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Oi, Sporting Capital of Australia, where's the ticker tape parade?

Fightin' Irish said:
Compare that crowd to the crowds of victorias second tier AFL comp, not much difference at all. Third rate crowds for a third rate comp.

err, we already established that they're Victoria's top Union side.

It might be Union's 3rd tier, but it's Victoria's top Union tier.

Fightin' Irish said:
They were concerned about the lack of government support, what the melbourne bid didnt lack was corporate support and junior numbers.

That's window-dressing for the real problem, Union learnt from The Storm. Union needed instant support and knew they wouldn't get it in Melbourne.

They were right.

Fightin' Irish said:
Good to hear, they are leagues future and if they can gain a decent foothold in australia's second most populus state then it will be a huge bonus for the NRL.

Still a long way to go. The acid test is the new stadium and how they draw there.
Danish said:
Besides that little event watched by billions going on in France right now, right?


Seriously.... :lol:

Danish said:
Besides the AFL Grand Final which was on the day previous of course....


The NRL Grand Final outrated it.

Danish said:
I am rather certain that a player from melbourne has captained the Australian side in the International rules...

International Rules?

Which game did they play, Australian Rules Football?


Danish said:
Me thinks you need to do a bit more research before sprouting off a bunch of jibberish

Dude, seriously, Misty made 1 mistake, you haven't got anything right....

El Diablo

Post Whore
Collingwood Storm said:
the Lord Mayor and Premier were with the storm yesterday, they also congratulated Greg 'Ingles' for his BOG performance

the mayor watched him taking a dump :?


Everlovin' Antichrist said:

Seriously.... :lol:

Misty Bee said:
you own side won the biggest comp in either Rugby code on the face of the earth.

Given the Rugby world cup is the 3rd most watched sporting event in the world.... Something tells me its just slightly bigger than the NRL premiership.


And, if you want to try and qualify the above statement to not include international competitions, we can easily look at the sheer amount of dollars floating around the french rugby union competition.

Everlovin' Antichrist said:

The NRL Grand Final outrated it.

Official Ratings:

- 2.57 million for the AFL

- 2.48 million for the NRL


Care to explain how we outrated them??

Everlovin' Antichrist said:
International Rules?

Which game did they play, Australian Rules Football?


The person captaining the International Rules side came from Aussie Rules, yes.

whats your point?

Misty Bee said:
Cam Smith - the first Melbourne footballer of any code to captain Australia

There are more football codes than just league and union.

Everlovin' Antichrist said:
Dude, seriously, Misty made 1 mistake, you haven't got anything right....

I defy you to find one valid statement in the whole original post. I'd also love for you to clarify what exactly I got wrong in the above points.


The crowd at Fed Square yesterday was massive. I was completely shocked.
Danish said:
Given the Rugby world cup is the 3rd most watched sporting event in the world.... Something tells me its just slightly bigger than the NRL premiership.


And, if you want to try and qualify the above statement to not include international competitions, we can easily look at the sheer amount of dollars floating around the french rugby union competition.

Now, I want you to take notice of the following;

Who is peddling the idea that 3 billion + people will be watching the RWC?



The last RWC final had a viewing audience worldwide of 23 million people.


Note that the site is a Rugby Union site.

There were 48 matches.

Assuming that the final was one of, if not, the most watched match a quick calculation of 23,000,000 x 48 equals 1.1 billion.

Which of course is bollocks because most of the games would have rated significantly less worldwide.

The 3 billion is a figure put forward to impress people with no commonsense.

Danish said:
Official Ratings:

- 2.57 million for the AFL

- 2.48 million for the NRL


Care to explain how we outrated them??


OZTAM only covers 5 cities.

We outrated them in Australia.

Danish said:
The person captaining the International Rules side came from Aussie Rules, yes.

whats your point?

Which other game of International Rules will be played this year?

Or any year?

Danish said:
There are more football codes than just league and union.

International Rules is not a Football code.

Danish said:
I defy you to find one valid statement in the whole original post. I'd also love for you to clarify what exactly I got wrong in the above points.

You're batting 0 mate.
Clover should offer the storm a tickertape parade
For thoroughly embarrassing the imposters that are Manly
I know most of NSW got a massive kick out of it ... save for a few mogans from seaforth and cromer


Everlovin' Antichrist said:
Now, I want you to take notice of the following;

Who is peddling the idea that 3 billion + people will be watching the RWC?



The last RWC final had a viewing audience worldwide of 23 million people.


Note that the site is a Rugby Union site.

There were 48 matches.

Assuming that the final was one of, if not, the most watched match a quick calculation of 23,000,000 x 48 equals 1.1 billion.

Which of course is bollocks because most of the games would have rated significantly less worldwide.

The 3 billion is a figure put forward to impress people with no commonsense.

3 billion is the common accepted figure through all media outlets, including business partners of the Cup which base their telivision rights and advertising deals on such figures.

I'll trust them over your calculations thanks.

And, even if we do want to accept your figures (which I dont), something tells me that 1 billion viewers still makes it just a tiny bit bigger than the NRL, wouldn't you say? That IS what you are arguing against afterall.

Everlovin' Antichrist said:

OZTAM only covers 5 cities.

We outrated them in Australia.

Got a link for that at all?

Everlovin' Antichrist said:
Which other game of International Rules will be played this year?

Or any year?

International Rules is not a Football code.

Why is it not a code? Because you have decided its not??

Its a form of football with about as much presence on the international stage as league.

Everlovin' Antichrist said:
You're batting 0 mate.

I beg to differ


Anyone else find it funny that it's the Roosters "supporter" defending the other codes? Don't insult their beloved Swans or Waratahs - they'll be after you! :lol:



Danish said:
3 billion is the common accepted figure through all media outlets, including business partners of the Cup which base their telivision rights and advertising deals on such figures.

I'll trust them over your calculations thanks.

And, even if we do want to accept your figures (which I dont), something tells me that 1 billion viewers still makes it just a tiny bit bigger than the NRL, wouldn't you say? That IS what you are arguing against afterall.

Use your brain for a second, instead of stubbornly persisting with this line of argument because you cannot admit you are wrong.

How on earth could the Rugby Union World Cup attract a cumulative audience of 3 billion? Just have a little think about it. You don't need EA's figures, all you need is a tiny amount of common sense.


I hate AFL, and am indifferent to union.

I just find it laughable that someone could remotely claim that the NRL is the biggest football competition in any code anywhere in the world.


Everlovin' Antichrist said:
Fair call Misty.

Insularity is their middle name.....

I think a fair chunk of league supporters have that in common with them, based on the replies in this thread so far.


Danish said:
I just find it laughable that someone could remotely claim that the NRL is the biggest football competition in any code anywhere in the world.

Agreed. I can think of several that might be bigger.

Football World Cup
Serie A

etc etc etc...
skeepe said:
Agreed. I can think of several that might be bigger.

Football World Cup
Serie A

etc etc etc...

If you scroll back I think you'll find the original comment was in relation to codes of Rugby... not 'football'.
Danish said:
3 billion is the common accepted figure through all media outlets, including business partners of the Cup which base their telivision rights and advertising deals on such figures.

I'll trust them over your calculations thanks.

3 billion is what they want you to think.

If you're too stupid to see through it and can't understand the simple calculations that put the kybosh on their figure immediately....

Danish said:
And, even if we do want to accept your figures (which I dont), something tells me that 1 billion viewers still makes it just a tiny bit bigger than the NRL, wouldn't you say?

The 1 billion is overstating it a lot. Commonsense is what's required. See if you can buy some on Ebay.

If every game rated as highly as the final, it would be 1 billion.

Danish said:
That IS what you are arguing against afterall.


Typical Union fan.

Danish said:
Got a link for that at all?

You were smart enough to find the OZTAM figures?

Find them youself.

Danish said:
Why is it not a code? Because you have decided its not??

So, you're suggesting that a couple of now-defunct hybrid matches put on to give a few AFL lads a holiday and appease AFL fans who want any sort of rep matches is now a code?

Gimme a break.

Danish said:
Its a form of football with about as much presence on the international stage as league.

It doesn't exist.

And don't talk sh*t, it was never as popular as League Tests.


Danish said:
I beg to differ

Do whatever you like, you're still wrong.
Danish said:
I just find it laughable that someone could remotely claim that the NRL is the biggest football competition in any code anywhere in the world.


Oh skeepe, do you believe that there will be 3 billion+ people watching the RWC?