I've got a mate who relocated to Melbourne to go and work for a FinTech startup a few years ago. Before long he realised the boss/owner was a complete lunatic. Sounds a bit like Musk and his Twitter employee edict. My mate was working 16 hours a day, weekends, all that sort of stuff. It was just expected.... Like legit, 8 hours a day would have been considered dogging it and the boss would interrogate staff why they were going home at 7pm for example.... My mate left after 2 years, we laugh about it now but it was hell while he was there. One of the other guys that worked there for a few months ended up in therapy. Some of the stories he told me were hilarious and terrifying at the same time. Anyone who reads the Fin Review regularly has no doubt read articles about the owner I'm referring to. I'll leave it at that...
Some people thrive in these kinds of environments, but many end up on the scrap heap. I'm sure plenty of tech grads dream of landing a job in a place like Twitter but the reality is likely quite confronting when you get in to it. My own feeling is that there's more to life than that but each to their own....