Crazy thinking Gronk.
Serious question, why the arbitrary language? Why two? That's just a decision being made.
Currently the game is 'the union of a man and a woman to the exclusion of all others that may bear children'
Why change that to something else, falsely call it equality while being unequal to those who want 3 men, or 3 women, or 1 man and 3 women, or sisters, or brothers, etc etc.
Don't understand the hoo-ha about this. I actually agree with Barnaby Joyce on this - 'calling a diamond a square will not make it a square' [or however he more eloquently put it]
Currently same sex relationships have the exact same rights as those who are in a marriage relationship. Why make a change to the law to change marriage from what it currently is WITHOUT including all manner of different parameters??
What is the basis for making this decision?
No they absolutely don't. Firstly, they don't have the right to be married for starters, that one is an easy distinction to make. Secondly, the government does not recognise a same sex partner as a persons spouse, so all rights that a spouse has (i.e. medical choices for their partner, estate planning, and I'm sure a bunch of other official stuff) are denied to them, as they are not their "Legal" spouse, so that responsibility falls to their next of kin.
Apart from that, If two people want to be married, why the hell shouldn't they be allowed to? People who make religious arguments to this question are stupid, not because I think religion is stupid (I do, but that's not the point), but because no one is lobbying to get married by a specific church, they are asking for the right to marry LEGALLY. Remember that religious law and civil law are very very different (or at least they should be). The government has no right to make religious judgments on its citizens, nor make laws that push the religion of anyone onto anyone else. I'm pretty sure that we do not have the same "Separation of church and state" declaration in our constitution that the US does (I don't know, so I say we do) but we should though.
All they are asking for is to have the wording changed from "A Man and a Woman" to "Two People".
The polygamy, incest, and (sigh) bestiality arguments that are made against rulings like these are as stupid as the religious ones. There is no one asking for these things to be included, and I doubt that will change any time soon. The "Slippery Slope" argument (as was mentioned earlier) is pretty weak.
You know who makes that argument more than anyone else? The KKK and Westboro Baptist Church. You really wanna lump in with those guys?
If same sex couples want to marry, they should be allowed to, plain and simple. I personally think it should be a public referendum, a parliamentary vote under the current government won't pass cause Abbott will lean on his MP's to strike it down, regardless of their views on the subject.
Just let them be married, so they can be as miserable as the rest of us.. :lol: