A whole generation has grown up never seeing the Western Suburbs Magpies play. Renaming the club the Magpies, which is what the Western Suburbs side of the faction would love but the NRL won't allow, would hurt the club.
Ownership structure Edit
As at 08 Oct 2020:
Wests Magpies Pty Ltd (ACN:089 921 166) own 4,000,080 (40%) of the Class A shares and 5,000,100 (50%) of the class B shares
Balmain Tigers Rugby League Football Club Ltd (ACN 002 592 949) own 1,000,020 (10%) of the Class A shares
Wests Magpies Pty Ltd is a jointly owned legal entity:
2 shares are held by Western Suburbs Leagues Club Limited (aka Wests Ashfield Leagues Club)
1 share is held by Western Suburbs District Rugby League Football Club Ltd (aka the Wests Magpies)
Note 1: WSDRLFC is a controlled entity of Wests Ashfield Leagues Club