Sorry mate.Said goodbye to my Grandmother today. The hardest day I've ever had. She was a Parra fan (mainly because i am).
Yes the Constitution does protect religious freedoms.Now, I'm no constitutional scholar, but have there been any questions raised around the constitutionality of a burqa ban?
I know it would have to relate to whether religious garb actually equates to the religion itself (which it may not) and so the Constitution may not be valid, here, but I thought someone would have raised it, yet I've heard nothing.
Did I just miss it? Was it raised and dismissed?
I actually agree with the security argument. For the same reason that you cannot wear a full face helmet or a balaclava into a bank or petrol station.Yes the Constitution does protect religious freedoms.
But the bigots are manoeuvring around that by claiming that they are a security risk or another gem - they are not conducive to Australian society. Whatever that means. Hanson wants them banned bc she says they oppress women.
I get the oppression angle however It seems a convenient conclusion without any real substance.
Unless there is a pattern of crime used by merkins in full garb, then why legislate against it ?I actually agree with the security argument. For the same reason that you cannot wear a full face helmet or a balaclava into a bank or petrol station.
The argument can't even be made that helmets and balaclavas are optional headwear and can easily be taken off, because so are burqa's. I get that they are religious whatever, but they aren't necessary to wear, i,e, they won't die, or be in any way negatively affected if they take it off. and there are other options that they have that don't completely cover their face.
What I worry about, and what I'm amazed that no one has done yet, is rob a bank wearing burqas to prove the point.
I don't think they should be banned completely, Just in places where helmets and the like aren't allowed, like in banks and such.
Agreed, but I'm not talking about religion though. The fact that it is a religious garment isn't a factor in my concerns. Yes we should be mindful to respect peoples religions/cultures, but at the same time, when religion/culture clashes with security, security should always win, no doubt about it.Unless there is a pattern of crime used by merkins in full garb, then why legislate against it ?
FYI we already have laws which require a muslim woman to reveal her face so that she can be properly identified.
You might recall this stemmed from smart arses who would not remove their garments in court or even in the case when a woman signed a stat dec declaring police abuse and then claimed it was not her signature in the end bc the JP could not categorically state that it was her.
Yes the burqua provides challenges to our society buy we must be careful that we are not being xenophobic when structuring laws. Laws must have genuine intent and if they are not as HJ said, it will be unconstitutional to legislate simply bc of religion. people in a country of over 63m
Agreed, but I'm not talking about religion though. The fact that it is a religious garment isn't a factor in my concerns. Yes we should be mindful to respect peoples religions/cultures, but at the same time, when religion/culture clashes with security, security should always win, no doubt about it.
Although I should say that I believe all religion is stupid, but that's beside the point.
Yeah. out on regular public, I couldn't give a shit what people wear, each to their own.Ok so if you are saying that Banks should be allowed to have a dress code for security purposes. Sure no motorbike helmets or face coverings of any sort in my bank. I got zero problem with that.
BUT that's not what One Nation and Nationals are talking about.
AND just to take up Pauline's position on oppression of women (so kind of her to be compassionate towards muslim women), why is she not a champion for the endemic sex slave trade that effects thousands of women in Australia ? The burqa effects less than 100 women in Australia, yet the sex slave trade 1,000s. That is oppression.
SHOCKING FINDING: Women used as sex slaves in Melbourne and Sydney
A NEW study claims up to 2000 women are trafficked into Australia every year and effectively forced to work as sex slaves.
Asian slaves to the Australian sex industry
Trafficking: Women lured with student visas forced into sex slavery
Asian women are being snared in a student visa scam that funnels them into Sydney brothels where they are forced to sell sex and drugs for up to 20 hours a day.