Johnny Drama said:
why dont we have an ethnic australian flag since the majority that live here are ethnic.
76% of the country was born here
not to mention the fact that the ethnics were the ones that civilised this country too...
A Westminister style parliament existed here from the very beginning of British settlement.
The concept of juris prudence existed her from the very beginning of British settlement.
A mercantile culture existed here from British settlement.
The opening up of the harsh interior for our first large scale primary industries was created under British settlement.
That is the culture of 'skips'... and it is our culture why you are here.
You are not here for corroborrees, you are not here for an aboriginal dream time experience.
You are here because it is safe, prosperous, fair and transparent.
You are here because of OUR culture....
Your culture is fatty food and some dumb arse costumes you dance in once a year on your 'national' day.
Show some gratitude.
hey they were smarter too, they arrived in planes, the white australian arrived in chains...
Myth... less than 1% of Australians can trace their heritage back to convicts.
Those convicts however built a land with no infrastructure that became propserous, while your ancestors at the same time couldn't handle electricity or sewerage.
The ones that arrived in chains overtook your lot in 80 years.
also, we should thank them for bringing over all their traditional dishes which are now considered australian cuisine...
Then we shouldn't be thanking 'ethnics'... Asian cuisine has been aborbed more widely spread, and at a much quicker rate in Australia than southern european cuisine.
I can handle that.. thank more Asians, they're superior to Mediterranean Descendants.