Siv, you raise some good points but what real value do you see in re-establishing a reserve grade competition?
NRL Clubs are increasingly struggling to turn a profit and it must be remembered that fielding a semi-pro team reserves team requires a considerable financial outlay. Do you think your average supporter really cares how their clubs reserve team is travelling?
We have the potential to develop a strong stand alone second tier competition which could be the equal or even surpass the Qld Cup in profile. But to do this we must develop our second tier clubs into marketable brands and allow them to develop their own identity.
I agree. While I can understand why some might want a proper reserve grade comp, because it is part of the tradition and history of the game, I am not one of those people.
A reserve grade side is really only of interest to existing supporters of that club, and even then only a small sub-section of those supporters, given that they already have first grade and U/20s.
Personally I am much more interested in a comp with stand-alone clubs that have their own idenity. But I think we still want to see the fringe first grade players in this competition.