Not meaning to knock Michael Jackson, but I always looked upon him as being a huge commercial enterprise, rather than a creative genius. Anyone who likes Jackson should check out Gene Kelly and Fred Astaire. Those two would dance rings around Jackson in my opinion. Gene Kelly directed a number of his own films; they both choreographed their own dance numbers in their films; they could both sing and they could both act. Check out the movie, "Singin' in the Rain" and see how some of those numbers compare with Michael Jackson`s. I personally think people like Stevie Wonder ( a much better song-writer, in my opinion) paved the way for Michael Jackson. I don`t consider Michael Jackson the King of Pop at all. That mantle belongs to The Beatles. The Godfathers of Pop-Rock.
I respect your opinion, and my questions are just meant for discussion:
(1) Gene Kelly and Fred Astaire were classically trained. Michael Jackson was never trained. I am not sure either Kelly or Astaire would "dance rings around him", but imagine if Michael had received the same training...
(2) Jacko choreographed his own dances AND the moves of his back-up dancers.
(3) Michael Jackson could DEFINITELY sing.
(4) I like Stevie Wonder, but I think you could argue his big hits and Jacko's big hits were comparable. Michael Jackson churned out "Man In The Mirror", "Earth Song", "Leave Me Alone", "Thriller" (together with THE greatest music video ever!), "Off The Wall", "PYT", "Do You Remember The Time?" and countless others that will be stuck in our memories forever.
(5) I agree that the Beatles are the legendary Fathers of Pop Rock. But that's rock'n'roll. Michael was King Of Pop IMO.
But what truly amazed me about the man was that he had no training. At all. And yet he was able to write music (with the help of musicians, seeing as he had no musical training), lyrics, choreograph...:crazy:
Michael Jackson's dancing may not be "mainstream" or "classical" but his moves are being copied to this day. Kids everywhere are doing the Moon Walk; they're doing joint locks and whatnot (not invented by Jacko but heavily popularised by him)...
And then you add the fact that he holds the World Record for most time and money donated to charities around the world and you have someone that redefined world pop music.