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NRL Mafia (Game Thread)


GOT, as well as being a kick-arse setting, has a great structure for this game IMO (in my immensely limited experience). Several factions, tons of prominent roles. And it might do some the public service of being introduced to the books/show for the first time.


Staff member
Game of Thrones would be good. Too old to get the pokemon thing, my 2 eldest were obsessed with them for a while.


Staff member
I've ran them before, but little info on Game Of Thrones.
I guess with Wikipedia existing you wouldn't need to know much.
Or when you've got a wife who loves it, guess that helps too!

I would say that if you don't know GoT well, don't run it. It's more fun to run a game on a theme you know well, and the players will benefit from that extra knowledge you have.


Staff member
Yeah let the master aka Misanthrope do a GoT one :p

Wiki won't cut it!


Staff member
Recap Part 1 - The Town

Hallatia Matthew Johns, NRL Aligned Entertainer.

As a man of many talents, you can choose to adopt a different role each night. Each role allows you to make a different action. You cannot adopt the same role on consecutive nights.

Reg Reagan: You can select a player to whom you will ‘bring the biff’. That player is killed.

Trent the Flight Attendant: You may select a player to flirt with. That player is so distracted/aroused that they cannot act that night.

Don Kirk: You may choose a player ‘s garden to tend to. While tending their garden, you also observe any actions they make that night.

Steven the Man Child: You may select a player to defend tonight. If that player is targeted for a kill, you fend off the attacker.

You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

Hal :)lol:) drew a role that I had a lot of fun creating, so it was unfortunate that she was killed so early on in the piece. At the time, I believe she'd only managed to use her Man Child ability. I was looking forward to seeing what else she could do with her flexible role.

sensesmaynumbed Ray ‘Rabs’ Warren, NRL Aligned Professional Gasket Blower. As a legend of calling the game, your fans have come to expect certain things from you.

Whenever you post in the game thread you must use at least one of the following words or you will immediately be killed.
Dipsy doodle
Easy Meat
Shut the gate
At sixes and sevens
Fair dinkum
Turn it up
Sunday footy or Sunday football
Tall timber
Crunching tackle
Repeating any players name twice in a row (e.g. Misanthrope! Misanthrope!)

You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

The first of two roles played by sensesmaybenumbed, this one was a straight up pain in the butt for whoever drew it - as most post restriction roles are. It caught senses on day one, which sucks. I was really looking forward to seeing him post as Rabs all game.

Rebel was Gus Gould, NRL Aligned Super Coach. As the greatest couch in the world, you’re a master of strategy.

Each night you may select two players. The first player’s ability targets the second player. You do not learn what the outcome of your actions was.

You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

Despite surviving for the first half of the game, Rebel never once made use of his power. It might have proved an interesting spoiler had he weighed in and thrown it around some.

BunniesMan was Luke Covell, NRL Aligned Cult Hero. As a living embodiment of Cronulla’s mediocrity, you’ve learned to have thick skin.

You cannot be killed during the day phase of the game. If you are lynched, the person who cast the deciding vote will be killed instead. Once this happens, the ability will no longer function.
You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

I laughed out loud when the most hated guy in the FFB drew a role that was guaranteed to off a random when he was inevitably lynched. To the town's luck, the move also killed Parra - one of the four threats to the town.

Joshie was Paul Gallen, NRL Aligned Enforcer. You are the hardest man in rugby league and they need you now more than ever.

Each night, you may choose a player to kill. However, If you kill three NRL aligned players – you will be suspended for the duration of the game and can no longer act. You will still be able to vote and be the target of actions.

You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

The town's vigilante got off to a flying start when he killed a mafia threat right out of the gate, but it was the usual vigilante stuff after that as he took out two townsfolk before falling afoul of Sam Thaiday.

thorson1987 Danny Weidler, NRL Aligned Sports Journalist. As the foremost authority in rugby league, you’ll have your finger to the pulse and your ear to the ground.

Each night you can select one player to investigate. You will learn that player’s role and alignment.

You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

One of the three town survivors, surprisingly. Thorson's hidden ability was that 75% of his investigations would return a negative result - which is why on night #1, he found Hallatia to be Warwick Capper instead of Matthew Johns.

Maybe that discouraged him. He didn't do another piece of sleuthing for the remainder of the game.

Earl was Russell Crowe, NRL Aligned Movie Star and Owner. After giving up control of the Rabbits, you’ve reverted to the role of Maximus and can’t give it up.

Each night you MUST select a player to protect. If that player is targeted to be killed, you die in their place. However, you also kill their would be attacker. If you fail to submit a person to protect, one will be selected at random.

You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

This one was a bad option for Earl, as he was never around for the game. I also dropped the ball by not randomly selecting people as I had specified. It very well could have come in handy.

sensesmaybenumbed Jonathan Thurston, NRL Aligned Playmaker and Ladies Man. As arguably the best player in the game, your input has a lot of sway

During lynch voting, your vote counts for double. You do not need to reveal this ability or say anything special in the thread to reflect this. I will factor it in automatically.

You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

Taking over from the banned DWally, senses' second tilt at things was much more successful than the first as he made it all the way to the endgame. His double vote drew suspicion from time to time, but it proved invaluable in sealing victory for the town.

Didgi was Wally Lewis, NRL Aligned King of Football.

As the King, you are beloved by all and your word is gospel. Once during the game, you can call off a lynch in progress by posting The King has Spoken and your vote. All other votes will be ignored and the person you name will be lynched instead.

You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

If I had to nominate a town MVP, it would be Didgi. He was quiet for most of the game and didn't have any great impact until late in the piece, but the timing of his auto-lynch and the choice of killing butch (who kept adam alived) was perfect. It was all downhill for the mafia after that.

WOTBEH was Billy Slater, NRL Aligned Freak.

As a fast and elusive son of a bitch, you’re really hard to pin down. Any time you are targeted with a night action, the action instead bounces to a random player and affects them instead. This ability only protects you from the first target each night, so any secondary targets will still affect you.

You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

WOTBEH's power proved a pain in the butt for the town - as the mafia tried killing him twice and the kills bounced to Rebel and Earl. Still, it worked in his favour. He ended up being the third town survivor.

BDR was $onny Bill-Williams, NRL Aligned Mercenary.

As rugby league’s prodigal son and recent returnee, you’re not exactly trusted. If investigated, you will turn up as being mafia.

You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

BDR actually started the game as town, but a hidden part of his rule was that he would turn to the largest remaining mafia faction if he were targeted for any night action. When Rebecca Wilson tried to kill him, he was protected and turned to AFL-ARU.

Gas Panic! was Hazem El Masri, NRL Aligned Ambassador and all around good guy.

Perhaps the most well loved figure in rugby league, you’re always willing to lend a hand. Each night you can select a player to spend some time with. That player is protected should they be targeted for a kill.

You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

The town's bodyguard never got to make much of an impact, but Gas Panic! was trying his ass off by sending in a name every night.

Jason Maher was Aku Uate, NRL Aligned Spead Freak.

As the fastest man on the football field, you’re a hard one to catch. If you are targeted at night, you have a 1 in 2 chance of escaping unharmed. In addition to this, you have a 1 in 6 chance of catching a look at your attacker as you flee and will learn their role.

You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

The one time he was targeted, the odds were not in his favour. Had he survived, he might have been able to tip people off to the fact adamkungl was the mafia don.

9701 was Sam Thaiday, NRL Aligned Coward and King-Hitter.

You’re a big man with the heart of a pea. If you are the target of any action at night, you lash out at the person – regardless of whether or not their action is good or bad. That player is killed, but you are still affected by their ability.

You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

The 'trigger happy townsman' can be a huge boon for the town if a mafia type targets him, but it was Joshie who tried to take down 9701 - so the town lost its vigilante and a potential time bomb in one fell swoop.

DB was David Middleton, NRL Aligned Stats Guru.

Each night you may choose a player to perform an in-depth statistical analysis on. You will learn that player’s role and alignment.

In addition to this, once in the game you may request a census. I will post the results in the game thread. The census will reveal the number of players remaining in each faction, but their names or roles.

You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

My second choice MVP for the town. DB was out every night trying to get the wood on the bad guys, although his research always uncovered a townie. He did, however, make use of his census power late in the piece to get an accurate idea of just how many threats remained to the town. Well played.

Cliffhanger was Daniel Anderson, NRL Aligned Referee’s Boss.

Each night you may select somebody to call in front of the judiciary. That player cannot act that night.

You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

The town's roleblocker had one early success when she stopped Joshie from being killed, but after that her targeting of dogslife drew her into the public eye. You'll see why momentarily.

dogslife was David Beckham, NRL Aligned Cross Code Megastar.

The biggest coup in rugby league history, you’re also something of a white elephant as nobody wants to risk you playing and getting injured. You are also followed everywhere by hordes of paparazzi.

If you are targeted at night, your admirers will get a glimpse of the man targeting you. They will publish their findings in the game thread the following morning.

You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

A red herring role. Not only did dogslife's name sound bad, but he would also turn up as Cult of soccer if he were investigated and soccer still existed.

His passive ability meant Gas Panic and Cliffhanger's names were thrown out there as possible mafia subjects. The mafia, for their part, left him alone and he survived into the endgame.

whall15 was Tommy Raudonakis, NRL Aligned Grizzled Veteran.

A key proponent of the ‘Cattledog’ cry, you’re as NRL as they come. At any point during the game, you may cancel a lynch in progress by posting “CATTLEDOG” and a player name. All votes are reset and a new lynch vote is conducted. Only you and that player may be voted for in the new lynch.

You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

Earl's alter-ego never did get to weigh in with his very cool ability. I had hoped to see the town decide the fate of two players with a good, old fashioned cattle-dog call.


Next... Mafia, Cult, and Independent