in London and Jamie was one of his worst pupils apparently! Funny how things turn out hey! :lol: :lol:


I am a big fan of Jamie Oliver, he seems really down to earth and I like how he throws in a little bit of this and that in his cooking. You can tell he loves cooking and it comes across on tv. I have to admitted that when jamie's kitchen was on i was addicted. Can you believe some of those ungrateful little bastards, I mean a chance of a life time and they don't give a sh*t.
I have seen fresh as well with jason roberts and oh my god is he trying to be like jamie or what? That guy should not be on tv.
Anyway I have always loved cooking but don't find much time to do it and when i do i tend to try and cook lots of interesting dishes. Herbs are the best things to cook with.


Well I can cook just about anything so long as I have a recipe, no matter how complicated, and i make a great roast. I have known how to cook since I was about 10, coz i had to cook dinner for all my brothers and sisters when mum and dad were workin. :D

And about Jamie, he is good, except he p!sses me off when he says "yeah" all the time. :evil:


First Grade
I'm impressed Nut - a roast is one of the things I have a lot of trouble with!!! I can do a roast chicken (which isn't really a roast), but any other roast is not good at all.

bronnie, I liked Jamie's Kitchen too. So much angst though! Jamie annoys me sometimes too, when he says "literally". He says it a LOT!


astrogirl said:
I'm impressed Nut - a roast is one of the things I have a lot of trouble with!!! I can do a roast chicken (which isn't really a roast), but any other roast is not good at all.

The trick -- herbs and basting. If you dont do this it is bland and dry.


Jamie Oliver is a legend! Love Oliver's Twist and love Jamie's Kitchen!!

It's just that I think he uses too much olive oil...and a bit too much in terms of: 'a li-el bi of salt and a li-el bi of pe-per' (apologies but that was the best British accent I can do over the Internet)


SydneySwan said:
Jamie Oliver is a legend! Love Oliver's Twist and love Jamie's Kitchen!!

It's just that I think he uses too much olive oil...and a bit too much in terms of: 'a li-el bi of salt and a li-el bi of pe-per' (apologies but that was the best British accent I can do over the Internet)

HaHaHa, I think you did a fantastic job of the old pommie accent. :) :)


Leasha said:
but I do know that my cousin's boyfriend taught Jamie Oliver how to cook! He runs a cooking school in London and Jamie was one of his worst pupils apparently! Funny how things turn out hey! :lol: :lol:

It might have been that with his speech impediment, he accidentally spat on the food.


I hate to cook!

I'm fortunate enough to live with a flatmate who is an awesome cook and actually enjoys it. My part of the deal is clean-up crew but the dishwasher soon handles that.

Don't get me wrong... I honestly can cook, when I put my mind to it but too many years living on my own cooking for one and I now struggle to cook anything more inspiring than 2 minute Noodles.

Guess I'll just have to land myself a husband who can cook... ;-)


I love Jamie Oliver!! He is a real character and you can really tell he loves everything about cooking! I watch Oliver's Twist religiously and i was also hooked on Jaime's Kitchen (can't wait for the next series)!!
Can you believe some of those ungrateful little bastards, I mean a chance of a life time and they don't give a sh*t.
I agree, they were so arrogant. Going on about it's to much work what did they expect, i'd love to be in there posititon.

But on the next question i absolutely love cooking. I'm actually going to be a chef. I'm in year 10 and i have just started a school based traineeship with a restaurant. So in the next 4/5 years i might be cooking your meal!!!!


astrogirl said:
LOL Jedda, one day I'd like to find a guy that doesn't mind cleaning bathrooms :D

Guess what - i get to do that too... and wash up, and babysit, and garden = arent i lucky :lol:


First Grade
Pity you're a bit young for me Nut. That's if my memory serves me correctly (which it often doesn't!) Good to know that guys like you exist though :D



If you're into your celebrity chefs, then this is the website for you:


Oliver is an entertainer, however when you think about it. He doesn't use measurements, some of the ingredients he uses you cannot get here in oz and his reliance upon salt/pepper and olive oil is waaaay too much, apart from that it is interesting to watch.


First Grade
A few ppl have mentioned his excessive use of olive oil. I agree - it's too much! He also overdoes the salt. And butter. Eeeewww!!!!

I don't mind that he doesn't use measurements though. I cook that way myself sometimes. And some of his ideas are great and can be used with other things.

Thanks for the web link, it looks pretty useful


astrogirl said:
Pity you're a bit young for me Nut. That's if my memory serves me correctly (which it often doesn't!) Good to know that guys like you exist though :D

Im almost 17.


First Grade
Nut said:
astrogirl said:
Pity you're a bit young for me Nut. That's if my memory serves me correctly (which it often doesn't!) Good to know that guys like you exist though :D
Im almost 17.
LOL cos my memory actually worked for once - I'm 26.

Edit: Had to edit out a comment that could be misconstrued :oops:

Big Tim

First Grade
Has anyone ever seen a guy called Ainsley Harriett? He is the best cook I have ever seen on tv. He used to have a regular show on the ABC, but I'm not sure if it is still on. Anyway this guy is so entertaining, he is English and has the most unique style of adding herbs and oils and stuff like that to his dishes. When you first see him you will laugh at this, but it is so entertaining to watch and you can tell he loves his food.