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NFT - Guy Sebastian

les norton

First Grade
The thing i dont understand is.....all "artists" and i use that word loosely, get "discovered"....the only difference for guy is that it was on national T.V. Granted...giving him an edge....but he IS different to the popstars BS as the country voted for him, they must like something they see..

Also the guy is a music teacher ffs...i think he loves music, is as creative and deserves this just as much as any bullsh!t bands you 2 boys like....

Anyways, to each their own...diversity is the spice of life ;-)


Guy has talent .

I guess people don't like the way he had instant stardom.

Anway i really enjoyed the 'Australian Idol' show.

looking forward to 'World Idol'.

Go Guy! :?


Samwise, if Shannon or Millsy etc had won Idol I would completely agree with you. But Guy actually *is* a musical artist. He writes his own songs and plays his own instruments. His day job is a music teacher.

BMG wanted the whole album to be tripe written by other people, but Guy fought to include some of his self-written songs (he got 3 in the end), and apparently they're easily the best songs on the album (not my style of music, so I haven't heard it myself).

I'm hoping next album he will have some more control and be able to write it completely himself.

And for the record -- I *despise* pop music, actually pretty much anything with a chorus turns me off. I mostly listen to avant garde instrumental work from europe (mostly from the 70's, but some current works too), but also love black metal (Opeth is a fave) and progressive rock (King Crimson, et al). But my wife sucked me into watching the show and I could see this Guy kid had some talent...
I will bump this thread in a few months and you will all be 'guy who?!?!' Thats how long his time being a popstar will last... And no, it is not at all different to popstars...

oooo he's a music teacher, that takes a lot of talent, in year 8 my music teacher was also a german teacher, he taught us how to play the EFG whiz on an acoustic guitar.. What a damn fine artist.

He is just another teeny bopper fad, and if you people care to waste money on this person who will last a few months tops, then so be it.


les norton said:
but he IS different to the popstars BS as the country voted for him, they must like something they see..
Ummm, the 'country' (country being used very loosely) voted for that Scott Cain as well (not sure about the other 2 popstar shows). Other countries have also voted for their popstars/idols and only a couple have ever gone on to anything good. So just because people voted, doesn't mean jack. As Samwise said, once the next series starts, Guy's time in the spotlight will be over.

For some reason, when people are put on tv, no matter how talented, untalented, interesting, amusing etc they are, people think they are celebrities and they want to meet them and but their products/watch their shows etc. That's why the first album always sells... always.

Just look at Big Brother... the contestants don't do a thing apart from live their lives in front of the camera. They have no great talent, they are just normal people (well, the sort of normal who want to live their lives in front of a nation anyway). Yet, just because they are on tv, there is the group of people who think they are great and want to meet them. Why?? They aren't different than anyone else.

My point being, if you get on a tv show that has the money behind it, has the potential to be seen by everybody in the nation, and is promoted constantly, then no matter who you are or what you do, as long as you are on it, people are going to think highly of you and do whatever it takes to meet you, or they will want stuff to do with you so they'll buy your products. Then, as the promoting winds down, they hear less and less of them, the next 'big' show starts, or the next series, then the public move on and forget about them. Thus why many are one hit wonders. If they were truly great, they would have got in the industry by themselves through good old fashioned hard work and persistence... not by a free ride.



the second anyone even tries out for a show like this they prove they are doing it purely for fame and fortune rather than truly caring about the music. for the record there are plenty of artists which i don't like yet still consider artists, just not to my personal taste. the good news is things are beginning to change for the better where people are opening their eyes and taking in more diversity in their music listening and not accepting the crap the big record companys are spoon feeding the public. however shows like australian idol are forcing things in the opposite direction. the fact remains that this album has sold because of australias infatuation with reality television.[/b]

les norton

First Grade
The bottom line is......why do you care what other people are spending their money on? Like i said earlier, to each their own.

Getting discovered is luck, trust me there are thousand of bands/singers/soongwriters etc that put the 'effort' in....the ones that you have heard of got lucky...tell me how powderfinger put in more effort than the band that plays my local 3 nights a week for 4 $50 and a slab of beer?

Granted Powderfinger is alot better, but you were talking about putting the hard yards in and not getting things handed on a plate, werent you?
There's heaps out there. Tell me how a guy like shannon is going to get 'discovered' playing in pub band in the middle of freakin' no where?

What do you consider enough "suffering for your art' until your allowed to do whatever you can to make your dreams come true.....


first of all a guy like shannon will never get discovered cos he doesnt have the talent, there is nothing original about him, he just wants to be the next jimmy barnes.

secondly i agree that there are plenty of talented artists out there that will never get discovered, but luck is not the only factor, talent has a lot to do with it.

finally i was expressing my personal opinion, i also agree to each their own, i just find it sad when people can't determine the difference between a truly talented artist and a game show contestant. if guy's life long dream was to become a famous musical artist why would he trade that dream in to become flavour of the month one hit wonder with virtually zero control over his career? as i said before i will retract all of this if he is still around writing his own songs in a couple of years time.

p.s. ben i expect u to buy me a new soapbox :)
Powderfinger had 3 EPs out before they finally received enough exposure to record an album. The earliest of their EPs that I have is 1992, and their first album was in 1995. That's a long time for a band to go without actually having an album when you consider Guy Sebastian spent 4 months singing one or two songs a week on TV to get his go.

Give me the hard working musos any day. They realise the value of their status better than an instant success. Bottom line is: they wanted it more than the other local acts. If the others were good enough, they'd get the exposure after recording their own stuff.

BTW, those Powderfinger EPs are worth a small fortune these days (so to speak). Up to $200 a piece on Ebay.

les norton

First Grade
DMC- umm that was my point...i know powderfinger put in a lotta hard work but so do heaps that dont get famous-

whats wrong with a short cut, doesnt mean you want it any less or deserve it any less..

I'm not a big guy fan and i dont really care if he has staying power, i do think he has talent and deserves the success he is getting...

Basically - i would rather my 12 yr old daughter (if i had one) buying his CD than some of the crap (but deserving???) bands CDs


Well I didn't expect the thread to turn into a "Let's attack a person who stands up for what they like and enjoy" thread.

Firstly, I'd like to say a big thank you to astrogirl for sticking up for me. :) I really appreciate it.

Now to the other people complaining...

I didn't read all the posts that you guys wrote but I think I got the jist of it: "Anti-teeny boppers"...if such a thing exists.

If you guys cared to read the title of the thread, I think you should have been expecting what the content would be, so why bother reading it in the first place? Another thing is that Guy Sebastian does write his own songs and play his own music even before entering 'Australian Idol'. Because of the rush the present CD was in, he was only able to assist in the writing of three songs, and the arrangement of one. If you think he's not committed to music, then you're wrong. He had a degree in engineering and gave it up after he realised he'd rather commit himself to music, hence becoming a music teacher. To be able to create a CD is another matter however. You have to realise that most of the time it depends on luck. Say Delta Goodrem for example. She was only discovered when she sent her version of a song to the wrong address. Artists also require a connection to get the record deal and that was the only thing that Guy was missing - a connection.

I have one more thing to say to you guys. Because each person is unique and different as compared to your "great selves" it doesn't give you any right to attack their personal interests. If everyone in this world possesses the same selfishness that you possess, it would be an extremely sad world...so sad, that I'd rather commit suicide than live within it. How you guys attack another person is not what life is suppose to be about...rather you should be embracing life and the beings within it. But, unfortunately, I'm definite that one person attacking this thread rather kill and be interested in war rather than appreciating a person for what they are. It makes me very sad to see people like that.

I've almost lost really good friends because people like you guys attack them and make them feel bad about what they believe in, and their interests. That's why I wanted to thank astrogirl so early in this post, because if my friends didn't have the support of others, including myself, they wouldn't be present in this world today.

I understand that everyone is different, and what I like, well, obviously you guys don't like it either. But rather than making ruthless attacks, why don't you just ignore it? That's what I use to do most of the time in the Newcastle Forum, until it got too much for me when certain members (I will not mention any names) made racial comments to a certain race. But that's for another time.

What I'm trying to say is that I think everyone in here are mature people, and rather by sledging, I really think some of you should act your age.

Thank you to astrogirl (again) and the others who actually followed the thread. I really appreciate it. :)
So who the hell told you what the meaning of life is?

Hey lets turn this into a suicide awareness thread as well :roll:
Les - I was sort of backing you up and then going a bit further to imply the people that work harder, usually have a more faithful following and therefore longetivity in the field. Sudden impact of Idol don't work: or rather, they do work, for a short time. Next year there will be another Idol directly taking his airplay and fanbase.

I'm of the opinion that (from what I saw) Guy had singing talent. But the only talent we saw was him singing 1 minute cover songs. How many of the viewers voted for his own original work that's now being touted as his major asset? Not many. None.

He's just another product. He's singing other people's songs (how many on his album are all his? I'm sure Holden will have his way and get all his songs released as singles anyway.

The big test for Guy will be when his prescribed shopping mall appearences are over and the next product is in the works. Let's see how many of the fair-weather fans stick with him. How's Scott Cain doing these days?

BTW, if people get so attached to these one minute wonder that they're threatened by any criticism, then they have a major problem. Every single music genre follower is type-cast and has to deal with it in their own way. Sounds like Idol worshippers aren't dealing with it too well.


apart from CH (who is obviously taking the piss) i havent seen one comment directly aimed at you sydney swan, les norton or anyone in particular. in my opinion the "ruthless" attacks are directed at the music industry in general and the show australian idol. don't be so sensitive. its not personal, don't make it look like it is.

having said that...DMC, spot on the money


First Grade
Chicken_Hunter said:
Hey lets turn this into a suicide awareness thread as well :roll:
You don't need to turn it into that :x

Firstly Guy has a voice of his own that I happen to like... Fair enough that you and alot of people don't like it either.... but that's no excuse to come on here and tell them there stupid or a buch of idiots.
He writes his owns songs and has his own private teaching clinic... now to me that's someone who loves music. I think he has deserved to win this comp... yeah maybe he won't be heard of in a yr... But look at Kelly Clarkson... America are nearly on their 3rd series and she is still going strong... So there is no reason why he won't be either.
bedsy said:
Chicken_Hunter said:
Hey lets turn this into a suicide awareness thread as well :roll:
You don't need to turn it into that :x

Why not? that swan person did. She was trying to put us all on this guilt trip.. But i have a black heart so it didnt really work.


Chicken_Hunter said:
bedsy said:
Chicken_Hunter said:
Hey lets turn this into a suicide awareness thread as well :roll:
You don't need to turn it into that :x

Why not? that swan person did. She was trying to put us all on this guilt trip.. But i have a black heart so it didnt really work.

maybe guy sebastion could warm your heart with a cool island song CH. :lol:


First Grade
Chicken_Hunter said:
bedsy said:
Chicken_Hunter said:
Hey lets turn this into a suicide awareness thread as well :roll:
You don't need to turn it into that :x

Why not? that swan person did. She was trying to put us all on this guilt trip.. But i have a black heart so it didnt really work.
Why not? becasue I hate talk about suicide, it's a little too close to home for me thanks.

les norton

First Grade
Samwise said:
apart from CH (who is obviously taking the piss) i havent seen one comment directly aimed at you sydney swan, les norton or anyone in particular. in my opinion the "ruthless" attacks are directed at the music industry in general and the show australian idol. don't be so sensitive. its not personal, don't make it look like it is.

having said that...DMC, spot on the money

Mate - trust me when i say I personally took no comments to heart...i'm a tough ol' bird...

Also, If you notice I also said that i am not running out to buy the CD However, I respect peoples choices and i wouldnt mind you guys posting a list of your CD collection...I'm sure that I could find something to poke fun at.... :D

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