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NRL considers radical changes


Not really if you add more game time then compensate for that, takes us back to the same place.

Someone who's a math magician calculate the extra minutes minus the number of less games and factor in extra interchanges somehow.

Anyway... so many flaws in the proposal. Only things I hope for is less games and expansion.

Therefore compensated for, which is what I said.:roll:


Currently you have 24 rounds of games, played for 80 minutes each, so if you played every minute of the season that would be 1920 minutes. If you were a forward, you may play half of this, with the remainder sitting on the bench, giving you 960 minutes.

If you went to 20 rounds of games, played for 100 minutes each, that is a maximum of 2000 minutes in the season, 80 more than previously. But if you were a forward, you may only play a third of this, or 667 minutes, significantly less than currently.

Note that this doesn't count other games played, such as finals or rep games. These would make it worse for full-game players and better for players who get subbed.

In other words, it is good for big forwards, but bad for the little backs.


I dont mind the idea of 4 quarters ( we already do it early in the season on hot days ) but only a 2min break, not a a 5min break. I dont like the idea of extending the game 20 mins.

Its inevitable that one day league will be played in quarters, there's too much money in it.

BTW, those who aren't familiar with Rothfield he is reverse trolling, trying to sound positive knowing full well league fans will be 'furious' with the way our game is heading.

Just ignore him!


Don't like the idea of quarters or 8 men on the bench. But with 2 expansion teams, a 20 round comp seems perfect. Play each team once plus the derby rounds would be a perfect fit.


Outside of increasing the teams to a possible 18 this is a great idea. Very aggressive approach to how the game should be played in the future.

I would love to see it happen.


One of the problems with a change in playing times is that it sets the NRL apart from other levels of the code in Australia (age grade, state cups, regional comps etc) - not to mention the international game as well.

One of the great selling points of Rugby League over Union is that the rules are straightforward - especially around the tackled-ball. By having different rules for different competitions, it loses that simplicity.


GW here,
This idea is akin to removing the legs of humans to replace it with mechanics so people run faster, then replacing the human heart with a machine that doesnt falter, until your robocop.

You cease to be human for small logiocal improvements, then its all f**ked.

Just like this idea.


4 quarters is the dumbest and most backward move the NRL could ever make.
It will kill the code for good.
If they want to improve the code, 3x30 minute periods is the way forward.

You know why they dont think of this idea, they have always worked in being one dimension. Like the group. yes.
Look, here are the new best ideas, and the code need to get it's head out of the past, dont allow the Sharks new CEO sell the shark brand for free, and start being forward thinking.
Instead of working in two's to do everything, start working in ones or three's.

Take away one interchange at a time, not two.
Introduce 3 new teams, not two, and have a bye each weekend for different teams. This will still expand the game to extra areas and also bring in 3 new areas while adding a extra game to the round every week., so more exposure and the extra game to sell..
And finally play the game in 3 time periods.
Why have 4 when it will just make the game too long and boring, add nothing to the excitement and just give you more reason to go home early with a sore arse from sitting around too long while your team is being hammered.
3 periods is way more exciting, for fans, for the players, and for added bonus system.

The code thinks it is a innovative code, well going down the same path of other codes is not innovative.
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Leave the game alone and bring ticket prices down, don't increase them. but in saying this if these changes are being pushed by television stations then no doubt they will be brought in. It seems what ever they want they get to them it's not about the sport it's about the money they can make from sport.


4 quarters is the dumbest and most backward move the NRL could ever make.
It will kill the code for good.
If they want to improve the code, 3x30 minute periods is the way forward.

You know why they dont think of this idea, they have always worked in being one dimension. Like the group. yes.
Look, here are the new best ideas, and the code need to get it's head out of the past, dont allow the Sharks new CEO sell the shark brand for free, and start being forward thinking.
Instead of working in two's to do everything, start working in ones or three's.

Take away one interchange at a time, not two.
Introduce 3 new teams, not two, and have a bye each weekend for different teams. This will still expand the game to extra areas and also bring in 3 new areas while adding a extra game to the round every week., so more exposure and the extra game to sell..
And finally play the game in 3 time periods.
Why have 4 when it will just make the game too long and boring, add nothing to the excitement and just give you more reason to go home early with a sore arse from sitting around too long while your team is being hammered.
3 periods is way more exciting, for fans, for the players, and for added bonus system.

The code thinks it is a innovative code, well going down the same path of other codes is not innovative.

3 periods doesn't work in an outdoor game with wind advantage


I've seen more coherent things scrawled in shit on public toilet walls.

I really think these posts are a cry for help or someone who needs some serious mental health help.


I've seen more coherent things scrawled in shit on public toilet walls.

I really think these posts are a cry for help or someone who needs some serious mental health help.

So you're familiar with the works of broncosdidzilchin2010?


None of these are radical changes.
4 quarters are used in NFL and AFL.
In a world where short attention spans are ruling the universe, the game really needs to be radical.

They really need to think outside the box, 2+2=4. Yes. Also 1+3 = 4.
Which is more radical. ? both achieve the same result.
The radical one is 1+3 =4.
It is uneven, it is harder to get your head around, it is not taking the easy option of everything being even, it is uneven and achieves the same result, yet,,,,, it is radical.

You can take the safe option, just be the same as all the others, or you can take the radical option, not knowing what could happen.

If rugby league wants to set the trend, it has to be different. These are not radical options, they are options already in use by other codes not game to try to be different.

Rugby leagues future lies in being different, you seen it at the nines, you see it with Origin, you see it with the all-stars.

3x30 minute periods with the season shortened to 18 rounds with 19 teams is the way forward.
So the first year you play the other team at home, then on the second year you play that team away.
So your home and away season runs over a two year period.
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I am not sure you understand what i mean.
here are teams one to 18. You play every team in the one 18 round season. Your team being the 19th team gets a bye as do all the other teams at some stage throughout the year. So you do not play any team twice that year. So on the second year you then play that team away.

1 at home,,,,,,verse your team 19
2 away
3 at home
4 away
5 at home
6 away
7 at home
8 away
9 at home
10 away
11 at home
12 away
13 at home
14 away
15 at home
16 away
17 at home
18 away

Then the second year you just reverse all the away and home games.
18 rounds with a bye for your team.
19 teams to cover every new area, Perth, Brisbane and Wellington.

Sydney teams that struggle to be encouraged to take some away games to regionals, like Rockhamption, and Central coast.
The code is simple to run if you get it right.


Staff member
Why couldn't we have four quarters of 20 mins with NO interchanges only reserves?. (or say 1 per quarter - or maybe 4 per game)

We could reduce the players on the bench (not increase it) reducing wages. It would also retain the fatigue factor BUT increase the ten minute fatigue periods to four a game rather than two.

I actually think the professional game should also increase the width of the field from 68m to say 72m which is an extra 4 metres (when possible) Union normally has a wider width (70m) This would encourage players to go wide and increase the chance of gaps. The modern game needs more wide running not stodgy defence. The width was created for amateurs and now we have drilled athletes covering that width often quite easily. Width would also increase the chance of leaner players over monsters. This would also help to maintain the 13 players rather than move to 11 or 12 as has been proposed. Additionally, it would put the field closer to spectators which increases the view and atmosphere.


Staff member
Regarding the amount of rounds - I don't imagine that the TV broadcasters are going t want LESS games per year. Atleast not significantly so.

Why not 18 teams - two conferences (H/A) verse your own conference for a shield and once against the opposition conference teams. Winning the conference shield could become massive especially for Sydney teams which could have a defacto Sydney Premiership.

I follow a non-Sydney team and would not for a second be grudge the Sydney Teams playing for a Sydney Cup with National / NZ sides playing for a National Cup (with the advantages that may give Sydney teams in terms of travel)

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