Every single treaty he signed, every single regulation he signed, every single law/executive order he signed, every single power station he closed down, every single word he uttered effected every western leader and they all followed suit. But like I said,he wasn't the only one, virtually all the presidents before him were exactly the same. GLOBALISTS!
Look at some of what Trump has done in his very short time as President by waving that magic wand that Obama so arrogantly mocked him with on the campaign trail. Millions back in jobs, record black employment, 4.1 economy growth, reduced the company tax rate to as low as 15-20% to compete with giants like China, who for example have 0% for the companies owned by the generals and tax cuts for most American citizens, just to name a few.
Re-investments by corporations in the hundreds of billions due to better tax laws and new tariffs that help protect investments and help compete against China, India, Mexico and others, I think the figure now is over a trillion dollars worth of new capital, including $100 billion by Apple who begrudgingly announce they are opening up a new felicity back in the US now. Consumer confidence is through the roof and obviously that has a roll on effect internationally.
Withdrew from the TPP, and the Paris Accord, saved us from shooting ourselves in the head and loosing hundreds of billions over time not to mention wiping out millions of quality jobs to the larger economies in the agreement. We are a very small economy player in the world. These agreements/treaties favour the bigger, stronger non-unionised economies. We need to sign agreements on a one on one basis with countries and industries so as to get the best possible outcome for ourselves and the other party. These one size fits all agreements only long term benefit the larger economies and in particular the multi international companies that writing them and pushing for them.
But like I said, all the things that I have written above, either effect us directly, or indirectly. Not to understand that whether you like Trumps policies or not is being in denial or not understanding the massive influence the worlds largest economy has on us and the rest of the world. Trump has achieved hundreds of things while in office, including record arrests of paedophiles that you never here of on MSM. Most of what he is doing has already or will eventually start to push us in that direction, which is more of a Sovereign direction not global. China for example with its policies is trying to push us and other counties under their influence. I know which economic power I'd rather be influenced by.
Just my opinion.