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O.T. Re the Plane.


It just makes you scratch your cynical heads when you watch what is happening with this plane and all the poor souls onboard.

Within minutes the world is producing film, flightpaths, voice recordings from the Separatists commanders to and from the bloke that allegedly fired the rocket. Even film of the launcher being taken back across the border.

Yet the other Malaysian Plane with the other poor souls that went missing without a trace - they can't even tell you where it crashed.

Smells really bad to me.

No, pretty reasonable.

The Ukraine is a hot spot right now, and no doubt has a pretty serious percentage of the worlds intelligence resources focused on it, from satellites to radio intercept and decryption, to phone and data intercepts and a fair few people on the ground.

MH370 was in a peaceful area, over water between Malaysia and Vietnam, little of military interest was going on there so not much in the way of intelligence gathering gear was pointed at it when the event happened, then it seems to have strayed into utterly (militarily) uninteresting territory (southern Indian ocean) and gone down.

On a semi related note, I do find it quite ironic that there has been such an outcry over the NSA monitoring all these phone calls and all of a sudden people are seeing exactly why they monitor them.


Husky, I am pretty sure there is a fair bit of disputing going on over island ownership up around the vietnamese coast and a bit further north. So I would hazard to guess that the penny would of dropped somewhere that a planes course was all of a sudden phargqued up.
There has been heaps of them flying over that very busy flightpath Zod. It is all about cost cutting and saving bucks.

10 previous flights to this fatal one flew way east of the war zone
Why was this one diverted to specifically fly through this zone?
Why were (and where are?) the Ukrainian air controller to MH117 flights tapes confiscated within minutes of the flight shot down?
We should ask these questions before running with MSM propaganda against Putin:x


10 previous flights to this fatal one flew way east of the war zone
Why was this one diverted to specifically fly through this zone?
Why were (and where are?) the Ukrainian air controller to MH117 flights tapes confiscated within minutes of the flight shot down?
We should ask these questions before running with MSM propaganda against Putin:x

Well Should the Americans be blamed if by any chance the Israeli's blow up a passanger jet out of the sky, all their military equipment come from the states.

Vin Fizz

10 previous flights to this fatal one flew way east of the war zone
Why was this one diverted to specifically fly through this zone?
Why were (and where are?) the Ukrainian air controller to MH117 flights tapes confiscated within minutes of the flight shot down?
We should ask these questions before running with MSM propaganda against Putin:x

TSS its standard procedure for the recordings to be obtained. Happens here in Aus also. I would have to look at the chart and get some more details but the air route being flown may not even be controlled by Ukrainian controllers. The ultimate decision on routing an aircraft lays with the crew and captain. If the airspace was as baron as they are saying (ie no curtis is flying that route) then there would unlikely be any need for an ATC to "vector" the aircraft. Id say the crew flight planned that route believing it to bear some risk but on the whole safe. High level enroute air traffic control is done using air routes flying procedures with aircraft reporting there position usually using satellite then translated through VHF to the controller who may also have a radar picture (not always) but will have a paint of the aircraft if it in his/her jurisdiction on a atc screen. This is more than likely in one of the eurocontrol centres that take care of Eastern Europe. Here in Aus where we look after 11% (not a typo) of the worlds airspace, the Enroute control (approach departure for some as well) is done out of 2 centres, Melbourne and Brisbane. Sorry if I sound like a smart arse. Not trying to.
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Husky, I am pretty sure there is a fair bit of disputing going on over island ownership up around the vietnamese coast and a bit further north. So I would hazard to guess that the penny would of dropped somewhere that a planes course was all of a sudden phargqued up.

You may well be pretty sure Quigs, but you're wrong. the nearest Chinese claims to the last known position of MH370 are about 400kms east (more than half the straight line distance between Sydney and Melbourne), MH370 was flying NNW and is believed to have diverted SW.

Civilian aircraft courses are not constantly monitored by radar unless they are near something that has a a radar and has a reason to track them, they weren't and nobody did, that is why nobody knows what happened.

Zod, as a matter of interest Israel makes rather a lot of their own defence kit and has a thriving defence export industry.

Vin Fizz

Vin knows nussing. He's full of shit, cant spell and doesnt know how to use lion spacing :). If he was so smart why on this green earth would he follow the fuggin SHARKIES?


Post Whore
10 previous flights to this fatal one flew way east of the war zone
Why was this one diverted to specifically fly through this zone?
Why were (and where are?) the Ukrainian air controller to MH117 flights tapes confiscated within minutes of the flight shot down?
We should ask these questions before running with MSM propaganda against Putin:x

The European Cockpit Association says the route being flown by Malaysia Airlines? flight MH17 is ?the most common? for services between Europe and southeast Asia


Take the foil hat off


It's alright now the Lying Friar has taken full control of the International Situation and is demanding Vlad play ball.

He is dispatching soldiers into the war zone to guard the scene and has started another Operation to go with his other George Bush type operations. This one is Operation Bring Em Home.

The farkequennn embarrassing idiot.


It's alright now the Lying Friar has taken full control of the International Situation and is demanding Vlad play ball.

He is dispatching soldiers into the war zone to guard the scene and has started another Operation to go with his other George Bush type operations. This one is Operation Bring Em Home.

The farkequennn embarrassing idiot.

Well we could have had shrill incompetent Julia, the lying idiot, whining that Vlad shot it down because she's a woman, all while protecting one of the lowest pieces of misogynist shoit to ever disgrace our parliament - wouldn't that be uplifting.

Or the deceitful narcissist Kevvie using big words and pretending that Vlad was impressed by his supposed ability to connect with the Chinese, while he simultaneously trashed our reputation all over Asia and leaked stories against shrill incompetent Julia - that would have been so much better.

As it is we've had to run with a grown up who pointed out the facts to Vlad and it seems that Vlad is largely playing ball (whilst trying to cover his guilty arze as much as he can).

Though it is nice to see that you felt the need to go for political point scoring here Quigs, I mean, it's only 298 people dead, why not try to make an idiotic point?

You are the Farquennn embarrassing idiot in this scenario Quigs.


We all know why Abbott hates Vlad who can forget the snub he copped from him at the APEC meeting in Bali last year..


I wouldn't believe a word of any article or report until millers & mong have chaired an enquiry.

And old turd, you are dumber than a straightened paperclip.

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