Fantastic game, sorry for the Cowboys whom I wanted to win, but I don't think robbed. Yes SBW wasn't stripped, but those calls happen at least 2-3 times every game and Cowboys still had their chances. JT was fantastic but had too much resting on his shoulders and blew the game when he made the break and kicked to the wing without seeing Morgan clear on the inside. That is where they lost the game, not the non strip.
The knock on disallowed try at the end - they had to rule a knock on to be consistent with how they have interpreted 'knock ons' for this and recent seasons, which is basically if the ball is anything but blatantly backwards it is a knock on. I hate that interpretation personally - in Rugby Union, they only call it a knock on if clearly forward from contact, the benefit of the doubt goes to the team with the ball and less stoppages in play.