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No salary cap whatsoever - would it be so bad?

The Eagle

Problem I have with any marquee player allowance is who does Manly use it on? Brett Stewart? Jamie Lyon? Anthony Watmough? Glen Stewart? DCE? K Foran?

If its useless to even the poorest club what's the point of it? To bring back traitors or keep the money hungry? What fan wants them dickheads in the game? Only desperate Parramatta fans still butthurt over the Folau saga and let me tell you those eels ate the biggest whiners in the history of professional sports, bring in Ricky Stuart and you have a transformers style super sook mode


Salary cap is necessary in RL becuase in RL when you have two teams of even slightly different standard the difference in the result is at least 50 pts differences. Just look at England V France yearly Test..

In soccer it is massively different because there is a lot more room for a) scoring from a fluke and b) consequently obstructing the game and hold on to the result against an overwhelmingly stronger team.

That holds the fans of smaller teams hoping for a win over the big dogs or a lucky run in the cup.

In fact, you needn't go into other codes to see what would happen - just see Super League - I believe only 4 or 5 clubs are spending up to the salary cap, and you get the yawn-fest of Widnes Vikings v Warrington Wolves "derby" .. half of the teams in the league aren't even competing really.

The beauty of the NRL is that you cannot predict before the season who is going to win. I remember last year people were calling Tigers premier favourites - funny how that turned out..

Meanwhile I can safely predict the top 4 teams in Super League next year will be Leeds, Wigan, Warrington and St. Helens with maybe Hull F.C. getting close.

Loose the sallary cap and you loose the appeal.
Problem is the very rare occasion we lose an elite player it isn't for a hundred grand, it's for massive differences. Are you suggesting clubs can afford to be paying out am extra 1/2 mill on one player? Not sure if you've seen NRL clubs bottom lines?

Not all of course PR but at least there would be more clubs challenging the Broncos for signatures. I wouldn't have suggested if it weren't for the TV deal however.

The third party deals loop hole for me means that some clubs have wider boundaries than others. Giving all clubs the same restrictions is the fairest way to go forward isn't it?

Perth Red

Post Whore
Tbf though broncos are hardly packing their squad with int's and dominating the comp. manly have arguably one of the lowest 3rd party appeal yet have managed to be a top side for the last few years. Storm are the anomaly but I think it is partly fluke, partly creative accounting that has seen so many talented players come through at the same time.


Tbf though broncos are hardly packing their squad with int's and dominating the comp.

They certainly did do this from circa 1988 to 2006, they just made a mistake and blew all there salary cap on one outside back (Folau) not long after this and have struggled to right the ship since.
At various times through previous Era the QLD and Australian teams have basically been the Broncos + a few ring ins.


First Grade
Not all of course PR but at least there would be more clubs challenging the Broncos for signatures. I wouldn't have suggested if it weren't for the TV deal however.

The third party deals loop hole for me means that some clubs have wider boundaries than others. Giving all clubs the same restrictions is the fairest way to go forward isn't it?

That is very true.. I have a family member who is chief payroll officer for a third party sponsor of one club and the amounts they contribute to one club would stagger people here.. They have up to a dozen players on their payroll.

The Engineers Room

First Grade
The salary cap was to stop stupid clubs paying ridiculous salaries to players and causing them financial problems.

It is not designed to even out the competition.


they just made a mistake and blew all there salary cap on one outside back (Folau) not long after this and have struggled to right the ship since.

WB & Cyril Connell not being there anymore has a lot to do with it as well.

And then there's Bruno blowing the Bellamy deal ](*,)


Salary cap should be 50% x NRL income p/a divided amongst the 16 clubs.
I'm estimating that once the naming rights, radio rights, NZ broadcasting rights and internet rights are sorted out it'll be $1.2billion+ over the 5 years which equals $7.5 million/club/annum.

$7.5 million annual club grant/salary cap.


You need to do more research Loudy

The raiders are backed by the QLC, which are reknowned tightarses in terms of the football operations, but are asset rich. In terms of wealth, the raiders are comfortably in the top 5 clubs in the competition. The QLC own a string of property and LC's in ACT, QLD and NSW. And so long as Johnny Mac (as crazy as he is sometimes) is controlling the fund distribution of the QLC, we'll be as safe as a bank. They'll give us as much as we need (and unfortunately not a penny more) to continue.
Not doubting you, but you got any facts and figures to back it up? Because you just described Penrith.
Signings within the salary cap dont really have a lot to do with anything regarding the security of a club off the field, id have thought that was fairly obvious to most. Apparently not.
Although it must be embarrassing that strugglers like Manly and Cronulla just get so much more talent than you ever have.

How about coaches? I never heard of a Bennett or Bellamy return to Canberra. Were you not interested in Sticky? Negotiations were quite advanced for the Stickmobile to park at Cockington Green I hear. Then we showed him our money. Lust likeother clubs showed Henry, Elliot and Sheens money - and they left quicker than Campo's medicab. For one of the top 5 richest clubs, you havent actually bought a coach since Tim Sheens have you?
Besides, arent you the blokes who in recent years signed Ben Roberts, Chris Walker as well as Chris Sandow... you should be the last bloke talking shit about flop off season signings. You blokes have a lot more at higher dollars than we have.
Well done. You listed your best signing against our worst. :lol: And you won "Fumbles" Orford by throwing a waldron of gold at him so he wouldnt take our meagre offer. Anyway, I'd happily compare the test and origin signings both clubs have made since 2003.

Are you suggesting that if the '97 Broncos versed the Knights, they would not have won??

There was no 97 Broncos. They werent even in the friggin comp!

Problem I have with any marquee player allowance is who does Manly use it on? Brett Stewart? Jamie Lyon? Anthony Watmough? Glen Stewart? DCE? K Foran?

If its useless to even the poorest club what's the point of it? To bring back traitors or keep the money hungry? What fan wants them dickheads in the game? Only desperate Parramatta fans still butthurt over the Folau saga and let me tell you those eels ate the biggest whiners in the history of professional sports, bring in Ricky Stuart and you have a transformers style super sook mode
Manly never whinge do they gimp.


Tbf though broncos are hardly packing their squad with int's and dominating the comp.
Only you could be serious and say something as uterly stupid as that!
manly have arguably one of the lowest 3rd party appeal
:lol: Probably the highest profile club of the last 40 years has no third party appeal???

Perth Red

Post Whore
Only you could be serious and say something as uterly stupid as that! :lol: Probably the highest profile club of the last 40 years has no third party appeal???

You are a rocking clueless idiot, yeh broncos are dominating the kangaroo squad!

Kangaroos: Billy Slater, Darius Boyd, Greg Inglis, Josh Morris, Brett Morris, Johnathan Thurston, Cooper Cronk, Matt Scott, Cameron Smith (capt), James Tamou, Greg Bird, Paul Gallen, Nate Myles. Interchange: Robbie Farah, Ryan Hoffman, David Shillington, Tony Williams, Ben Te'o (18th man).

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/rugby-league/...aroos-squad-20121002-26wmc.html#ixzz2EenI3E8c

Yeh manly are rolling in cash from the corporates lining up to back them lol.


Sigh. R69 and Loudy in a dick measuring comp over their two useless mobs. Like two bogans arguing over who has stolen the best computer. They're both too dumb to use it.

Parra and Canberra might be rolling in it, but neither club knows how to spend its money.


Staff member
Sigh. R69 and Loudy in a dick measuring comp over their two useless mobs. Like two bogans arguing over who has stolen the best computer. They're both too dumb to use it.

Parra and Canberra might be rolling in it, but neither club knows how to spend its money.

Two is company. Three is a crowd, but here you are anyways.


Super Moderator
Staff member
What exactly would happen if there was no salary cap? I honestly don't get it, the sharks would suck? Oh no I can scarcely imagine... wait a minute... they do suck and have for quite some time. The storm would dominate? Oh we couldn't have that it wouldn't... wait a minute, they effing do dominate. It just doesn't seem to work at all, and even if it did I don't think I'd agree with it. Why shouldn't more successful clubs be more successful on the field? You'd get clashes between heavyweights and then david vs goliath matches, both with their certain appeal. As it is now you get loser team vs shackled team and the fans lose, missing out on the quality they could be seeing. Ultimately the game is handicapped.
You'd be best to read up about the history of clubs in the English Rugby League.

Some clubs dominate and appear in finals etc for decades at a time.
Others forever remain minnows, for decades at a time.

It makes the game predictable, with the poorer sides regularly getting cricket scores against them by the top sides.

Salary cap puts everyone on the same playing field.

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