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Oi, Sporting Capital of Australia, where's the ticker tape parade?


So, to recap, apparently the city of Melbourne could not care less that a franchise based in their city, but totally funded by Uncle Rupert (with little grass-roots support), has won a roogby league grand final.

Hard to blame them, in my opinion.

They have their own sports. AFL and rugby, as well as soccer, all of which have strong histories, lots of grass-roots support, and substantial traditions in the big V.


Wambers :lol:

They have their own sports. AFL and rugby


The Rebels




If you want to talk about it, drag your sorry old arse into the Fight Club, you gutless wonder.


Woods99 said:
So, to recap, apparently the city of Melbourne could not care less that a franchise based in their city, but totally funded by Uncle Rupert (with little grass-roots support), has won a roogby league grand final.

Hard to blame them, in my opinion.

They have their own sports. AFL and rugby, as well as soccer, all of which have strong histories, lots of grass-roots support, and substantial traditions in the big V.

Yeah, it really looks like it. :roll:





Woods99 said:
So, to recap, apparently the city of Melbourne could not care less that a franchise based in their city, but totally funded by Uncle Rupert (with little grass-roots support), has won a roogby league grand final.

Hard to blame them, in my opinion.

They have their own sports. AFL and rugby, as well as soccer, all of which have strong histories, lots of grass-roots support, and substantial traditions in the big V.

Most people can see Uncle Rupert is trying to buy success in one way or another.
Success of a team and a competition he has a Major fianancial interest in.
How Surprising:eek:
But there will always be a few wood-ducks that believe the propaganda that power and influence brings.

miguel de cervantes

First Grade
Move this thread to the fight club.

According to this...


there were just under 1.5 billion televisions on earth in 2003. Just a quick scan of the top of the list and you can instantly subtract a third of this, 500 million, as they belong to countries I'm certain aren't the least bit interested in rugby union. I'm certain you could remove more, including a large slice of America's 219,000,000 boxes. That leaves us with a generous one billion telelvisions worldwide and we need to fabricate a claim that 3 billion (though I have read 4) people are watching the union world cup. It leaves people open to claiming that 2 thirds of the world population watched the world cup. Just the language used by the union spin doctors, that there a 3-4 billion viewers, téléspectateurs, whatever, is a load of crap. Obviously you need the same people watching several games from this to be anywhere remotely true, but we shall continue.

Claims such as these rely heavily on estimating the ratio of viewers to each television, which is extremely difficult to do. Applying an accurate factor to your estimations is close to impossible and can easily skew your figures by huge amounts and any estimate to a viewing audience should explicitly state whatever method you used. I haven't seen union clarify this.

Let's take a look at the previous world cup to see if we can gauge the accuracy of union's claims for the present episode.


Australia was estimated to have a touch over 10 million televisions in 2003. Let's assume that the average audience for one television is 3. If 30 million people in Australia tuned into the last world cup of union (as quoted above in this thread), this means every television in Australia was tuned into one game throughout the tournament. More realistically, we can say that an average of 1/10th of the nation's televisions were tuned into 10 games throughout the tournament - ie 1 million televisions and 3 million viewers Australia wide for each game.

Considering the final, which was by far the most attractive game of the tournament, peaked with a national audience of 4.34 million (
http://www.rwc2003.irb.com/EN/Tournament/News/md2411presser.htm) already this seems over generous. Even Bledisloe Cup games normally draw a national audience of around 500k (http://forums.leagueunlimited.com/showthread.php?p=2361348&highlight=bledisloe+cup#post2361348)
If we estimate the average national audience over the duration of the tournament to be a hefty 1 million, this requires an average of 333k televisions tuned into on average 30 games of the tournament to bring up the 30 million audience figure. I don't know about you but I didn't watch 30 games of the 2003 XV WC and I don't know anyone who would or could, so not only do the audience estimates seem generous (a look at 2003 television ratings could determine the actual audience average. Was it around 1 million?), but the average games per television ratio seems outlandish.

Thus, the only way to make these figures more sensible is to increase the average ratio of viewers per television for each game. Union must consider an average of 3 viewers per television for union broadcasts in Australia an underestimate. But wait, how can this be possible if there are 10 million televisions in a country of 20 million people, ie with a nominal ratio of 2 to 1? Only if the games were heavily watched in pubs, clubs etc. live sites or at BBQs as union representatives often claim. The problem is the distribution of televisions around the country is presumedly pretty homogenious, and every person that goes out to watch a game at one of these places is likely to be abandoning at least one television at their home. Thus while the ratio of viewers to each television at the public location climbs, either

(a) the ratio must fall back home and overall the average ratio remains intact. Of course this point only applies if the televisions back at home were left switched onto the rugby. This argument thus applies if dad goes to the pub to watch the game with his mates whilst the family stays home to watch. All in all the ratio reamains the same.

or (b) the number of televisions tuned into the game falls as you switch the television off at home or those remaining watch something else.

In summary, in order to increase the ratio of viewers to each television, the number of televisions tuned into the broadcast must fall and the number of rugby congregations must rise.

As far as I am aware, because of obvious accuracy issues in regards to audience demographics, the TAM ratings system takes all its samples from televisions in homes, not in pubs, clubs etc. Thus the TV audience figures mentioned above don't take into account pubs, clubs and livesites. They only account for family homes and so the only possibility left to increase the number of rugby congregations and hence the viewer ratio is through family BBQs (or whatever).

Thinking back a bit, we showed that the viewer per TV estimate of 3 to 1 for each game seems a little too low to produce realistic average ratings and realistic number of games watched. And can you realistically say that on average all 333k televisions showing each of the on average 30 rugby games had on average at least one out-of-household guest? That gives us 9,990,000 rugby BBQs held Australia wide during the world cup assuming each BBQ covered only one game. That's a lot of sausage. Did almost every second Australian attend a rugby BBQ during the world cup? I didn't go to any rugby union BBQs during the 2003 XV WC.

As you can see the Australian figures don't really add up.


The total population of the countries represented at the rugby world cup in 2003 equates to around 1 billion people.

This is probably about right. Please don't claim that they are all interested in it or even know that it is occuring though. If we do take these Australian 2003 figures as reasonable, one must consider that

- ALL games were obviously broadcast at acceptable viewing times for Australians.
- Compared to other countries, Australia would have a high(er) percentage of it's population, due to fact that Australians are generally rugby aware and particularly during the world cup bonanza, interested in and willing to watch games.
- Australians like to watch sport

These three facts combined would lead one to expect that Australia would have had the highest TV viewing per capita in the tournament in the world. Taking the dubious figure of 30 million out of 20 million inhabitants, injecting this apparent Australian rugby fervour into every other rugby represented country in the cup gives a total viewing audience of 1.5 billion.

3 billion is the common accepted figure through all media outlets, including business partners of the Cup which base their telivision rights and advertising deals on such figures.

I'll trust them over your calculations thanks.

This is what really bugs me. It just doesn't make sense. It reminds me of several reports released a while back claiming that a dictator, admittedly a nefarious character, possessed stockpiles of nasty weapons and was very close to unleashing them upon the world. The reports were sanctioned by some very big names on the world stage, so big that many people barely hesitated when deciding they were true, and never really questioned their validity. Many years later and these claims have all but been shown to be completely false and many now suspect they were fabricated in order to benefit some of the original players in the grand illusion.

This is exactly what union is doing. Don't swallow it. If all the business partners of the cup want to throw their money away that is their problem. But I don't like to be bullsh*tted to.



Thank you for so eloquently and comprehensively dismantling the myth of 3 billion viewers world wide. :clap:


Misty Bee said:

Sydneysiders had to put up with one when the Swans won your pissant comp. So, if you are the city that embraces all sports, you own side won the biggest comp in either Rugby code on the face of the earth. It also won the most viewed sporting event in Australia. Will Cam Smith - the first Melbourne footballer of any code to captain Australia, be given the keys to the city?


Is that the comp which drew SEVEN MILLION people through the gate this year ?
Or the one that landed a SEVEN HUNDRED & EIGHTY MILLION dollar TV contract ?

Misty Bee

First Grade
Can you make a post without mentioning 7 million bored victorians lamenting the lack of anything to do in bleak city?

I'm wondering why at least 4 million of them were NOT watching your grand final?


First Grade
Everlovin' Antichrist said:
No, because they won't accept League or Union to the extent that places like Sydney and Brisbane have accepted AFL.

Do you know what the name of Victoria's top Union side is?

But you make a good point, Melbourne is the event capital of Australia.

Nothing more....

Just out of interest EA, or Misty Bee for that matter ... When was the last time a Melbourne Aussie Rules side was given a tickertape parade for winning the premieship?

If Geelong had as much yesterday (In Geelong nonetheless), a provincial side winning their first premiership in 44 years doesn't count.

I dare say the Storm recieved more attention from the powers that be than if an Aussie Rules side took the cup.

From the link provided ...
Bellamy was yesterday still celebrating Storm's stunning triumph as 3000 fans descended on Federation Square for a civic reception to officially welcome the premiership trophy back to Victoria.

Twice as many people showed up in Melbourne to see a non-Melbourne side with their trophy on Saturday night ;-)

re: Your first comment .... :lol: Don't only 100,000 people watch Swans games when shown up there? 2% of the population doesn't count as 'embracing' the game fool.

Though, it's good to know you want Sydney people to embrace the game, just so you can call us the 'event' capital of the country. lmao


Woods99 said:
So, to recap, apparently the city of Melbourne could not care less that a franchise based in their city, but totally funded by Uncle Rupert (with little grass-roots support), has won a roogby league grand final.

Hard to blame them, in my opinion.

They have their own sports. AFL and rugby, as well as soccer, all of which have strong histories, lots of grass-roots support, and substantial traditions in the big V.

totally funded! You as usual have it typically wrong again.Yes News throws in money, totally? rubbish.The storm have sponsorships for starters amongs the biggest in the NRL,and equal to the 2 biggest in the AFL melb(source Brian Waldron),in additon there is the $3.5m or thereabouts grant to all NRL clubs from the TV and sponsorship monies the NRL gets out of the pool.
You display your ignorance again,RL is getting into the schools new junior clubs are being formed as in the Murray goulburn league as an example.Union for all its years of existence in Vic is getting p... weak crowds for the ARC comp.Check the Tv ratings for the G/F .check the crowd of 33,000 for the semi against Parramatta,check the SOO sellout last year,check the 30,000 plus to a NZ test match.
Oh and before the G/F the Storm sold over $1m dollars worth of merhcnadise this year.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news old fella,the fact is the storm's fan base,grassroots base is growing and with a G/F win,will grow further.Not bad for a game only there for less than 10 years.
And union in Vic? just ambling along no one really notices.


Steyger said:
Is that the comp which drew SEVEN MILLION people through the gate this year ?
Or the one that landed a SEVEN HUNDRED & EIGHTY MILLION dollar TV contract ?

The comp where ch 7 and 10 are wondering why they spent so much(an article in the Syd Herald),as the ratings for the AFL in Sydney in particular and Brisbane are going down in stead of up.Despite all the money the AFL poured into both states.
The comp that is being beaten in the Pay TV by the NRL?.


Woods99 said:
So, to recap, apparently the city of Melbourne could not care less that a franchise based in their city, but totally funded by Uncle Rupert (with little grass-roots support), has won a roogby league grand final.

Hard to blame them, in my opinion.

They have their own sports. AFL and rugby, as well as soccer, all of which have strong histories, lots of grass-roots support, and substantial traditions in the big V.

Would that be the same Uncle Rupert who pays for the S14? :roll:



Seriously this new Australia championship averages around 1 and half thousand people, considering half of that would be family or friends of the players playing in the game that is pathetic.
Woods99 said:
So, to recap, apparently the city of Melbourne could not care less that a franchise based in their city, but totally funded by Uncle Rupert (with little grass-roots support), has won a roogby league grand final.

Hard to blame them, in my opinion.

They have their own sports. AFL and rugby, as well as soccer, all of which have strong histories, lots of grass-roots support, and substantial traditions in the big V.

I expect you mean Union.

Old Weary would turn in his grave if he saw the top Victorian Union side playing in front of a few hundred spectators..


First Grade
Just out of interest here is the Victorian rugby union playing strength:

Over the 99 year history of the Victorian Rugby Union, the competition has expanded from five teams to forty-two.

In 2007, the VRU has committed to a new and exciting Senior Club Competition. The main feature of the Competition is the Pillar Cup, a mixture of graded teams playing in six host Pillars. This will commence on the Test Match weekend (29-30 June).

The Pillar Cup will be underpinned by a new Premier Competition comprising all Metropolitan Senior Club teams graded over three Premier competitions and containing twelve teams in each competition. Other senior competitions offered are Colts (U20), Country, Women’s and Masters (over 35s).

The Junior Club competitions have increased significantly in recent years offering 4 age groups from Under 12s to Under 18s with an A & B grade level in most of these age groups.

Non-competition games for Under 6s through to Under 10s (Walla and Mini Rugby) are also well established and enjoyed by many.

Melbourne Rugby Club won the first year of the five-team Victorian Rugby Union competition in 1909.

During this time, a number of clubs have dominated the 1st Grade results. Boroondara (formerly Kiwis & Kiwi Hawthorn), Melbourne and Moorabbin Rugby Clubs share the most number of Premierships with 14 apiece. Moorabbin holds the record for consecutive Premierships, winning six in a row from 1981-1986. Other prominent clubs during this 99 year period include Melbourne University, Power House and Navy.

Unfortunately this year the ongoing dry conditions have created restrictions on the early availability of most rugby fields both in Melbourne and outer regions. The VRU, like most winter sports, has therefore made the decision to delay the start of the club competition for both Junior and Senior Rugby until 5 May 2007.

Number of RU clubs in Victoria:

Metro area: 19
Regional: 7


First Grade
just to clear thing up about the relative strength of club union in Northern Hemisphere. The combined crowds of French & English RU first division fixtures approximately equals the NRL crowds.

RU clubs in France average about 8000 to their games for their 26 week season (2007- 1.92million aggregate) & the English aggregate for the season is about 1.3 million (they have a shorter season).



just thinking about R.U is making me go to sleep :sleeper: . oh yea and R.U's making a great impact on the central coast :BDH: with less then 2000 people turning up to watch the rays play at bluetongue stadium. :lol:

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