Fumblers promoting their sport in NSW & QLD... "It's all about giving the kids a choice..."
RL promoting in fumble country.., "how dare those thugby types do this.. We already have the most bestest game in the world and this is an insult..."
Correct,but the fumbler's best when when they brought GWS in according to Len Sh*tty" We are not aiming to take over and are not in competition wiht the other codes, but become another choice to the children".
Then they throw up goal posts around Sydney,take over grounds, spend millions trying to convert young rl/soccer/union kids.
Imagine the Storm doing that?
Yup ,living together in peace and harmony, just like the Rohingas are with the Burmese.
If bulls*t were battleships, they'd make the US 7th fleet look like a Lego set.
As Paul Kent stated this mob are not looking at the now, but want to take over the show in 20 years.
IMO this Perth stadium decision is fighting fire with fire.Just a small missile in the arsenal.
Put a NRL club in Perth ,and get the media on side.