Lol stanning for Elon, I couldn’t give two shits about him or Twitter. I’ve never used it and I have no intention too. But have you seen some of the former employees??? They wouldn’t know what a hard days work was if it bit them in the arse.
Don’t you run a small business??? How long would you last if you had some of these lazy self entitled merkins working for you?? One of them was offered a job from the head of Reddit, the Reddit CEO said we work during a 9/5 workday his reply??? “ Thanks but I don’t really rock up to work place till 11ish LMFAO!!
If this is a reflection of the idiots he sacked or were asked to work harder and decided to leave I hardly think the company is going to suffer one little bit. A friend showed me some clips of these idiots posting videos while at work it wasn’t work it was more like a form of adult day care.
I'm sure there's plenty of anecdotal examples of lazy merkins you can point to, like in pretty much any large organisation that existed ever, but hey, we're talking tens of thousands of merkins here, and I very much doubt that kind of behaviour is the rule.
There's also plenty of evidence out there that says this is pretty typical of the way Musk treats his employees in his other businesses, so there's that.
And yeah I run a small business, it'll likely remain small on account of I'm just not inclined to be a shit merkin to people that work for me, or people I do business with.