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No Hayne.......then what???


Post Whore
Suity.... Do you have to jump ten feet across a room to grab your next breath of air??????

Of course not, you just breathe because everything provided for your breathing has already been taken care of............. just as DA, for whatever reason, is taking care of the winning Eels team without JH goes on and on and on and on and on.............

Life goes on just as breathing goes on just as the Eels winning goes on that's unless you don't like the winning image Suity preferring to worry about where your next breath of air is coming from.

Come on Suity........ Life Is For The Living....... Stop acting Dead

Boooooooooo Casper


Very clever mate, very very clever.

I had a discussion yesterday with quite a few forumites, and the consensus was that you are a complete wanker/tosser/clown etc..... That was the consensus. Not my opinion and I distance myself from such comments.

Now, that was only the opinion of a few. There was no prompting or coercing. It was quite simple.
I have no doubt that there are many on here who like to encourage your outlandish simplistic cut/copy/paste views. All kudos to them.

I think you are fantastic, and a breath of fresh air on this wonderful site.
We need more people like you, Casper. :sarcasm:

Booooo, Suity.

Casper The Ghost

First Grade
HaHa isn't. Both Kimmorley and Soward are playing better than her atm and that's just for starters.

A poll in the NRL forum? That will be the definitive result? A bunch of people posting on the internet, most of whom are braindead idiots (which, btw, I know you agree with Ron having told me so yourself)?

Look at last night's game. Fui put two tries on and neither of Burt's two tries involved HaHa so we would have easily won without her.

It's ok, though. You can continue the wankfest (which, once again Ron, we both know you agreed with me about when we were at the footy last night).

Well there you are Eels fans....

HJ & Ron with friend in the members bar watching the Eels v Warriors last night on close circuit TV....

And here they are talking about Haynes positional play

And celebrate when Hayne set up Grothe

Booooooooooooo Casper:lol::lol:

Casper The Ghost

First Grade
Very clever mate, very very clever.

I had a discussion yesterday with quite a few forumites, and the consensus was that you are a complete wanker/tosser/clown etc..... That was the consensus. Not my opinion and I distance myself from such comments.

Now, that was only the opinion of a few. There was no prompting or coercing. It was quite simple.
I have no doubt that there are many on here who like to encourage your outlandish simplistic cut/copy/paste views. All kudos to them.

I think you are fantastic, and a breath of fresh air on this wonderful site.
We need more people like you, Casper. :sarcasm:

Booooo, Suity.

That's because your heart is in the right place Suity. Kudos to you,... you benefit from all the goodness your heart creates while others who ignore the heart continue rotting in the hell of their darkness of their own making.

Its all about taking full-responsibility for how we think, feel and act and its obvious you do because only the conscious are capable of doing that.

The darkness is all about Doing Harm and supporting harm.

The sun shines...... some prefer to draw the curtains and open the blinds while others prefer to keep them closed.

Booooooooooo Casper
Well there you are Eels fans....

HJ & Ron with friend in the members bar watching the Eels v Warriors last night on close circuit TV....

And here they are talking about Haynes positional play

And celebrate when Hayne set up Grothe

Booooooooooooo Casper:lol::lol:

That's a great post, Cassie. I especially like the second pic and caption. The funniest thing is that you can see in the first photo that we had another companion last night and in fact we did! Dusty, as you have so accurately shown, is a short, fat, balding idiot!


Post Whore
Haha sweet as,
Dw this HJ bloke if ya read his stuff is so f**kedddd up!

"i wasnt in the cool group actually, i was a metal head"- bahahah gayest f**kin thing i ahve ever heard!!!

Just fyi - metal is next to godliness. It is an art form.


Post Whore
As for the thread - we're yet to see what both Keating and Mateo would bring to the table behind this pack.

I, for one, am fairly confident that Keating and Mateo would strengthen this side even further, particularly in attack, to the point that teams could target Hayne and Fui all they like - and you'd still have Keating and Mateo to cause problems.

I find it refreshing we've gone on such a ride with our second string halfback and without arguably one of our most creative back-rowers. Yes, a lot has fallen on Hayne's shoulders. But it will do him very good - it will mature him and maybe even set alight that fire in his belly to be the best he can be (which we're arguably already seeing).


I doubt the Eels would suddenly lose all momentum and fall apart if Hayne was to go down injured. But I also doubt they would have any chance whatsoever of winning the comp without him.

And that can be said for almost every team in the NRL. Good teams in form can cope to some extent without their best player, but very few can cope to the extent of doing a victory lap on grand final day.

Having said that, Hayne's influence on the side at the moment is enormous considering he's not even a half, five-eighth or hooker.

Craig Johnston

First Grade
Well fui has been making yards all year and we were sh*t with Burt at FB - once Hayne was moved there we starting wining...anyone that suggests that Fui Fui Moi Moi is a better player then Hayne needsto be shot asap, probably the most pathetic thing i've ever heard. Actually i'll tell you how pathetic it is - go and create a thread in the NRL section right now with a poll attached.

x however many it is now since i stopped reading after page 1

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